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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. My marriage extensions take between 1.5-2 hours, certainly not all day as you suggest.
  2. A quiet night time location and free parking are my top 2. E.g, April Suites in Pattaya. Budget between 800 - 1500 per night inclusive. Obviously clean with good housekeeping and staff.
  3. Additional private car insurance is not required to renew your annual road registration, the compulsory government insurance is issued and paid for at the same time as the new 1 year windscreen sticker.
  4. That's what happens when you deal with the devil.
  5. Another example of a Neanderthal in the schools of Thailand which is why the completely useless rote system is still in use. These people don't teach they preach and preach utter nonsense.
  6. Another fine example of corrupt junta appointed cronies foiling the will of the people to keep the guilty in power.
  7. Absolutely outrageous and these military Muppets and their billionaire cronies know no shame when it comes to their contempt for the lives of ordinary citizens. Meanwhile they waste billions on submarines with no engines and other army boys toys.
  8. I know plenty of girls here in Isaan who work for local businesses and they get nowhere near 30k a month. Most Thai people manage on half that and many more on less and keep a family together. For example their electricity bills are often 500 baht a month or less running 1 fridge and 1 TV and some lighting. A bank manager with a University degree will be making 35 - 45k a month or thereabouts depending on seniority, to put in some perspective.
  9. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour again from people who allow children to be repeated victims. No accountability anywhere in Thailand. They should all be locked up.
  10. No doubt anyththing published from the grossly incompetent and corrupt NACC would expose just how bad they are at their jobs by protecting the guilty. How can they even possibly over rule a Supreme court decision...
  11. It is well known the BiB are prone to only operate in the hours of sunlight as anything else inhibits there ability to function. Unless a photo opportunity presents itself.
  12. More evidence of the Thai culture that the guilty survive at the detriment of those who chose a purer path in life. Where is the the office of bhuddism? Silent as usual.
  13. Coming from Muppets that bought bomb detectors which were the equivalent of waving a piece of wood over a egg to determine if there was any explosive material present is a complete joke. In other words the word detect dosent exist in Thailand, everything is reactive. Just look at the chaos in Pattaya with the Arab s***
  14. The Muppets do whatever they like when it suits them, part of the price of living here...
  15. Fook in hell. They cannot even repair the roads let alone go into space. I guess there is too much spaced out thinking going on with the new ganja laws...
  16. Oh dear now the Indians have lost control, chapatis at dawn. Who would have thought it...
  17. I fail to see why these law breakers aren't just rounded up and deported with a black listed passport because they are causing more harm to residents and other tourists with their selfish behaviour than they are worth to the economy.
  18. Drunk Brit's abroad, these scenes used to be a regular occurrence in Spain and Cyprus and in the Mediterranean generally years ago, it would appear that it's now been exported over here. Sad.
  19. And nothing for those that lost their livelihoods but plenty available for those who already feed from the trough. Absolutely disgusting.
  20. Most lawyers will make a will for you and act as the executor.
  21. All dependent on the office you are applying at. As is usually the case in Thailand, no standard rules applied but made up on a whim by a civil servant.
  22. Unfortunately they won't care if they are being conned or not because they are just eager to get into power and begin feeding from the trough.
  23. My gym is the great outdoors, indoor gyms are full of drugs and bacteria.
  24. I sincerely hope he's wrong, there could be major demonstrations if the election losers get into power. And we all know what happens when that kicks off, another coup...
  25. ???????????? Thailand has problems building common infrastructure let alone spaceports. Where is the 3 airport express railway, absolutely nowhere. Where is the hi speed railway from Bangkok to Vientiane, hardly begun etc
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