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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. You don't have to be a nuclear scientist to know what is going on. He clearly sends money to his TGF and visits her.
  2. It is an APC, I suspect they just used any army vehicle photo as opposed to one of the pickup they were talking about.
  3. I did my UK passport renewal recently with VFS, my proof of address was a letter from DWP. I guess anything similar would be acceptable, from a UK institution. I received my new passport in 3 week's. I did both the application and collection in person. I did have to ask for the Consul letter asking Thai immigration to transfer my visa extension stamps into the new passport because it was not offered. Overall a pleasant experience.
  4. Well of course they are going to deny it because they are corrupt government employees.
  5. And has anything been done in terms of compensation...
  6. Macron is a feeble appeaser, the arrogant french don't remember what happens to them every time they are invaded, We bail them out because they are a clueless bunch of aristocrats.
  7. What about the chinese mafia gangs... The country is awash with foreign gangs because the head of the police is a incompetent Muppet, Too, who lets them all in under the guise of tourists, who then pay to get visas...
  8. Thais can't park their cars full stop. I sit in wonder at the antics in my local BigC car park. It's a form of entertainment to me.
  9. Another numpty Muppet statement. If he's not in the cabinet or government with the forthcoming election looming in May, he won't have any say in any policy on health or any other issues.
  10. I had to laugh at the most uneducated, most unintelligent Too offering his services to the nations elders after more than 8 years of blunder and plunder.
  11. Most of what happens in Thailand is behind a veneer of some sort and the current Czar Muppet is as much of a veneer that you could possibly get. Strip it away and it's all rotten underneath...
  12. The ladies of the night will be girding their loins in anticipation...
  13. And they want to continue the plunder in the forthcoming election.
  14. Not every IO will go to those lengths. My visit lasted about 20 minutes and the time was mainly spent inspecting my garden while talking to my wife and the village head. A couple of photos outside, didn't go inside the house at all. As is well documented each IO does it's own thing when it comes to most procedures.
  15. Hardly news as these illegal gambling operations can only operate because of the pay offs, not to mention that many are run by the criminals in uniform in the first place.
  16. I did a XFR yesterday, arrived in seconds UK to BB around 7.30am Thai time.
  17. There is no dignity or reputation to damage any longer the dictator has seen to that long ago. Add to the fact the country is a de facto province of China about says it all.
  18. She can only claim a UK state pension if she was resident and has NI number and made contributions. Many company pensions, my own included, allow an 'expression of wish' following death which needs to be arranged with the trustees. My wife for example will currently receive 50,% of my pension monthly upon my death. She has the details of who to contact, these should also be included in your will made in Thailand.
  19. Sshhhh. Don't tell the Muppets at TAT as they're bound to be dreaming up more hi wealth tourist no a hope in hell schemes...
  20. He won't get a satang back if he was actually pickpocketed as he claims, gold necklaces are far easier to reclaim. The baht will already have been spent.
  21. That's what happens when you make things illegal, illegality becomes the norm.
  22. Yet more contempt for democracy by the lazy incompetent parliamentarians in this country. A complete disgrace.
  23. Go to your local IO and get it before you travel.
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