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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. I don't worry at all, there is nothing anyone can do to control the forces of nature.
  2. Can't beat walking into the office and actually handing over your passport. I am usually in and out in under 10 minutes and it allows me to do some retail therapy at Robinson's, HomePro, Global etc afterwards every 3 months.
  3. I do transfers to Kasikorn and Bangkok banks on a regular basis GBP to Baht and haven't had any issues for several years. Money comes into my Thai accounts in less than a couple of minutes, usually seconds.
  4. I also have a Filano 2018 model which has done 36000 Kms. I've had no power issues at all with it but then I don't use it as a pickup truck and don't thrash it at 90 Kms and hour everywhere I go.
  5. The problem with the GPX is spares are very expensive. A friend of mine at a GPX dealer was quoted 3000 baht for the rear light assembly, looked online and couldn't see anything less than 4000.
  6. Meanwhile crime that is indigenous to the country can carry on as normal by the biggest organisation of crime in the nation, while pretending that crime which is perpetrated by foreigners only affects Thai society. As for transparency it's the same old rethortic trotted out every year and the corrupt core continues on regardless. If they made it illegal for themselves to run businesses then it would be a start but of course there is absolutely zero chance of that happening.
  7. The vast majority of rural homes have no earth wire.
  8. RiP to the young man and condolences to his family. Calling the Vogue hotel swanky is journalistic licence at its extreme.
  9. My driving license has my yellow book and Pink ID card number on it, instead of my passport number. I renew my driving license without needing a resident certificate from immigration, so far. I have no idea why the local land transport office put my Thai ID number on the original 5 year licence but so far I am happy not to do a 180 km roadtrip to get a certificate.
  10. Why see a farang doctor here. I live in the Isaan bush and the doctors at my local government hospital speak English and of course charge a fraction that you have to pay in Sin City.
  11. My money increases by the rate of CPI every year, unless of course it's zero or minus and it that case my pension remains the same for another year.
  12. My regular 3 star in Pattaya provides complementary bathroom accessories including a toothbrush, I fail to see why a so called 5 star needs to charge anything for such items.
  13. I bought a Click from a lady in my village who hadn't tax it for 4 or 5 years. When we went to change the ownership into my wife's name, I paid the outstanding years and taxed it for another incase it was used to go into town, where of course there are police checkpoints. Many motorcycles aren't taxed here in Isaan, especially if used locally you won't ever be caught going from village to village and around the paddies as we never see a policeman.
  14. I wouldn't live in Phuket if you paid me, it was a nice place 20 years ago but is now overrated and overpriced. I haven't been there for 15 years and have zero interest in ever going again.
  15. Hardly a surprise when they given advance notice and why weren't they flagged at immigration? Another old boys club stitch up, leaving the victims families hung out to dry, absolutely scandalous.
  16. Anyone owning a gun in this country needs to be Putin a mental institution. If you ever use it, you'll be totally <deleted> as a foreigner.
  17. I disagree. There are places to go to for a night out. Just a couple of weeks ago I was in Leo's bar and then the Cafe Tree. The entertainment can be a bit spaced out but it's there if you like local places, which I find more attractive. There are farang places like the Cookoos Nest if you prefer expat company.
  18. Coming from a unelected person that is a joke. The reason for the proliferation of foreigners working here has been caused by government policy. Free entry visas being just 1 example. The other examples are of course fees being paid to officials to turn a blind eye to their criminal activity. In the meantime the pursuit of numbers entering the country is of prime importance despite the flood of mafia and associated undesirable persons... As usual no joined up thinking in Thailand, everyone has their own agenda
  19. As tragic as the accident waiting to happen was, unfortunately this is a nationwide problem of corruption, where people pay officials to circumvent the law. Only recently a farang friend of mine was inticed to paying a kerbside 'fee' of 4000 baht or go to the police station, where he was told he would be overnight...
  20. I like the Surf kitchen on the beach road for Thai food including fish, with a view of the sea looking out to Koh Larn.
  21. A completely useless visit trotting out the usual mumbo jumbo that won't enhance the locals lives one bit. Another billionaire who hasn't a clue what's happening in the country. Thailand has unfortunately many of them.
  22. Some monk, all his Bhudda points have gone up in smoke and his journey to enlightenment forever erased.
  23. He's a <deleted> who needs his balls chopped off
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