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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Highly unlikely, unless they start sending out people to pinprick all the condoms. This, it's happening in many "western" countries, they're all wringing their hands but have offered virtually zero solutions. They don't even like talking about it, hard to spin it nowadays. It's a pickle to be sure, a lot of those old white dudes are already fantasising about a Handmaid's Tale style solution.
  2. Yeah, this. Have you seen those lady's, you're paying the going rate or you're getting cut.
  3. This is true. The internet, in all its form and splendour, functions solely on one principle: the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.
  4. Tiresome, the original "concept" was not intended as an all seasons pass to be a-holes. Although considering how some behave, the streets of Siam would be a continuous blood purge if they allowed naming and shaming.
  5. At the end of the year will he present a briefcase full of handwritten IOUs, some on napkins?
  6. So this land bridge is also going to move oil from tanker/coast to tanker/coast? awww, is someone thinking refineries? Nobody said anything about expensive to maintain truck fleets, you've seen those guys on scooters with 8 industrial gas bottles stacked behind them secured by a single frayed bungee strap. That times a thousand, a constant stream of freight scooters across the nation, and it shall be, glorious!
  7. organic searches will I survive? how to escape captivity? prawns, how many is too many? public pooping and the law? how long can you tread water?
  8. This article is not correct, that is the new Flight Mode being demonstrated.
  9. It’s time to dust off those old puns. <Dust Pun Battle!!> You are dust and you shall return to dust... Which is why I don't dust - it could be someone I know
  10. Not me, I don't care about insults delivered via pixels. Insult me using a collage or diorama, then we gotsa problem.
  11. Dust. Is. Here... and here, some over there, oh and more over here, there, there, and lot's up here.
  12. <shares popcorn> (the heavy hitters will be along soon, and that's when it gets a little "after dark" comment crazy.)
  13. I want to help them both, and to save time, at the same time. That fire extinguisher is more than likely not up to code? Or recently serviced?
  14. hah, they're snookered, can't keep what they have if they make the people smarter, can't make more if they keep the people dumber.
  15. The amount of whoopass thrashings these guys missed out on as kids definitely shows. I'm a little prince, mummy says I am.
  16. Yeah, that would make more sense, I wonder who will get the contract for all that concrete if it goes ahead. Kidding, we all know who.
  17. Can we just call it a road, please, specialised yes, but still just a road. Land Bridge
  18. Be careful, it's all reporting to the appropriate authorities now, but it can get stabby and or bullety real fast here. Just because neighbours let off strings of bangers any time of the day and just because they sing really bad karaoke at 2AM in the morning, or the illegal cockfights every Sunday with accompanying "We are the Champions Chickens" playing so loud it makes the kids cry, doesn't mean "we" can.
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