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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. Older 7/11 ATM reboots, up comes Windows XP for the win. I've found two nearby, BB and KK
  2. Everybody was Kung Fu fighting. It wasn't women, it was one ladyboi, and she was yelling "get em!" - probably
  3. I remember reading years back an article written by a Thai language academic, that most Thais don't speak core Thai well for starters. I always wondered if that was true.
  4. Most of the time they pretend they can't understand my Thai, they see milk toast face and only hear babble. My pronunciation of key phrases is correct according to family/friends but taxi drivers in particular play dumb a lot. That's when I break out my inner mime, the more gesturing the better. Pulling myself along an invisible rope while saying Central World has not worked yet. Making the shape of the building with my hands and then miming driving, also not effective. At this point you can see the "what the fk is this farang doing" look in their eyes. All of a sudden they can understand me, and then refuse the fare anyway.
  5. Isn't this the same fellow that was recently shuffled because he's somewhat of a firecracker?
  6. I wonder what the cue/trigger is for when they all decide to wear their phraratchathan costume or a suit/tie combo. My guess is it depends on the announcement, anything that might go international, western garb. Anything they think will only be local news gets the local fancy dress. And is that Sretta checking to see if his shocks are showing?.. they have to be showing at all times, that's his "thing" now.
  7. Isn't there one more conviction left remaining, for her roadshow carnival infrastructure spectacular that cost alleged millions?
  8. But Uncle P was very clear about this on many occasions, no detours on their road map, engraved onto two golden tablets, ineffable, unchanging. Plus you can't just tell everyone you can change the framework when you want everyone to believe the framework is unchangeable. It's a tricky balance.
  9. Sushi is fun, you've got the train and tracks, those two wooden sticks to get the tasty morsel to your food hole all the while trying to look as if you use chopsticks everyday. Real wasabi, can be expensive, is the bomb, and that pickled vegetable stuff, oh yeah. Miso soup ftw.
  10. It's always fun when near the end of a thread it goes off the rails. Cant Find Good Pizza morphs into How your Pizza Topping choices Indicate How Much Of A Terrible Person You Are. also Pizza Mania, Soho Pizza. Or you can order direct from SpiderMike007's woman, home made, wood fired (probably), he sounds rich. PM for number. teehee
  11. I read elsewhere when this was asked that it was/is? common in China too. Pre-made marinara sauce isn't readily available, storage, heat, cost, etc. Ketchup, sweeter and in a bottle full of preservatives that never goes bad.
  12. Is Mint still owned by the Green Lantern?
  13. New Official Announcement This was a bad idea, we can't fix it, 81000, sht, this initiative is over. Love, The Guv
  14. https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/64484-all-my-downloads-are-gone/ April '23
  15. How long does it take to recover from Face Off surgery?
  16. When you get 50 stamps you get a free shandy at a nearby establishment.
  17. nope, just laughter at how when I don't know a word I substitute it with the Thai word for watermelon.
  18. Yes this, to a lot of people the words, pc, computer, server, email and internet mean all the same thing.
  19. I need to find the photo of the noodle shop I visited a few months ago Sum Cock Noodles
  20. True, but 40 million bodies not doing anything is still 40 million bodies not doing anything, next year or 5 years from now. If they have power they are choosing not to use it.
  21. The problem is that religion is the problem, it produces, attracts and refines people of that nature. Over and over gain throughout history we've killed and murdered over beliefs, ideas don't tend to send whole nations to war over a difference in the wording of a paragraph in some made up book.
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