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fondue zoo

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Everything posted by fondue zoo

  1. I'm guessing with a grant there isn't a lot of transparency or accountability with what is done with the funds?
  2. hmm, how many kids here are packing?
  3. I thought I was the only one. The original was a good buy B39, and was sourdough. It disappeared for bit around here and came back as cake. Tastes like bread with a light coating of fish sauce..
  4. Shrinkflation, when you reach a certain age it happens. There are medicines. Looks like 6 but she you only get 3.
  5. It wouldn't have been fun at the time but I can't help but think of this bit.
  6. Are they bee keepers by trade? Yes, this is a common problem many of us have had to deal with, what to do, what to do. Want to bang but parents will die if we do, it's a pickle to be sure.
  7. If he has coin, this: https://rewalk.com/
  8. I immediately strip to tightey whiteys, stand at attention and sing any national anthem that comes to mind. I rarely know the words so it's basically a lot loud humming and incorrect lyrics. The trick is not to make eye contact with anyone.
  9. Find the Master's Midnight Diner
  10. Humans have thought up some of the dumbest social concepts to exist within that then get applied en masse, even using violence to make it stick. A flawed and gullible breed.
  11. The planet can handle the numbers, the problem is our clever quasi ape brains have sidestepped the natural balance mechanisms that "nature" develops to deal with an uppity species. Perfectly fine for a species to do that if they have the tech and motivation to create a new equilibrium that doesn't screw up everything else. The problem mostly appears to be a lack of motivation on the part of we humans. Blessed be the Tængmo Baby!
  12. My favourite is the paver that looks stable and normal but is in actual fact hiding a small pool of stanky stankwater from a rainstorm 3 days old. Trip the paver trap, foot and flop gets slimed.
  13. Dear Richard, I hope you recall me, you love me single night of passion, now Huey, Dewey, and lil' Louie ask where is father? please call
  14. I like the way it displays 'such and such are typing' when viewing a topic but can we add 'such and such are typing furiously...'
  15. If they don't know you, mostly with indifference.
  16. I can't help but wonder that if the shootings had not been as "visible", happening at a different location, at night, and assuming the family had money, they could of applied the red bull method. But this incident was too public and the family is obviously not connected nor do they have red bull level money.
  17. The graft boners this must be giving them.
  18. What are the procedures in the countries we all come from?
  19. Can't help but think this is more about who pays?
  20. Yarr, this is odd, hardly a peep this time.
  21. They never reply... too busy with the ufos at the moment Anyway, I was -hoping- for a dozen angry and or condescending responses laden with barely veiled racist overtones.
  22. Just curious, how are they viewed logistically speaking, their ability to move and deploy troops en masse, all the materiel of war, that kind of thing? ...assuming they intend to make a move off continent.
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