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Everything posted by StayinThailand2much

  1. Correct. I saw a Thai girl's passport in Pattaya with a number of Indian visa stamps. A couple of months spreading legs in India, then a while in Pattaya catching up with friends, repeat...
  2. Western foreigners can be milked for plenty of cash. (Indians, other Asians, or Africans will just pretend to have 'no money'... No way, Westerners would get away with that excuse. 😛) By the way, 'online sellers' meaning anyone bartering online? I know a number of people who should be worried. Perhaps they can get a work permit for this, if available. 😙
  3. Is the number of entries overland still limited to two per calendar year, or was the limit waived?
  4. Problems with Thai government websites, or their computer systems? - Never heard of such a thing... 😆 I'm sure that by 2567 (pun intended) they will have sorted out all glitches. 🤔
  5. The Hub of Grimms' Fairy Tales...
  6. Was it a Thai guide working illegally in China ? Surely not Shirley ..... I remember the outcry a few years ago, when Chinese tour guides in Pattaya told their countrymen trailing behind them, that 'Thai mothers send their sons to ladyboy-school, and that Thailand is a colony of China'... Didn't even put a small dent into Thai people's huge opinion of the Chinese.
  7. Can anyone explain to me, why, with the money being borrowed by the government for this, the baht is suddenly this strong?
  8. 100% agree due to own experience, what Chinese people told me themselves, and what I see on YouTube... While Chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, etc., are cultured and polite people, the same cannot be said about mainlanders. (Obviously, the Cultural Revolution, and 75 years of CCP rule have killed off most of Chinese culture and manners.) Why the admiration of (mainland) Chinese in Thailand? Who knows, but I blame brainwashing of the masses by the Chinese-Thai elite and media.
  9. But, reportedly, still 80% (according to a survey) of all Thais (more than any other nationality) love the Chinese (tourists), while even expats from other countries do not enjoy such an admiration...
  10. Everyone knew that this was boll****, so why keep up the lie... And 'benefitting tourism'... Haha, it will only end up in state coffers, at best, or corrupt officials' pockets at the worst...
  11. I downloaded the app, which, strangely enough, is called 'THAI E-VISA OFFICIAL WEBSITE'.
  12. I tried out the Thailand ETA website and encountered a number of issues, incl. 'freezing' drop-down menus where one gets stuck while applying. But the most puzzling thing was being asked for one's passport country, and then the 'Current Location'. I noticed that, after adding any Asian country, no Thai embassy, or consulate in the next drop-down menu was visible one could click on, which begs the question, does one have to lie when not applying from the home country, i.e. applying to a diplomatic mission in one's home country while being, say in Singapore, on the way to Thailand? What could possibly go wrong when arriving?
  13. And I thought there were 30 or 40 million foreign 'tourists' this year... 😆 Wonder, where they sleep.
  14. Despite all this 'helicopter money' the baht is strengthening... Weird!
  15. Spot on. They couldn't even figure out which foreigners stay more than 180 days in a tax year in Thailand, or why would we have to fill out numerous forms all the time, even though it's all in their computer systems.
  16. I have now definitely scrapped Thailand from my list of possible retirement destinations.
  17. D) It won't be ready by June 2025. 😆
  18. Unless those gates (sometimes) don't work like in Australia.
  19. Love the idea that one will have to provide all accomodation info. My future stays in Thailand will be short...
  20. BTW, am I 'guaranteed' entry if I possess an ETA (for any country that requires one)?
  21. Besides all the Africans on Bangkok's lower Sukhumvit, perhaps that would also lead to more tourists from Syria and Afghanistan... 😆
  22. Oh, goody. Let me guess, you (perhaps) need to be present in your home country when applying, and/or the ETA will only be issued once every 365 days... No worries, Thailand. Personally, I won't bother to travel there often in the future.
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