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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. ...that indicates that someone killed her for her necklace ... the killer took no time to search for more ... An amateur , probably drug related ...
  2. Well said . I smell ' social unrest ' coming ... The students will go to the streets to protest ... and how will the authorities react ?
  3. I am sure that the judges of the constitutional court received orders and directives from a higher instance . Now they want respect ? Respect has to be earned and deserved , and not by acting as muppets ...
  4. At least , they already had a " plan B " . Good luck to them , but experience has taught by now , that it would be better to abolish the amendment of 112 ... for now . Just as Pita said , Move foreward is no political party anymore , it is a movement .
  5. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/07/asia/thailand-move-forward-dissolved-int-hnk/index.htmlWednesday’s ruling goes further, dissolving the party and banning its executives from politics for 10 years – effectively disenfranchising 14 million people who voted for them and raising fresh concerns about the erosion of democratic rights in the kingdom.
  6. He wanted to go back to Dubai already ... but he was not allowed to ...
  7. No seat for them . They will not . In the end they not care about what reputation they have in the world ... as long as the leaders in Thailand ... stay in their position . No change wanted here .
  8. Poor Thailand . Just lost the last little bit of " face " .
  9. Disgraceful . Thailand is NOT a democratic country . Why hold elections at all ? Only for the reputation of being democratic . My wife says that she won't vote anymore ... a waste of time . Take it for what it is : an autocratic monarchy . All the elections etc is just show business .
  10. Thailand simply does not grant asylum .
  11. Let's bet ... Will they dissolve MFP ? I say ... no . Will Pita be banned from politics ? I say ... no again ... but I'm too optimistic ...
  12. Instead of suing , he should just retire and enjoy his money . If he cannot do this here in Thailand , I heard that there are villas for sale in Dubai .
  13. Of course it would tarnish Thailand's holy reputation ( . uck them all ) . As if Thailand's reputation in the world would be sooo great ... no , it is not . Showing the world that Thailand is a real democracy would be better for the reputation , instead of continuously implementing autocratic measures .
  14. It is quite simple and we all know it ... it is not all about climate change ... it is about pollution , deforestation , overpopulation , and an economical system that is based on eternal growth . Sorry , but always to favor economical growth ( stock market etc ... ) is a big mistake that leads to exhaustion of limited natural resources without enabling us to find a sustainable way out . Stop . A few propositions : 1. Hydrogen can replace fossil fuels and does no harm to the planet if it is generated by solar , wind , water ... Solar cells on every roof . I do not understand why the producers of solar cells do not fabricate ' solar roof tiles ' that can replace the traditional way to make roofs . Green energy can be used to create enough Hydrogen , even if the ratio is only 2 to 1 by now . ( to produce 1kw of hydrogen , 2kw of energy are presently needed ) , but it would still be enough ... 2. There is an urgent need to stop plastic pollution . Is really nobody able to invent biodegradable plastic ? Hard to believe . For example : traditional plastic water bottles should at least , be replaced by the Tetra pack paper bottles that are used for fruit juice already . Or , even better , make the plastic bottles reusable ... bring empty bottles to the supermarket , have them refilled and cleaned by distributors ( machines ) and use them again . Everything you buy to day is wrapped in plastic , is that really necessary ? 3. Need to stop deforestation and try to reestablish the ecological balance wherever that is possible . No more over fishing , need to leave time to species to reproduce . Leave Nature alone . Nature has shown an astonishing ability to heal harmed ecosystems , once left alone . Utopia : A planet that is managed by a responsible dominant species with the goal to enable a good life for everybody and every animal that is part of a naturally balanced biosphere . People live in cities or regions that are designed for people living there . Outside this only Nature ... but surveyed by people with the goal that no harm is done to the balance ... F.E. : overpopulation of animals like elephants , wild boars etc , must be reduced to a sustainable level without endangering the species itself . The planet was naturally beautiful before the industrial revolution changed many things to the worse . Now , we have the technology and the knowledge to enable us to live in harmony with Nature . But . Overpopulation does too much harm . I saw a report in TV about a Gazan family in a refugee camp . The man complained about not having enough to eat , not having a job to help his 12 ( !!! ) kids to survive ... Crazy , why must the poorest and most uneducated people have the most kids ? Birth control ( sterilization after the first 2 kids ) should be implemented worldwide , not only for the poor . Anyway ... very rapid climate change is a reality now , and it is too late to reverse or stop it . Sorry , but Utopia , forget it . Dystopia is a more realistic projection for the future of mankind . Fault of the shortsighted politicians and ' business leaders ' who are and have been sacrificing everything for their holy profit . SHAME .
  15. It's a mad , mad world We're both in it may have a lifetime may have a minute ?
  16. Man made climate change is happening now . This is NOT a natural cycle . Since the industrialization , within a merely 100 years , the climate has changed significantly . This period is much too short to be natural . There is tons of evidence for man made climate change . I am only surprised that this evidence is constantly ignored by many posters here ... Do you really think that the constant and increasing burning of fossil fuels and the pollution emitted by this , has no effect on the environment ? How dumb does one need to be to deny the obvious and proven facts ? Oh , ok , the Trump fans ... 55
  17. How to avoid being hit by a ( thai ) Kamikaze Motorbike driver ? Difficult .
  18. We cannot change Nature , but Nature can and will change us and our lifestyle . People will need to adapt to a changing environment . That will change people . Climate change ( don't deny it , there is tons of evidence ... ) , is part of a chain reaction and not stoppable or reversible any more . It will progress , no matter what . Up to the human race to adapt . But what gave us quality of life , life in a healthy environment , will be taken away from us ... a struggle to survive will follow with overpopulation , degrading natural resources ( water , air , pollution ) etc ... it will not be a world worth living in any more . No , sir , the point of no return has passed , cannot turn back the clock . One more reason to try to enjoy every day , without doing something bad . Happy to be old already . How fast these few years have passed ... Take care , I think you are a nice person , may be politically a bit weird ... but Diversity makes it more interesting .
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