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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. You're " hansum " when have money ...
  2. So , let them take the meter .. You can adapt easily to bad weather by using less energy . I have a small house completely off grid . No meter at all . When the batteries are not well charged , I just turn the TV off for a while ... All appliances in the house have been acquired because of low electricity consumption ... Happy without any bills to come . ... and no powercuts .
  3. The politicians who opened the borders for immigrants from other cultures forgot to set up a test when applying for asylum . They come from countries where daily life was completely different to life in Europe . Young men that grew up in their country in times of war , repression , blatant injustice , have a tendency to become easily enraged and violent . A test to be filled out and a psychological evaluation of every ( male ) individual applying for asylum or residency would have been logical and necessary , but the politicians have been to naive to see that . They only stay in the best hotels when they travel stay with people similar them ... They simply ignored the state of mind of the young men from war-torn countries , and just let millions in ... Big mistake , should let the good ones in , and leave the bad ones out ... Sounds a little familiar , doesn't it ?
  4. That is how it worked here for ages . It is time to publicly shame and smack the offenders . Not all from the middle ages was bad ...
  5. Many opened their ' Cannabis shop ' with loans from banks . If they force them to close because they changed the legalisation , they will stay heavily indebted , not because of their own fault , but because of the governments decisions . Unite and sue .
  6. Do not think that the thais are stupid . They saw what happened in reality despite all the broken ( worthless ) promises given by Pheu Thai f.e. ... After Prajut left , nobody was there to fill the void , so they did with what they had , lacking a clear strategy to steer the country through difficult times . The outcome was the political , satirical , tragedy that we still witness every day ... Thailand , the HUB of corrupt , incapable wanna be politicians that favor nepotism over free elections ... In these few years , after Prajut left , they managed to seriously harm thailands image as a reliable and stable country to invest in . If they stay in power for much longer , there will be kind of a civil war after the ' point of no return ' has been passed .
  7. The best outcome would be that he has to leave for Dubai again ...
  8. The MFP poses a treat to the ruling Elite . Nobody in a position of ' power ' in the current government will do anything that enables the MFP to contest decisions taken by them . The only hope left is that the thai voters follow what happens to the party that won the last elections and vote for them , ( or the party that follows after they have been dissolved ) , again when the next elections take place . MFP will probably become ' dissolved ' and Pita banned from politics for 10 years ... I hope that they will come back even stronger ...
  9. My wife had a tumor near the Uterus operated in " one of the world's best hospitals " in Chiang Mai . As we later found out , they left about half of the tumor inside her body . We paid a lot . She had to have an emergency operation in a government hospital back in France , by doctors who were MUCH better than the ones in Chiang Mai . Also the equipment they had was much better ... We did not pay a lot . She is ok now , but " world class hospital " ? May be 3rd world ... Private Hospitals here in Thailand are just ' money making machines ' . Doctors here always want to ' operate ' , that is what brings in the money .
  10. Yes , we see his vision became reality ... and we saw what happened . Need no more Israelies , had enough of that already ... Everybody knows how it works ... ( Israel ) creates facts , ( Gaza ) , does not care about anything but to achieve it's goals even they amount to genocide , later find excuses for it's acts ( it is always somebody else's fault ) and thinks that the world will just swallow this BS ... If someone dares to criticize the ' antisemitism ' card is played instantly . Well known by now . Why are the REPUBLICAN's backing Israel ? The pro-Israel lobby among them is so strong ... If Bernie would be a lot younger he would make a great POTUS ./
  11. Yes , when animals are being held in large quantities in non-species appropriate conditions , they tend to develop sicknesses that can lead to another viral pandemic . We know that .
  12. The world IS rapidly changing now . Not only by the impacts of climate change , but on a social , humanitarian and political level as well . Everything is connected ,every action provokes a reaction ... If this ' reaction ' is helpful or not , it leads the way to our future ... No (re)action at all just lets the ongoing processus continue and does not help . But whatever bla bla ... we know already that the climate change will not be stopped or reversed , the 1.5 degrees have been surpassed already , there have not been any significant efforts to stop or delay this , the consequences are clear and can not be ignored anymore . Well said . " the root causes of our distress " What needs to change is the System . Political , economical , social . Thia present system only crates destruction and hatred . There is a more balanced and sustainable solution to this , but , to save our SPECIES , not our ethnicity , all people need to speak the same language ... will not happen without a catastrophic event that greatly reduces the world's population ...
  13. Nato closely observes the borders to russia , they knew about the russian troup's mass gatherings near the border to Ukraine ... Nato behaves a bit strange , as they know what Ukraine need now , but they seem to have logistcal and financial problems ... a pity over there we witness the systematic destruction of a country . Give them at least , effective protection against russian airstrikes , glide bombs etc...
  14. What you care ? You are not responsible for their lives . They are the losers , often without knowin it . Sad , just don't look at them if you don't like to ... do something you like to do , or are you just doing it ?
  15. Pay . Smackin' a thai is not free. more paeng now ...
  16. Sorry , but you are delusional if you think that they cannot . If Trump wins he might take the US out of NATO , and then what ? They just wait and see , for the moment ... But Xi is not the warmonger Putin is , Xi likes win win situations , but will help Putin for obvious reasons ...
  17. Putin does not need unity . He is the one who decides . And he is prepared for a long war . If Nato member states would speak with ' one voice ' in front of aggressive Russia and leave no doubt that they are well prepared for a war with Russia itself , Russia would think twice before acting in a threatening way . But is Nato ( and it's European member states ) really prepared to confront Putin ? The answer is : NO . He can threaten and do what he wants , he does not care about sanctions ( that have proven to have very little effect ) and even international arrest warrants have no impact on him . In his country , he has successfully eliminated all opposition and critics , he knows that China wants Russia's Gas and oil and raw materials , enough income provided to fund a long war ... Europe is far behind , as so often ... time to massively invest in the military has come , but it will be too late , as that takes years ... So , it is Putin's game and gain . He creates facts now , counting on the fear of his nuclear arsenal . Up to Nato to react , but it will be late , may be too late ...
  18. Less Tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC )
  19. I think that he is ( mentally ) different from other , normal , people . Therefore he may not be an ideal subject for the testing of new medicines ...? Depends if the mind has influence on the general health of the body ...?
  20. Sometimes it is better not to give or buy . Most of those sellers are organized and have a ' boss ' supervising them . If you give to one , more will follow ... Happened to me in Cambodia , I was asked for money by a poor woman with a child ... I gave some and was soon surrounded by a group of about 20 people asking for money ... annoying .
  21. Definitely another lie . " Truthfully " ? Oh , that bad old attorney general ... it is all his fault ...
  22. Some men become reduced to ugly , mindless beasts when they grow old ... Why ? Probably a damaged brain by years of abuse of lao kao ... or lived a loveless life without any empathy that finally turned him into a humon , a human monster . I do not think that he was even able to realize what he did to that little girl ... SAD .
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