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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. He saved his palm oil plantation , but he paid for it with his life . Was it worth it ?
  2. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/22/us-says-it-will-retaliate-if-american-forces-are-attacked-in-middle-east United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that Washington is prepared to retaliate if US troops are targeted in the course of the Israel-Hamas war, as the possibility of the conflict spreading across the Middle East rises. ... " “We are taking steps to make sure that we can effectively defend our people and respond decisively if we need to,” Blinken said, noting that additional military assets had been deployed to the Middle East, including two aircraft carrier battle groups. " https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/22/politics/lloyd-austin-israel-middle-east/index.html “We’re concerned about potential escalation. In fact, what we’re seeing is a – is a prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region, and because of that, we’re going to do what’s necessary to make sure that our troops are in the right – in a good position, and they’re protected, and that we have the ability to respond,” The US involved in 2 wars already ... China might take advantage of the timing and attack Taiwan ...? Very funny , isn't it ?
  3. The Anti-Corruption Office (ACO) in Rayong province has intensively investigated a case involving a school principal and teachers from Ban Pluak Daeng School. They really have nothing better to do ? Leave them kids alone ...
  4. Myanmar junta is a murderous , unelected regime . Clear condemnation by Thailand would have led to more international ' respect ' for Thailand . They did not do this , they preferred the ' diplomatic ' bla bla ... Sometimes , a little action is needed .
  5. Biden supports Ukraine . Ukraine did not have an army that was able to defend the country against a far superior aggressor . Biden supports Israel by sending even more monetary aid and the airplane carriers . He could have done it more discretely . Without making ' big waves ' and upsetting the muslim world . Big mistake , I think , this may ignite a bigger war and , definitely , will not help to find a peaceful solution . It will be seen as unfair treatment by all muslim nations .
  6. Respect is something that has to be earned . It cannot be bought or inherited . Btw , ' pooyai ' does not mean big s-hit , does it ...?
  7. 2 month already ! For such a long stay in hospital , he must be really sick . Funny , that his sickness first appeared when he was imprisoned for just a few hours . Thailand is losing it's face more by every day he stays in Hospital without a credible medical explanation . Prove to the world that money can buy everything here . Only the poor and not ' well connected ' are imprisoned , ' influential persons ' get hospital treatment and later , may be , house arrest ...? Greetings from the red bull heir .
  8. Taking too much medicine , especially when prophylactic , makes one sick .
  9. ... who , of course , are well paid for their opinion . Send him back to Dubai . ( they will not do this , of course , he has to many friends in his new government ) He only is a burden and troublemaker for Thailand .
  10. What exactly does Israel do to help Ukraine ? No arms , ( Israel refused the ' Iron Dome ' for Ukraine) , no money either . Nothing . " Yedioth Ahronoth also reported that in a phone call with Zelenskiy on Friday, the current prime minister denied Kyiv’s request that Israel supply arms, adhering to a longstanding Israeli policy designed to avoid provoking Russia. "
  11. Sometimes they like to make it difficult ... happened to me also ... Wife asked the boss ( small immigration office ) , what he likes to drink ... he liked red wine , he said . Next extension date , he got 2 bottles of good wine ( for the crew ) , handed to him discretely ... but they all noticed ... Was out of the office with my extension in about 30 min . Super friendly staff , waied on my way out ... This is the way to go in Thailand if you can . They are all underpaid , happy about some good wine wine they would not buy themselves ...and I was happy too , I felt very welcome .
  12. Had a similar problem . Just plant some fast growing beautiful trees ( Tong Ulai ) . Now more beautiful than ever before , full of yellow flowers . Tong Ulai is very resistant and does not need a lot of water .
  13. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/stella-terra-off-road-solar-powered-suv-morocco-hnk-spc/index.html ...running an electric vehicle is next to impossible in places with limited charging infrastructure. Stella Terra could change that. The team tested the vehicle in Morocco earlier this month, driving more than 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) between the country’s northern coast and the Sahara Desert in the south. The SUV uses solar panels on its sloping roof to charge its electric battery, meaning it can drive long distances powered entirely by the sun. Looks like it can even be transformed into a camper van ... I like it , depends on the price ...?
  14. So , he left his bike ...? A citizen's arrest ... don't know what to think about this ... a little scaring may be .
  15. He wanted to stay there . Why not let him ...? ( with the meter running ...)
  16. Some are rare and collectible ... Banks will exchange them against new ones for free .
  17. Sorry , I just have 1 hour in the morning for AN , after that I'm off , not always have time to read more than the headlines ...
  18. Cannot get much lower than this . Why did she not just run away ...? Or told police about it ? This human monster ( her father ) , destroyed her life by doing this . She will need psychological help for a long time , but , will probably not being able to afford this . Does Thailand have a ' help center ' for victims like her ? and continued ... poor girl , she must have been too scared about him ... but relatives certainly knew about that , but did not help her ...? Beyond comprehension .
  19. After 20 yrs , should that charge not have been expired ...? Attempted murder was the charge , not murder ...
  20. Nice relationship . If there would not have been ' threats and intimidation ' , you could call it a " swinger party " .
  21. Some of them will become unusually rich ... ... effort to enable and contain corruption which will certainly arise and involve relevant government officials ... It would be good to avoid oxymorons in just one sentence .
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