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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. It is Ms. " Calvin Klein " I presume ... But she hides very well ...
  2. Their own fault . Not careful enough . They should have seen the power cables .
  3. Scrutiny initiated by concurrent restaurant owners ?
  4. Waste to energy is a good concept . The waste will probably be burned ... but will the emissions be filtered to assure that there will not be a any toxic pollutants ? If not , the old landfill method is even better ...
  5. Looks like a mafia style execution . Must have been farangs , thais would not do that . And there is no mafia in Thailand , either .
  6. Should have been playing Russian Roulette instead ...
  7. Tried to find a thai who takes care of the garden ... = impossible . One worked some days , but left directly after I asked him if he has eyes ( Mai mee taa , mai ? ) . The plant he was watering died already of thirst ...
  8. Now , THAT will make people happy ...!
  9. BS . Tell this to the millions who suffer ... Gaza , Ukraine , North Korea , Sudan ... Slava Ukraine .
  10. Somehow , he looks like a fugitive on the run ...?
  11. Even as a high ranked police general , he does not only have friends there . If you consider the RTP a mafia-like structure , he probably angered another ' capo ' . Or did not pay his share ... He was warned a few years ago already when his car was shot at ... Who is his boss ?
  12. Physical Violence is a red line . Once that line crossed , serious repercussions will follow ... Stay peaceful .
  13. Brain damaqe guaranteed ... better let him go ...
  14. Disgusting . Fine or jail the parents . That is more bad than working without a permit , or kicking somebody on the stairs , or prostitution ... But there is nobody to teach the thai kids about what is wrong and what is right . Future gang members who's destination is prison .
  15. ... they are still not convinced that the air quality is bad over there ... ? Using a plane to check this certainly does not help . And help is what they need ...
  16. It is important to them to keep up the image as being a democracy .
  17. The thai government advised it's citizens to report any suspicious activity by foreigners . Spying on foreigners became a national sport since . Not a place to stay ... Another ' concerned citizen ' .
  18. Again , .... spies everywhere . Good girl .
  19. What dignity ? The " concerned netizens " are in witch hunt modus again and RTP follows as usual . The ' netizens ' demand the revocation of her visa , so be it ... It becomes slowly frightening here ...
  20. May her last days be as happy as possible ...
  21. I have found and collected quite a few that I found dead on the beach . ( The local fishermen throw their nets sometimes much too close to the corals . ) I guess I have to throw it all now ...?
  22. Thaksin has just arrived in CM . His health is in danger !!! May be now something changes ...?
  23. It is so much easier to make money for a thai woman , when her physical appearance is attracting potential customers . Especially big boobs are always in fashion ... lucky for the aesthetic surgeons . But , if the product she sells ( not herself ) , is delicious , this , of course , helps a lot ...
  24. Here we have it ( again ), money rules in Thailand . Disgusting .
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