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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Betrayed by almost all former allies , their job is now to show all that is wrong with the new government . Hopefully the potential voters for the next general election will remember ...
  2. Yes , there is / was / will be intelligent life forms on other planets in the universe . Will we ( our species ) , ever establish contact to an intelligent alien life form ...? Probably not . But if so , the aliens will be intelligent machines . AI . The distances to travel are simply much too big for biological life forms to survive . There is a reason that direct interaction with alien life forms will not be possible . Apart from the enormous distance that separates us . We are the only dominant intelligent species on this planet . There will be no second earth to colonize after we destroyed this planet . We need to prove that we ( as a species ) , can act responsible enough to our planet that we enable our own survival as a species in a functional biosphere . But it is late for that by now ... much damage has been done already . Need to act now , later is too late . Too many polluting people ... industrialisation and the related pollution by burning fossil fuels has totally transfomed the world within just 150 years . ( What , geologically seen , is just a second for an already 4,3 billion years old planet ) . But anyway , if our species fails to prove that we are capable to preserve the life enabling balance in our ecosystems and biosphere , we will just disappear and the planet will rebalance it self in time , or look like Mars . No life . It is just a test that we need to pass here ... I we fail any possibility of further evolution for mankind will become non existant just as we slowly disappear and suffer in a world where the natural balance is gone . But somewhere else , dominant species on other planets will pass this test and further evolve . and live . Up to us ...
  3. These gangs make most of their money by selling drugs . They can do so , because drugs remain illegal . The government should make them all legal and sell them for a cheaper price and a controlled quality in Pharmacies . Same time Pharmacies could offer links to drug - treatment facilities for someone who wants to quit or reduce consumption . Portugal went a similar way with huge success . This move would take away the income from the criminal gangs and no more killings for territory etc would be necessary ...
  4. That's what it looks like inside a police club in Thailand ? Full of Art and Antiques it seems , where did they confiscate all this ...?
  5. There is nothing in Thailand to help ex-convicts to reintegrate into society . Can be a vicious cycle ... but with a little initiative he could have become a self employed noodle soup seller ... or else ... ?
  6. Most foreigners who live permanently in Thailand are ( married ) retired foreigners . Exactly those people are excluded from applying for permanent residence ... because they do not work , just spend the money that they earned abroad . Illogical , just as many other things here ...
  7. Everything is more expensive at the local supermarkets ... Raise the rate to 5% would be good ...
  8. Thailand Wins First Medal for Esports at Asian Games ... I just read : Thailand Wins First Medal for Escorts at Asian Games ... a freudian slip I guess ...
  9. Nor Sor Sam is not a good title ... but 81 rai for 4,9 mio THB is a good price ... but , both plots are part of a permanent forest area ... the seller forgot to mention that ...?
  10. Somebody high placed and influential does not like him . May be he ( BJ ) refused to share ...?
  11. It seems that there is some kind of " war " going on inside the police force . Kamnan Nok and the killing of a police officer ... Big Joke had a few similar experiences already ,( his car hit by bullets son yrs ago ...) , some members of the police force ' unusually wealthy ' ..., collecting houses and expensive cars , others involves is some kind of extortions ... Well , where I live , there is a rich Thai guy who wanted to open a shop on the main road ...The day before the shop was supposed to open , the local chief of police walked in and said : " Hello partner " ... he never opened .
  12. Where is the sign ? I can only see one man who , apparently , has nothing to do with the anti - littering sign .... May be this one will represent the TAT in their next campaign to lure more wealthy tourists to Thailand ? Won't work .
  13. That means that the driver ( captain ) of the boat very well noticed the incident . That he chose not to stop and help to save the victim's life ( by an incident that he caused ) , is a criminal offense in my opinion . It is just like voluntarily killing someone ...
  14. Thais should be allowed Visa free entrance to the EU . Thais in the EU should be subject to the exact same conditions as foreigners in Thailand . ( 90 day reporting , visa limitations , not allowed tom own land etc ... ) Would be fair enough .
  15. So ... may be I am stupid , but , at least , I am happy . Btw ... you cannot buy intelligence . That's a pity ... but anyway , you would probably not have enough,money ... ?
  16. Srettha wants to build his reputation as a progressive leader who brings wealth to his country by encouraging investment in projects that are not all sustainable . All man made manipulation of ecosystems that needed thousands of years to develop may backfire and cause more trouble than good in the long run ... Let's hope for that ...
  17. By looking at their paintings , I have the impression that the time they have been living in , was more nice , and more civilized , than today ... Lost paradise ...? Not everything was good back then , but much was better ...
  18. Good luck with that . Thailand really need new , young faces in politics . The old , ugly ones , go backwards only , REAL change is needed .
  19. Humons . I can imagine what it means to be born into a family like this ... it must have been pure horror for the kids , permanently living in fear to be beaten to death , witnessing what happened to their sisters and brothers ... She will need psychological help , and many years to recover to become a ' normal ' girl again . Good luck for her . There are people in this world , that really should not have the right to exist , they are just evil , nothing else . Human monsters .
  20. Where is the Love ...? He did not love his own children . He did not love his wife (s) . No respect to life , no empathy , no Love at all ... Sad , but all too common these days ...
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