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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. 16 year old with a sword ... He had it to do what with it ? Something wrong in society .
  2. The killer became a ( defamed ) victim by now . So sorry for her ....
  3. Now , if you make a return request , after you bought something from a THAI seller , your request has to be examined by a Lazada team , who wants you to provide photos etc and open a ' dispute ' to prove what is wrong with the item you bought , before they grant the return . Don't know about stuff bought from chinese sellers yet ... Up to their discretion to allow you to return the item .
  4. Did anyone notice that Lazada changed their " Return policy " ? Much worse . You have to confirm reception within 3 days ( 7 if you extend ... ) , and after reception is confirmed by the client , no returns possible . I use FF on Linux , have no problem logging in ...
  5. These ARE dangerous and sophisticated weapons , and the one controlling them is a dangerous lunatic himself ... What could possibly go wrong ?
  6. It seems that most of the people who signed in are retired people with no children . ( 3 years trip won't have many children ...) I worked on a similar sized boat when I was young and it was a pleasant experience . I would not do the cruise today , because I love my dogs and the daily walk on the beaches ,
  7. If you take into consideration that , probably , not many women ( half of the thai population ) run around with a gun , that doubles the percentage of thai males that are armed . That makes it 30 % of thai males are armed . That IS a reason to be worried .
  8. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/three-year-cruise-never-ends/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/3-year-cruise-mv-gemini/index.html I like the idea ... Restaurants , Health care , pool , sightseeing , people of a similar standard , not cheap , but better than a home for retired ...? A lot of people seem to like that idea ... BUT , need to sign up ( and pay ) for the first three years , ( minimum $ 30000 per year and person ) , no " red light quarters " , stormy weather ( ? ) Covid ( ? ) , They surely have bars and internet ... Would you like it ?
  9. Many came here for the easy availability of a " pussy " . They got trapped , and end up paying for a whole family they never wanted to have . Already a traditional way of making money .
  10. ... while the real criminals in this country do not need to worry about anything as long as they have money to pay their way out ...
  11. Nearly every male Thai seems to be armed and ready to use it .
  12. In a corrupt , 3rd world country , there is no justice . The rich and ' influential ' control and design everything , the sheeple just have to follow , and beware if they dare to criticize the autocracy , the law will be applied to them in full extend , and they end up in prison for just telling the truth . Same for overstaying foreigners , who never did any damage to the holy kingdom . Imprisoned , deported , extorted , no one cares in Thailand ... S-- hithole country , really not worth staying here for just being ripped off and regarded as " unwanted alien " .
  13. Apparently you cannot stop to tell me what I need to do ... got a problem ? Better keep it closed ...
  14. I shake my head when I read your comment already ... U r " pretty sure " ? Why not read by yourself ? But , may be , you are too stoned to do this ? BS
  15. Disgusting comment . Take care that you do not get a dose of your own " medicine " .
  16. Just as before , just bla bla , nothing changed . Yes , he will do what he wants , the excuse for broken promises and political failures is now already provided ... Disgusting how the old " elite " ignores the results of the election and just clings to their position ( and power ) of governing the country just as if there was no election at all . May be the next election will change something ( in a few years ) , hope is the last thing to die ...
  17. That , definitely , is not helping Thaksin's case . The Pheu Thai betrayal ( it's concessions to the military dominated parties ) , led to a decline of about 60% of the voter's confidence in the party . And now , if the people who voted for them , feel that all this what happened was already set up before , the " public opinion " might become unfavorable to Thaksin's release . In this case a ' royal pardon ' would not be a popular decision , and could lead to more problems ... Thaksins return story made the news in many countries , and the outcome of it is decisive of how Thailand will be regarded by the rest of the world . ( Reputation already damaged anyway ) That is a ' slippery slope ' and the decision to grant a ' royal pardon to Thaksin may implicate far reaching consequences ...
  18. CCTV will show Thaksin on his phone all the time ... privilege he did not have in the other hospital . Best would be to send him back to Dubai .
  19. A doctor's opinion is easily bought . 55 , Sure , that is what they want , but won't get , I hope .... Mr Thaksin’s status ? He is a prisoner in the moment . He was convicted for what he did , fled , and arrested at his return . 170 systolic is a little elevated , many people have this . No reason to panic .
  20. Pheu Thai = Traitors . If Thaksin had his dirty fingers in what happened after the election , ( and I bet he had ... ) , he shot himself in the foot . He is in the jailhouse now , and I hope that , opposite to what he had planned , he stays there . If , ever , he is allowed to return to his " home " for " medical care " , it will be seen as another proof of Thailand's 3rd world grade due to omnipresent corruption
  21. Politicians normally are all lying to get what they want . once they are comfortably seated in their new position that they gained somehow , they usually tend to forget about the promises they made to the electorate before the elections . Normal behavior . If there is one ( political party ) , that has a leader who keeps to what he said and does not change despite the pressure on him to do so , that is the ONE to vote for . Move foreward is the way to go , all other thai parties move backwards , and have no principles they stick to , except the one to accumulate as much money and power for themselves as possible .
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