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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. I did the test ... Result of IQ Test Your IQ lies outside the range that the test is currently able to measure. We will be expanding the measurable range of this test as soon as we have gathered more data. 555
  2. Did you forget Thailand's big neighbor ? Businesses want to make money . Producing in countries with low wages maximizes their profit . They will not produce in Thailand if the costs are too high . High tech is an exemption to that rule , but Thailand is no high tech producing country yet . Transforming Thailand into a high wage country will take decades , 4 years won't be enough . Srettha wants Tesla Microsoft etc ... they produce high tech , but would the average Thai profit from that ? I doubt that .
  3. The Fermi Paradoxon ...very interesting ... We did never recognize or discover Alien activity . Why not ? Would Aliens discover Human activity ? Probably not , the distances in open space are simply much too big .
  4. 80596 posts ... You spend too much time on this forum ... don't you have better things to do ...? A waste of time .
  5. I can explain , but cannot make you understand . Some cannot ... You cannot buy intelligence , that's a pity , but anyway , you would not have enough money ...?
  6. Your body turns the prawn you just ate to S-hit . It looks like you want to turn our little discussion here to the same ...? YOU go .
  7. I like to believe this . If the spirit is eternal , it was already there before the ' big bang ' created the universe . The spirit is the creator ? Another theory is that the big bang that liberated an enormous amount of matter in an ' explosion ' , was just the contents of a black hole that compressed the matter accumulated in it to such an amount that it could not be compressed any further ... There are many black holes ... may be there are many Universes ...? Multiverse , another theory ... Where is " God " in all this ? Everywhere .
  8. You talk about their bodies ... the answer is obvious and you answered it already , Their bodies go into your body if you eat it . Their little spirits go to ...?
  9. Nobody can . I tried ChatGPT , but the answer was not satisfying . I think there is a fifth dimension that we are not able to see or measure , as it is spiritual . ( dark matter , dark energy ...? ) A spiritual dimension where the spirit goes to when the body dies . I had a near death experience once , my heart stopped beating for some moments , I realized that something serious was wrong , that the ' biological machine ' that is my body , had a problem . The body is just a machine that we keep in good condition , or not . No fear ! Death is NOT the end . When the body dies , the spirit is set free . It is a liberation , nothing to be scared of . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V4G_MpR4Iw Sing it . When death comes to visit you . just laugh if you had a life before ... Yes , it is funny , isn't it ...?
  10. Yes , my friend , some people just do not care about why all this exists ... But it does , and what do you think is the reason for it's existence ...? The purpose of existence ? The answer to this will be theoretical , a theory ... but there is a reason , so what is it , what do you think ...?
  11. No , I just think the character is more important than the looks ... Beauty queens are not natural beauties , all is made up , prepared for hours before they enter the stage ... You want a woman who loves her reflection in a mirror and thinks that she is sooo beautiful ...? Boring .
  12. Yes , lonely planet ... But if you increase the distance by some light years , it looks like this ... All these are suns , many have planets ... Who believes that we are alone in Universe ...? These are Galaxies , each having billions of stars ... Enjoy your day ...
  13. No , my wife was and still is a ' natural beauty ' who does not spend a lot of time in front of a mirror . I would not marry a girl who needs this . My forum name ...? =
  14. She has to hold her head to prevent it from falling off ...?
  15. They all look the same to me , these beauty queens ... Beauty is a thing that fades away in time . you marry one , you will realize soon that her beauty comes from hours spent in front of a mirror , what tells a lot about her character as well ...
  16. They went into the container because they wanted a better life . All what they found was a horrible death . Sometimes it is better to accept life as it is , with all it's sufferings . .
  17. So what ? 3.4% is still good in the eyes of economists ...? But the fault is in a system that is based on steady economic growth at a time when the resources are nearly extinguished , and the damage done by the eternal desire to more growth outweighs the benefits of it . Why fear a recession ( if you're not invested in the stock market ) ? Eternal growth is neither possible nor sustainable . It leads to a crash and a reboot following ... but at this time . the damage has been done already .
  18. I would go and see a good psychiatrist . Btw ... far too many people on this planet already .
  19. Did somebody think about the poor Thai police ...? First illegal ... than legal , now on the way to become illegal again .... they must be confused ... But , on the other hand , now they know who is involved in the business , names , adresses ... I do not think that they will ever manage to reduce the cannabis consumption in Thailand , but , it becoming illegal again , it would give a fine occasion for extortion ( bribes ) to them ... an additional income for the RTP .
  20. Physical violence has no part in a child's education . The father should be beaten as well ...
  21. There definitely are worse places than Hua Hin ... but the article is not very accurate .
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