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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Oh no ! Thailand becoming Asia's digital hub ? May be make the new 90 day reporting software work first ? The road to the digital transformation of Thailand is bound to become the ' highway to hell ' ... They cannot do this , proved it often enough .
  2. Why marry at all ? For the paper ? BS , love the one you're with , leave when Love is gone ...
  3. Looks like she's ready to fight . I had enough of fighting already , by now I prefer a gentle one .
  4. Wow , a weapons firing competition ...! Now that is something that was missing . And what would they do in case of a war ? Run away like the afghani soldiers from the Taliban ? Or not turn up at all ...
  5. Well , that does not sound too bad ... Less dangerous , but more infectious , and will replace the Delta Variant ... If Omicron turns out to be harmless , or like a flu , life could go back to the 'old' normal again ... hopefully .
  6. Good for you , too far to go there for me ... tried by letter , never got an answer ... phoned immigration , talked to a ' school girl ' or similar who hardly spoke any english and just hung up while I was still talking to her ... Somehow , Thailand is for Masos ...
  7. I just did that ... it does not work . " Failed to save data " ... I tried several times ... WHY am I not surprised that it does not work ? Cannot mistah ...
  8. Yeah , tell this to the endangered animals they killed ... No sympathy here for poachers , rich or poor .
  9. mRNA from vaccines does not enter the nucleus and does not alter DNA. mRNA vaccines work by introducing a piece of mRNA that corresponds to a viral protein, usually a small piece of a protein found on the virus's outer membrane. U right , mRNA vaccines contain a small piece of a protein of the virus . That is not equal to an inactivated version of the virus , but similar ... From your link ... ( thanks for that , is interesting ) : Vaccines that make use of the entire pathogenic virus are called whole virus vaccines. Using a pathogen or a part of a pathogen in a vaccine is a traditional approach, and most vaccines available today work this way. In contrast, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna use genetic material that is chemically synthesized in a laboratory to teach our immune system how to fight off future infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There are two different types of whole virus vaccines: live attenuated and inactivated. Live attenuated vaccines use a weakened form of a pathogen. These elicit strong immune responses but are not suitable for people with a weakened immune system. ( pathogen = virus )
  10. That implicates some philosophy ... If you think that all of us were born with a certain credit of time , somebody who ends somebody elses life prematurately is , after all , a thief of time ... but , off topic , sorry ...
  11. ... so they set up a thai company to do so . I own a house here , but the land belongs to my wifey ...
  12. 55 , but it's a fact that everybody will die . Even the ones who would like to live forever , won't .
  13. You said it : no data at all , so all speculation ... Just a question that will be answered in the future , when data is available ... But the question itself is justified .
  14. Covid vaccines help the human immune system to be prepared for an eventual infection by producing antibodies before an infection occurs , that the immune system can attack the actual virus faster as if the body has to produce antibodies after being infected . That is why vaccination protects against serious life threatening disease , not so against the infection by the virus itself . Healthy people with a functional immune system do not need to be hospitalized very often .
  15. That raises another question ... : What will be the consequences on the human immune system by regularly becoming exposed to booster shots ? What is the effect of regularly being infected with the inactivated variant of Covid that is contained in the vaccines ? Nobody can tell ... yet .
  16. There is no choice in that matter ... Vaccinated or not , both are infectious .
  17. Yeah , right . But , if that is the case , why all this excitement and lockdowns etc ... ? Just to avoid hospitalisations ? Or to remote control the population ? Why not just continue ' normal living ' then ? Who will die , will die ... sooner or later everybody will , anyway ...
  18. The opposite . Covid exists and is an existential threat to humanity . Vaccinations do protect against becoming sick and death from it . Getting a vaccination is a good thing to do for the ones who do not want to become a burden to the hospital system and society . I think , Vaccines should be made easily available in Thailand even to people who live in remote areas . I live on an island near Takuapa , and there was no vaccine available in that region for a farang . Only my thai wife could get a sinovac shot at the local hospital . I was offered a Pfizer shot in Phang Nga , but that would be a 300km round trip , and my driving license is expired . I asked them to notify me when a vaccination for a farang becomes available locally , but never got an answer ...
  19. Another ' breakthrough ' case obviously ... https://www.nbcboston.com/news/coronavirus/more-than-6500-new-breakthrough-cases-in-mass-43-more-deaths-in-vaccinated-people/2578723/ The new report brings the total number of breakthrough cases to 77,647, and the death toll among people with breakthrough infections to 586.
  20. You seem to talk about herds of domesticated animals like cattle etc , but the topic is about endangered species in a natural environment . In a natural environment we have a good example , the herds of elephants in african wildlife reserves : when their number becomes too elevated , their food supplies decreases . After some time , they starve and die . Of course , the damage to the environment has been done by this time . That is why some culling is needed ( and done ) , because , in our managed world , there is less possibility for the elephants to just migrate to find new resources of food . But , again , those are not protected species in a natural reserve as the one the thai poachers went to ... I agree with you , that some culling is needed from time to time if a species becomes too destructive by their numbers ... That goes for people , too , but we can't do this . May be the future viruses will take care of that ...?
  21. For a 51 year old chicken seller , she must have taken good care of her hands then .
  22. Nature has a tendency to ' re-equilibrate if left alone . Nature ' managed ' itself for millions of years without any human influence .
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