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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. You're sure that you put in everything same they want it ...? When they ask for your Visa validity dates , just put the dates of your last extension , not the dates from your actual visa . You're still in the time frame for online reporting , if it does not work on the website , just phone and ask them ... P.S. : Phone app works much better than PC .
  2. Good luck , have a nice trip , and don't forget to post on here about your life in the US Not sure about this ...
  3. Given your time frame , the answer must be ' yes ' , because nothing lasts forever .
  4. That means that they are fully aware of the fact that Sinovac does not protect against the dominant Virus variant , Delta . What about the millions of people who had been vaxxed with Sinovac ? They just continued to use that ineffective vaccine to get rid of their stock of it ?
  5. You should work for the TAT . I mean this in a positive way . Your description of what you like here is more accurate and attracting than all the plump efforts by the TAT ...
  6. Yeah , when they say that they love you , you cannot be sure of that ... but when they hate you , they really do ...
  7. When I was young and Christmas was coming , all I got from my father was a bill of what he spend in the last year for me . That was my Christmas present . Tell her that nothing is forever in this world , tell her that you paid your share , leave her something and move on ... Better an end with pain , as pain without end ...
  8. The danger is not coming from the outside , not by the double vaxxed and triple tested tourists .
  9. I think about 60% f the population of Thailand is xenophobic anyway . They want Thailand for the Thais only . Thai rak Thai , 55 , we've seen to what that leads ... But Thai don't rak Thai , remember the clashes in BKK between the yellow and red ( shirts ) ? Thai , they mostly love themselves only , and they are always right anyway ... they think . Foreigners are only tolerated for their money . It is the remaining 40% that are nicer and mostly better educated . A limited education produces a limited mindset .
  10. My thai wife easily got her ' carte de sejour ' back in France . That's like an identity card . Certificate of marriage , residential address asked for , nothing else . She had the same rights as every french citizen , she got social security as well ... Renewed every 5 yrs with a smile , super easy , friendly people . Rules did never change ( pre Covid ) no need to worry , life was easy for her being a foreigner in France . Why can't it be like this in Thailand ?
  11. This place is NOT perfect . But it is still better here . Just watch the news from your home country on TV ( television ) ...
  12. The worst possible decision again . Family resorts ? There are many in many countries , more close than Thailand . The sex industry was an attraction for many , even families ... Thailand will never ' walk again ' with all the bullet holes in it's feet ....
  13. Is there no international database for convicted criminals that is accessible for immigration officers ? There should be one ...
  14. I lived in Lagos , Portugal , for nearly 10 yrs . Was a damn good time . That was the '80s ' . I left when all the big hotels were built . Went back to visit in 2010 , but did not like it any more ... The ' progress ' destroyed so much . Retire there now ? Possible , but I still prefer it here ...
  15. I do not think so . I think that most expat posters on this forum overestimate their importance in the eyes of the government . Ok , wealthy tourists will be welcome to spend their money , but , Thailand will focus more on business with China . They signed several contracts with the chinese already and chinese investment in Thailand is strongly increasing . China is just ' round the corner ' and will be connected to Thailand via high speed train soon . https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/stories/business-maker/china-investment-in-thailand.html?et_blog&id=26654 " SCB has analyzed the investment trend of China in Thailand and believes that China views Thailand as a high potential country for being a trade center for the ASEAN market. " China is still in a trade war with the US and faces new sanctions . Chinese investors are seeking places outside of mainland China to manufacture . Thailand is second on that list just after Vietnam . "China became the first country that applied for receiving the BOI Investment Promotion at 2.9 hundred billion baht covering 270 projects; an average of 1 billion baht per project. Even though China faced a COVID-19 crisis over the first half of 2020, they invested 120 projects in Thailand. " That is what the thai governmant focuses on , even more than the revival of tourism .
  16. Well , she has something to open a bottle with ... better to put it there may be , but need to ask politely first ...
  17. Seen a lot of chinese ( even chinese women ) , walking in red light quarters and doing ' window shopping ' ... before .
  18. The government states fake numbers of Covid infections to calm down everybody . The reality may look very different . Ask the rural doctors .
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