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Everything posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Some just want to believe ... so , let them ... Nothing wrong with that ... except the owner of the amulet thinks that he became invincible now and goes around trying his luck ...
  2. Yes , tourism in Thailand will ( hopefully ) never be the same anymore ... But it still is a beautiful country that can offer a lot of attractions ... just have to focus on the right ones ... But to bring in families with kids who spend a lot of money in a short time and than go back , will not be easy anymore .
  3. If the dog would have been treated species appropriate and good taken care of , that would not have happened .
  4. yeah , quite possible ... when I moved here the container we sent ( full of household stuff ) , was to be inspected ( and opened ) by customs . But we were given the choice to pay a fee for ' non inspection ' ! When it arrived at our place , the container was still sealed . Amazing Thailand .
  5. First stolen , then smuggled , then confiscated ... end up becoming the property of some ' influential persons ' Is that according to the law ? I dunno , but doubt it ...
  6. ... invite German investors to increase their investment... Sure , why not ? But better not expect anything in return .
  7. The tests find the antibodies in your blood , not the virus itself . If you have antibodies , you have been infected before . An exposure only does not lead to antibodies . There should be a simple test for the antibodies available in pharmacies . because people who have antibodies might have recovered from an infection with Covid without even knowing that they had previously been infected . ( asymptomatic or few symptoms ) . In the case somebody has antibodies without ever having been vaccinated , this person has no need for a vaccination anymore as the antibodies acquired by ' natural infection ' , last generally longer than those acquired by a vaccination . I guess a lot of people have already been infected without even knowing it . These people do not need to be vaccinated .
  8. Covid , at least the Delta Variant , is very infectious . It infects people as well , who have already been vaccinated and these people still can spread the virus . People who were cured of the virus , and those who are fully vaccinated of course , have antibodies in their blood that wane after a few month, but they still are able to transmit the virus to others . So , we have a virus that continues to spread , no way now to stop that . It will infect everybody in the long run , if it does not miraculously disappear ( Trump ) . The only way to protect yourself from infection is by avoiding all social contacts . But even this is not secure as the virus survives for a while on surfaces that were touched before by infected persons . Vaccinations protect you from becoming seriously ill , that's all .
  9. Who makes a lot of money already , still wants to hide it offshore for tax reasons . That is a form of corruption that is not benefiting any country , only the already rich account holders . If even politicians have offshore accounts , they probably have to hide some ( illegal ) income ... in this case they are involved in something that should be officially declared . It is not logic that the rich can do that , but not the ' normal ' guy who works and pays taxes . I hope that , one day , politicians will be replaced by AI . And that the super rich will be obliged to pay their taxes in the country where they do their business ...
  10. Don't even try to ( psycho ) analyze me ... I am living here for a long time , but I had to learn my lessons ... by the way , I am happy here , it is far away from my private Utopia , but I still prefer it here . You are a black man , ( that does not change anything for me ) , but you should be aware that the average uneducated thai person will regard you as inferior just because of the color of your skin .
  11. And that is exactly what can bring trouble for you in Thailand . This is not a free country , it is a half totalitarian regime disguised as a democracy . If you want to live here and survive , you have to adapt . Not same your country .
  12. " They " are the thais in general . Have you lived in Asia before ? Do you know about ' face ' and what it implicates ? You want to start a new life here ? Are you aware of all the laws they got ? ( defamation etc ) ? Do you know that doing things that you are used to do in your country ( like complaining about service or quality of stuff that you bought ...) , can bring you in trouble . Do you know that you simply do not have the same rights here as a thai ? Do you know that some will make it more difficult for you because you are a farang ? If you do not pay ( under the table , with a smile on your face ) you will sometimes not get what every thai gets easily ? DLT , government offices . Better do your homework before you definitely decide to move here ...
  13. Good luck with that . You will never be same as a local . You will always stay the ' farang ' , no matter how good your Thai language skills are . Being a farang pretending to be same Thai is bound to fail . All you can do is to try to integrate as good as possible without making a lot of noise . They say a farang can never understand the way thai people think ... but they talk a lot of BS anyway ...
  14. Herd immunity is an illusion with fully vaccinated or recovered people still acting as spreaders for the virus . Reminder : Vaccination protects the vaccinated person against falling severely ill . Not against catching or further transmitting the virus ...
  15. Neither have I , but I know of certain ' Apartheid ' states that act like this because a part of the population is regarded as ' inferior ' because their external appearance is different from the main population , nothing else ... that is called ' Racism '. Compromises will have to be made everywhere ... it is just about finding the ones that suit you best . There are many things that go terribly wrong in Thailand now , but , for me , it is still better living here ... My private Utopia will just be an illusion , realized that many years ago . In Thailand , life is still easy , if you can avoid making mistakes .
  16. They are living in a bubble . A bubble that is made of ignorance and arrogance . A bubble that is going to burst soon ... beware of the needle ...
  17. Please Khun Yutthasak , give me some of the drugs you regularly take , makes one lose all contact to reality , does it ? Could be good some times , but enough by now ! Please stop that BS . If you do not stop , Khun Yutthasak , you will end up behind bars ... of a mental facility ...
  18. I don't know ... when I read the recent news about double pricing , police raids on foreigners having some wine with their dinner , busting of private parties , the outcome of recent surveys where the majority is against foreigners staying in Thailand for longer , I can only say : ' som nam naah ' ! Nobody wants to come and spend their money in Thailand any more ? Right so , I like it .
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