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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 7 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:

    ".........knocking back top western single men for scum bags" ??


    What top Western single men?

    You mean some of the old boys who, in one breath slag off corruption but in the next, breathe a sigh of relief when their visa fixer bribes an IO at Chaeng Wattana to let Bert from Grimsby stay here on a retirement visa when he hasn't got the 800,000 baht to show???


    Those top western single men?



    Your not even on the same page and a stumbling along. There are young boys travelling and spend in Thailand. Some have difficulty with VISA. Use your brains.

    I not have time or interest in educational lessons on Africa. If you like it so much jump on a flight.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/2/2017 at 8:51 PM, mike888 said:

    Africans will not be stopped from coming to thailand, this is just more racist "black bashing" by thai media/police.


    Africa and thailand are linked much more than farang countries due to trade deals (ex. oil/rice/textiles/seafood). This leads to many visa loopholes.


    Obviously there are also huge black market links as well, thailand being a big producer and africans the best smugglers .


    African girls also popular in bkk amongst whites/arabs so they will keep smuggling humans as well lol.

    They need to be blocked. There peasant's prostitute and thieves nothing more. Yes bash some blacks

  3. 6 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Well done Kingsgate now push it all the way as this was an attempt to take a business that the locals simply did not have the know how to do away from a Farang company and give it to a Thai company (in waiting) after they stole your know how. Just goes to show you cannot trust the top yellows or J boys and should never contemplate putting a business here unless you are Japanese who they still fear as the west seems to keep letting them get away with rip offs where the Japanese do not.

    I laugh when the so called PM goes live promoting invest in Thailand. He really is a funny coup leader. He actually believe's his honest.

  4. On 11/2/2017 at 7:53 AM, mark01 said:

    And in a latest development in the crisis the navy have been called in to monitor the coast and sea from aircraft to see when and where the next load will arrive.


    It will arrive at the weekend from Bangkok in SUVs and pick-up trucks.

    Do they still believe that all this crap comes from "another" place?

    There are 3 dump sites from.dirty Thais near Wongamat. They are no good and have no care for the country or environment 

  5. 23 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    I recognize the sarcasm.

    In reality the military that gets paid regardless of performing any meaningful work or not would be taking unskilled jobs away from unemployed and low income Thais. Use of military troops for non-emergency civic activities more reflects a likely bloated military fed by an unnecessary conscription.

    It's a joke. To many young kids forced to list and doing nothing but being groomed to support the regime. Waste of money that could be tipped into the community. Most of these guys can't wait to leave 

  6. 5 hours ago, Orac said:


    A bit unfair surely. The junta has some very good english speakers in it though what they actually say may be a bit 'odd' at times. As for your claim that they are mentally ill, I couldn't possibly comment on let alone 'like' as they are a bit touchy about critisism.

    I don't care what there touchy about. There law breakers and human rights violations are a joke. In my eyes there the worst in history. Failed is to kind

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