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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 14 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    It annoyed me when the change was always given to my gf when i had paid !! it seemed rude so i asked the gf not to take any change offered and just look at me instead, it works well and they usually give me the change and look suitably embarrassed.

    Might seem a little bit childish to do this but it’s just a way of letting them know that they were not following the correct “ etiquette “ without making a scene.

    Yes there rude and have no respect

  2. 7 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Hope he remembers to take his Article 44 with him. Just in case one of those Asean external partners or some tin-pot Asean member gets a bit uppity with him or tries to push him around. He'll show them who's boss.

    I guess now he and Trump are best buddies they will probably shoot a bit of pool together later in the evening.

    Trump not give a toss about the general.  He never said they were close. Trump wants to see more export. When he fails to produce the general will be a door mat.

  3. On 11/4/2017 at 8:06 AM, Cadbury said:

    It would certainly be a turn up for the books if the PM's precious Article 44 failed him. I can imagine much stamping of feet and chewing on the pillow at night. But one thing can be certain....it will be someone else's fault; not his.

    The Thai government can now be seen for what it is. A one man government with a self created authority (Article 44) to do anything he pleases while giving himself immunity from the consequences of whatever he does. 

    How long can it last?

    He won't stop he has nothing else. He thinks his done good. Oh my God. Thainess

  4. 16 minutes ago, robertson468 said:

    I just have to wonder, is this a case of a Foreign Company being stopped from doing business so that the value of the business falls substantially and are then bought out by a Thai owned Company who continue a lucrative business?  The mantra in Thailand is not what you know, but who you know!

    It's like this. They didn't have the know how. Australia is the leading mining hub. The studied the process. They stole the whole operation with some bullshit story.

    There country is a sewer garbage everywhere. The oceans poisoned. There simply common pirate's. This has been global news. The JUNTA is not intelligent and have destroyed international business.  No one's doing business here now. 

    Good Luck with dirty China.

  5. On 11/4/2017 at 10:56 AM, the guest said:

    FTA agreement between Australia and Thailand doesn't mean diddly squat!

    Prices for Australian products in Thailand are extremely high, as they are still highly taxed by Thai customs and excise.


    Loss of face is a big thing in Thailand, so I can't see this case going any further, and besides, this country is controlled by a Junta who has little patience for foreigners.



    You talk to much bullshit..Your obviously not well versed in internatiinal law. NO one's listening to you.

  6. Just now, Thai Ron said:

    The same ones begpacking and selling postcards on the street?


    Ok mate

    You obviously do not listen or read to people's posts for advice. There can enter any Asian country and be welcomed. Here they have to go through all types of shit from uneducated degenerates who got a job because of there family. These young gentleman should be given a Coke while there waiting in line

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