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Posts posted by Media1

  1. 1 hour ago, samran said:

    Their problems, your responsibility.  One fit of rage or two? Sounds familiar! 


    Rest assured that this just doesn’t happen with Thai on Farang relationships. Police I have spoken to have seen it all. The storyline never deviates very much. One half doesn’t like that the other half has a life which doesn’t involve them for two nanoseconds. Loses plot...


    If you are worried keep a detailed record of any online rants which have been sent. Staking attempts that have been made. Keep them in a safe place. 


    If you come back to live, and happen to live in a condo, a good one will usually have relationship with a close relationship with the local cop shop. Coppers checking in morning and evening, even if is just cursory most of the time.  Get the number which will ensure the real police will come around instantly. 


    Don’t let them bait you. The unstable ones are masters at it. And yes, cut off all contact. The wisest thing to do! 


    Good luck with it all. 


    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    OP  calm down, it is all bluster on her part.

    Been there done that, got jailed here because of my ex.

    Left Thailand day after the court case, came back 9 months later, not any hint of a problem at immigration.

    After my ex found out i was back in Thailand she did everything should could to make trouble for me.

    She lied to police saying i was at her home threatening her, when in fact i was 45 kilometers away at the time with witnesses.

    She lied to my wifes boss trying to get my wife sacked, things she did were unbelievable.

    To the OP You have these threats on email lol. And your crying here. 

    • Confused 1
  3. 15 hours ago, chickenrunCM said:

    Yes, we have a restaurant & bar, and we got from 1 person 2 negative reviews within 10 month, and we made also a police report to indentify this person. Because for on Tripadviser you do not have any chance to let delete a clear negative comment. You get only automatic emails response if you claim something. Positive comment will not be published. Even if you not register your bussines on Tripadviser, everybody can register it and post pictures of it.

    In any European countr you can go to court and force Tripadviser to delete your busssines or the fake comments, if not they will be punished, but in Thailand this way not work. So we have to go after the person who wrote it. On Tripadviser you can write reviews even you never visit the place. This is not possible on agoda or booking.com, what makes a big different. 

    And by the lastest study more than 40% of all reviews online are fake. It´s a big industry and and especially Tripadviser earns a lot, they offer you for 40 USD/month a special customer service and you can be sure no bad comments to be published. 

    Extortion via the RTP would be the deal here

  4. 9 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    If you've got such signs on the wall that you have to pay for everything that's included in "service" ( and I assume that a hotel, resort, or place that has rooms for rent, should provide such service for free), then you don't have to wonder why such negative comments are made.


      If I were you, I'd look at some guys who're running the same business. These are usually the ones who write some bad <deleted> about your place, hoping that they'll get the booking.


      I'm sorry to say that, but the world nowadays with all the online opportunities has become to a very difficult one.


      You might have a beer with them and they smile in your face, but once they come home they write a new review under a pseudonym. There';s no restriction on how many e-mails someone has and a VPN is easy to use.



    If it's a dump it's a dump simple


    1 minute ago, balo said:

    The Australian owner is clesrly a lunatic, read his hotel rules and you understand why mlst of the guests complain . Pay 20 baht to open the door or turn on the TV ? <deleted> ?

    A goose deserves what he gets

  5. 10 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    According to many, the prices of local produce in local markets has been steadily creeping up despite the cost of transport (fuel) pretty much flat-lining through the same period. That's why so many local restaurants have gone to the wall in the last 18 months and has fueled the growing trend for Thai 'TV dinners' bought at 7-eleven rather than dining out or even ordering 'to-go' fresh-cooked meals at the declining number of restaurants. That and landlords arbitrarily hiking rents, especially when they see a tenants business is doing well.  In the same way that residential property owners are bumping up rents, the rents that farmers and other small volume producers have to pay for a stall at the thousands of open, wet markets are also being hiked. The market owners apply performance penalties on stall holders where if they don't make the required monthly volume of sales, they lose their location (and deposits) and if they do beat the required quota and make some profit, their rent gets hiked until they can't make a living, give up the stall and again, lose their deposits. It's quite mercenary and AFAIK with absolutely no regulation or oversight.


    Back on topic, the only regional military junta that came close to getting it right was in Taiwan but they had a much greater incentive to become a strong and independent economic powerhouse with red China just across the straits. Despite the overwhelming military threat, they didn't blow the nation's bank account on rubbish like submarines, tanks and oher 'toys for the boys'.

    In there eyes even wrongs are rights. 

    Nothing will stop there plan of no democracy. They have used organic crap for this black opps operation with a 20 year road plan with no GPS.


  6. On 11/5/2017 at 3:58 PM, jenny2017 said:

    I hope that her Karma gets her



      It's a sad part of Thai culture that many Thais believe that people from Burma, laos and other countries are from a lower quality.


      Let's hope that she's going to jail and pays for all. Poor girl, I feel very sorry for her mom, relatives and friends. 

    Thais obviously don't read the news very much lol.

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