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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. So that's all good. You will have funds in bank almost 27days prior to expiry. Most immigration offices require minimum 15 day remaining on permission of stay. Assume that you are aware the funds only need to be in bank on day of application. It's the 12 month extension that requires 2 months of seasoning funds
  2. You can obtain a non O without leaving Thailand. How many days remaining on permission of stay. What is situation with Thai bank account in your name only.
  3. Q1 You apply for METV in Greece. Cannot obtain in Thailand. Q2 You don't need to show income Funds in Geek bank account enough
  4. Exactly. This has been my recent experience at CW. My most recent trip to CW for in person report after io printed it out I politely asked her why "my online no work" I showed her my "pending" and she replied "not 15 days" Had no idea what she meant. At that time a guy was posting about same issue. He ended up going to CW immigration in the grace period. He obtained "approval" online while he was at CW.
  5. No. The list of docs depends on the immigration office. For example CW want a TM47. A TM18 is for those that have permanent resident status. Have a look at this one. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=439173
  6. Sometimes even that does not work. In 2018 or 19 can't recall there was case of UK guy flew to Saigon for a bounce. EXTENSIVE history ....refused entry (think it was DMK) ... Flown back to Saigon. Immigration Saigon refused entry. Subsequently sent back to UK. I still wonder why folk do this. Must be Thai squeeze . This OP is playing Russian Roulette. Not pleasant
  7. Previously was up to 7 days prior to due date. That was changed to up till due date. Bit aside your Q... The problem of applying late online is the "pending " period can take you past the grace period (7 days post due date) for report in person. Best idea for online is to report 15 days prior to due date
  8. For the application for non O the funds only need to be in bank on day of application. Obtain a TM87 to apply for Non O. Which immigration office. You require 15 days + remaining on your visa exempt entry permit. You can extend your 30 day visa exempt entry by 30 days if needed The Non O will provide 90 day stamp permit.. The application for extension requires funds in bank for 2 months.
  9. https://aseannow.com/topic/1301847-denied-entry/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1295315-what-happens-if-thailand-denied-me-to-entry-to-the-country/ Interesting post from ubonjoe in this thread....
  10. You missed the month detail. Just looked at days.
  11. METV back to back is possible especially with a gap between them. Rather than posting details with USA date system (irritating) the more simple post would be time spent out of Thailand between the two periods. METV provides stay up to 9 months. So question....how long outside of Thailand between the 2 METV,s
  12. There certainly was in 2019 when Bangkok airports were refusing entries for folk with extensive history. @BritTim often suggested CNX for some folk.
  13. If you went with that option, one idea would be to fly PP to CNX
  14. Certainly from Saigon airline will want to see your onward flight.
  15. I have read this pinch from rule 2.2 a few times. Still not sure regarding multi visas. The alien as defined in paragraph one shall include those who being granted multiple-visa who leaves and returns to the Kingdom with specified time in the visa, and those with re-entry permit.
  16. Seems that initially had a non O and obtained 12 month extension OR You have a non O-A visa. The non O-A is valid for one year and is a multi entry visa. It is obtained in your passport country. In fact that visa can provide almost 2 years stay. It requires insurance so you would know if you have that visa.
  17. Don't even know what visa you are referring to. Thinking that you mean ME Non O based on retirement. Valid for one year and provides 90 day permission of stay for each entry Upon obtaining that visa (perhaps obtained Savannakhet) you would need to do a TM30 for your first entry.
  18. Depends what person enters on Visa/extension etc For example someone having a reentry permit is not required to make a TM30 after return to Thailand.
  19. We are off topic but i for one don't believe that. If an io suspected someone of working (for example) which dress code would enhance that concern. A well dressed fella or someone in T shirt, shorts, and flip flops. To me the latter looks like a Tourist. Immigration office different. Did my 12 month extension last week and worn good jeans shoes and shirt. Just a respect thing imo.
  20. I have not read that regarding Jomtien. Certainly CM is rogue in this regard and still require a TM30 for inter province and international travel. The rules regarding TM30 are very clear (in particular 2.2) CM just being rogue. Not so sure about Jomtien
  21. Well you have made good suggestions in your post. And yes visits of short duration albeit often is very different from visa exempt entry and then obtaining a 30 day extension and fly out back in with overnight stay out of Thailand. It would be simple to have clear rules. Even for consulates ...it's a guessing game . Some more flexible regarding SETV eg Vientiane and others not so eg PP.
  22. I was replying to a particular post.. There are daily threads similar to this thread.. The main reason for that is visa exempt entries via air have no stated limit. If they did there would be little reasons for threads such as these and we would have clarity
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