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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. First up she does not require a return flight. Can be any onward flight. Either.....pick cheapest throw away ticket. OR rent a ticket from company such as "onwardticket.com" A simple google of that site will explain how it works. It's the airline at departure that may wish to see onward flight. Which airline? Don't know what you mean by "she will not as she's on my retirement visa"... If she enters visa exempt she cannot "piggyback" on your retirement extension.
  2. There are two different "certificates" A Certificate of Residence (COR) is needed for things such as a TDL, open bank account etc. There is a TM18 form which is used by folk that have Permanent Residency " status. Thinking the appointment pic you posted is for the latter Attached thread mentions the two.. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308730-certificate-of-residence-documents/ As posted earlier in thread, if someone can wait till 90 report window is open the io will process the TM47 photocopy it on the spot and process your COR..... "Added tip for CW...if your 90 day report window is open you can make an appointment for report and the same desk will process for the report and also COR. Show both applications to far right que counter There are no appointments for COR"
  3. The person I was typing to was looking for 6 month stay. After flying in visa exempt 60 + 30 day extension he would require ONE border bounce+ extension to obtain 6 month stay. Hardly requires "strict records of dates" Open pp to look.
  4. Too many bickering reports to remove. Please contribute to thread or close.
  5. Absolutely sure. Only caveat is that for first extension from an non O-A it would have to be based on retirement. After that subsequent extensions can be applied for based on marriage and no insurance requirement. Edit: re exiting Thailand to kill off non O-A and reenter to obtain non O was done extensively for guys not married to Thai when insurance came into play.. https://aseannow.com/topic/1290880-health-insurance-non-o-and-non-o-a/
  6. Are you asking about ongoing back to back visa exempt entries? If yes then asking about VE (60) + 30 day extension + 60 extension (to visit wife) ... Wash and repeat. Not a good plan
  7. Interesting... I travel to Saigon OFTEN and the io at Saigon airport and DMK on my return request boarding pass. As I mentioned above.... immigration tend to overlook it as many folk not aware it's required. Also has signs at immigration control
  8. Out of interest which immigration office takes a week to approve 12 month extension. Think some (maybe Jomitien) require you to return next day.
  9. You seem to have good grasp of your options. If you obtain extensions (marriage) from a non O-A or non O you will require the same items such as photos, home visits etc. If you decide to have extensions based on retirement then best option is to kill off the non O-A. Do that by exiting Thailand WITHOUT a reentry permit. Turn around and enter visa exempt. From there obtain non O retirement at immigration and 2 months later with the 800k in bank during that 2 months obtain 12 month extension. Some guys park the 800k in a bank account dedicated to immigration matters. It's true that the extensions based on retirement require far less hoops and paperwork. Some don't worry about home visit. I would. Some don't worry about the under consideration period. I would. Attached thread outlines process visa exempt to non O and subsequent 12 month extension. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311886-visa-exempt-to-retirement-extension-process-and-cost/
  10. Here is thread that outlines the process from visa exempt entry to non O and subsequent extension. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315828-visa-exempt-to-90-day-non-o-spouse-visa-conversion-in-thailand/
  11. You can enter Thailand on visa exempt provided you don't have a valid visa or reentry permit. Multi entry non O based on marriage is still available at places such as Savannakhet. You now require 400k seasoned for 2 months. What is the ongoing plan? You can enter visa exempt and obtain a non O at local immigration office and subsequent 12 month extension.
  12. Thanks for the update. So definitely funds 2 months. Indeed apply for your 12 month extension after can show funds in your Thai bank for 2 months+
  13. This thread may provide some options. Personally I would be spending few days in Saigon . Direct flights should be available from CM. https://aseannow.com/topic/1336345-lao-borders-some-at-least-now-requiring-overnight-stay/
  14. I haven't however previously could be done in person OR via mail.
  15. The plan you outline and variations of visa exempt (60 days) with or without 30 day extensions will work. For how months continuous stay in Thailand with almost zero time out can you use visa exempt entries is up to the io at land borders and airports. There has always been not stated limits at airports however we do see denials of entry and warnings to obtain a "visa" Thinking some folk have read too much into the word "unlimited" used in announcement of the change to 60 days. Also how long the 60 days will continue. Only one person's opinion but I'm thinking folk could easily manage a 6 month stay (2 visa exempt + 2 extensions) After that spend some time elsewhere then VE again. Time will tell. Yes there are agents that can grease the wheels. Already mentioned in this thread. Current topic discussing some aspects of this https://aseannow.com/topic/1337283-splitting-my-time-between-thailand-my-originating-country/
  16. You are not making sense. The OP is not married (he mentions partner) To have extensions from a non O it would be based on retirement. Regardless of how much of the year he spends in Thailand he would be required to meet the financial requirements. 800k 2 months prior + 3 months after application and not below 400k in other months. Not attractive for some. Again this thread is not about what may or may not happen re tax. He has options other than extensions from non O. Especially with visa exempt currently 60 days or it that changes perhaps a METV every year for 6 month stays per year.
  17. OP, correct answer above. The 800k for 2 months prior and 3 after concerns the date application is made. The 12 month extension will be from expiry date of current extension. In your case dec 15, regardless of application date
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