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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Silly thread. If you are over 50 and spending ongoing time in Thailand you should obtain the appropriate visa. That being non O based on retirement with subsequent extension.
  2. That is a reason to not require a passport on a one month trip to an island that is also a road trip. Many reasons why pp may be required. Hilarious.
  3. 3 pages of rubbish. For the trip the OP outlines he should 100% take his passport. Suggestions otherwise are ridiculous.
  4. The immigration officer was wrong. Doesn't help the guy much however a TM30 was not required. Strange he didn't do the TM47 online.
  5. Did he enter with visa exempt/new visa OR return with reentry permit. If the later a TM30 should not have been required at CW.
  6. Do you plan to obtain an extension to your visa exempt entry?
  7. When was that. Think that is no longer an option. Also the OP is UK
  8. Hell yes contact immigration. Make sure you look at every page to make sure it was io error. Have never read of that happening. Incorrect date sure. That happens. No entry stamp. That would be a first.
  9. You must have received a stamp. Visa exempt currently would give you a stamp with 45 day permission of stay.
  10. Opening a bank account is not as simple one would think. Especially in Bangkok.
  11. Give the wife 10-20k to go to immigration for your next extension based on marriage. Problem solved.
  12. BTW: If you decide to use the appointment link (ripper option) Make sure you bring a hard copy printout of appointment confirmation email. A screenshot does not cut it.
  13. Ingrown toenail? And the hospital only required TDL. Magic.
  14. You were unlucky 2022. Assuming you had not changed address. TM30 is not required at CW for extensions based on retirement.
  15. Provided you have a Thai bank account in your name most likely best to return visa exempt and apply for non O retirement asap after arrival. Requires 800k in Thai bank on day of application. Would need to demonstrate funds came from abroad. That gives you 90 day stamp. In last 30 days of that permit obtain a 12 month extension Requires 800k in Thai bank for 2 months.
  16. Indeed. I recently did trip to Vietnam with eVisa. This pic shows the Red exit/reentry stamps from Thai imm and the other for Vietnam.
  17. Nothing has changed. As stated above...there in post in attached thread with advice. Think I put link for appointment also which works a treat.
  18. Which immigration office would help. Also income method or money in bank. This thread has info and in post from uj has his list of general requirements link. https://aseannow.com/topic/1272122-2022-updated-requirements-and-or-process-for-extension-based-on-marriage/
  19. In the last 30days of the 90 day permission of stay you apply for 12 month extension. The 800k would need to have been in the bank for 2 months.
  20. From random Google search for being admitted to Thai hospital "What to Bring Passport with immigration stamp (Arrival stamp by Thai Immigration Bureau)" OP, leave your pp at home. Just don't break your leg.
  21. This was your first contribution.... "By law, a foreigner in Thailand must carry passport on their person at all times. In practice, when checking into hotels and am asked for "passport", I just hand over Thai driver licence and that has always been enuf.".... Which means nothing in regards to the OP. The guy is going on a one month trip involving an island and driving a car. To not take passport is insane. Then you type about checking into hotels. Check in is of little/no concern.
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