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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. What you describe is just the rubbish immigration offices that farang have to deal with. Covid extensions are in the gazette as being available for issue till July 25. In reality could be extended beyond that date. Immigration are just trying to be relevant. In reality a bunch of clerks. Sadly agents are always an alternative, which most likely is the aim of immigration.
  2. The good news is that with the new hip it's instantly a success in relation to pain. At least in my case. As I have stated several times I have Zero pain in the hip. Sight discomfort...more like a feeling of over exercise etc. Can't stress enough that one size does not fit all. You are very interested in recovery times. What is your age. The change in my body etc has been massive in say last five years. 63 to 68. Minor things such as couple of falls. One just catching edge of small platform at homepro. Things such as that. In turn I'm adopting a cautious approach. You ask how quickly can you walk unaided etc. I'm not trying at this point. I'm sticking to daily walking distance. Tomorrow moving to some with one stick. Rule #1,2,3 for hip replacement is "don't fall". I have no interest in a time frame. I pushed it early and other parts of my body were sore. The expert in these health forums (Sheryl) typed one thing in my thread that I stored away...."listen to your body" .....it will tell you if you are pushing too hard. The stairs are not two difficult with one stick. Tomorrow I'm driving my partner somewhere and then return home. That will involve flight of stairs and of course driving (automatic) ... I had left hip replacement. Story about nothing except to show recovery isn't too slow or debilitating.
  3. In the scheme of things that wasn't important for me. Perhaps would be if I was working. Being retired I'm happy with the steady as she goes approach. As shown in Pic above ...after 3 weeks at a festival and few weeks from now flying to Oz. It ain't a race.
  4. Didn't even try it. I had a True package for the hospital stay.
  5. My room was same as impressive hotel room. Had it all and with partner staying in room it was as good as one could hope for. One of the reasons I did not opt for anterior is that it's highly specialized and I stuck with the grand master. Reading between the lines seems to me you are slightly over stating the advantages of anterior. I traveled Bangkok to Bang Saen 3 weeks post op for Speed Festival. Up and down stairs to room. Zero discomfort. As you see from pic of incision that was not long after op. Zero infection. Picture with gang 3 weeks post op. Don't look in too much discomfort
  6. One post in my previous thread was from a guy that was in pain and was given cortisone injection and stated it was like a light switch for him. Would possibly buy you time. My situation was slightly different in that my heart blood doctor was at that hospital and they sort of formed a team to plan what was best. As I have mentioned previously think for me it was best path. At 68 and regarded as overweight glad I took this option. Your current pain sounds worse than mine prior to my operation so hopefully hospital can improve your situation with medication in the meantime. Obviously you have more options in Bangkok but I think you mentioned Phuket is your location. Think you are hoping to have anterior method. By all means stick with that. My posterior incision was not small but as mentioned my recovery so far (in my mind) has been fine without any pain at all. Best of luck.
  7. A fall back position is to obtain non O retirement at place such as Vientiane. There in no need to show origin of funds in bank. Then in Thailand for 12 month extension there is no requirement to show funds from abroad. I would go to your particular immigration office and ask what they require regarding your current 800k
  8. Ok clear now. So obtain your 30 day extension. You can do that up to couple weeks prior to your current stamp expiry. Keep eye open for any news regarding covid extensions. If anything is announced it would be very close to July 25. If CE made available past July 25 then you could apply for one of those if required. BTW you do not need to show embassy letter for covid extension.
  9. Just to clarify. Under what basis did you enter Thailand....visa exempt? Or... Have you obtained the 30 day standard extension? Covid extensions are 60 days. Currently due to stop July 25. That may be extended. Will have clarification soon
  10. Available to anyone that entered on visa exempt or tourist visa. Note you need to obtain the standard 30 day extension prior to any covid extension
  11. Ask uj how old his TM6 is. It's like of those documents from biblical times.
  12. You sound in a bad way. I share some similarities with yourself. Mine came like a shot out of the blue. No prior issues. Also had never spent a night in hospital. Nothing Being 68 and heavy 95 kg 180cm maybe a reason that I had posterior option. In my thread that I provided link I had lot of advice to opt for anterior method and lots of advice to seek second opinion. I was very thankful for the advice but went for it and glad I did. It's very difficult to obtain opinions and shop around when you are in pain. Especially when it involves movement. Just getting to the hospital (taxi) was semi major project. The hospitals (private) here are fantastic. Tomorrow I go for my final "check up" ...and that's exactly 6 weeks post operation. I'm now mixing up my hallway walk 250m each time about 6 times per day. Today going to walk couple of laps on one stick. Was able to go to Bang Saen car races couple of weeks ago and that involved stairs, so it's not a nice thing to have but seriously not horrible. Flying to Oz in 5 weeks and hope to do that without stick. Time will tell. I have experienced Zero pain which has surprised me.
  13. I certainly don't. I can understand Scrap it... I can't understand "temporary suspension" Soon to go to Oz for couple of weeks and presumably when return will not have a tm6. Early next year need renew TDL. Can just imagine that chat... Them: "Where is your TM6" Me: immigration airport no give. Them: "No have you go to CW ..they give you TM6" As the saying goes ..."leave the damn thing alone"
  14. Not sure if that applies to private care. I was able to have my operation basically straight away. Since I take a daily anticoagulant I had to wait a few days after stopping that medication for operation. All up about one week from first consultation to op table.
  15. Best to download a TM8 and have form all filled in with photo attached. Often the office has no one waiting.
  16. You have good answers above. Aside, (and I'm sure that you would be aware) by exit and reenter just prior to the validity of your METV, you would be stamped in for another 60 days. Of course each entry can be extended by 30 days. Effectively it gives almost 9 month stay. Ripper visa option.
  17. First up just sent you detailed pm and short video. So my package was 350k baht. That included 5 nights in hospital and of course all the operation costs etc. Note I spent first night in ICU due to history of DVT etc. Post operation also in price is daily visit from my doctor. Note I actually never met the surgeon...he is the head honcho and basically does the driving in the F1 and leaves the follow up care to other doctor. There was an extra approx 40k for various add ONS such as medication and various other costs such as daily visits from my heart/blood guy. Naturally all the meals etc is included. It's top shelf but of course not cheap Good luck.
  18. Here is recent thread I started. Be aware that I was self funded and had top shelf room etc. The total all up was approx 350k ....so not for faint hearted but care etc was 5 star. . Now 5 week post op and tomorrow my walk routines will be single walking stick arm support.
  19. I used this guy 5 weeks ago. Bangkok. Phythai 1 private. Excellent result..
  20. It's only going to get worse. Personally do my extensions by myself. Never used an agent. Currently banged up due to hip replacement.... Can certainly imagine a time when I use agent. In your friends case the agent would do extensions on going based on retirement. Approx 15k per year. Immigration so far has not provided good options for the infirm.
  21. Yep read it. Found most of it irrelevant. The issue of time delay for 12 months of bank statements has been discussed often. Specifically Bangkok Bank has been mentioned. Also issue if you opened account eg Bangkok and are doing extensions elsewhere.
  22. You have stumbled on requirements for non O-A. Not required. Just to clarify....you are applying for a non O retirement. ?
  23. Not suggesting that I'm one of those... However the recommendation of using a dedicated bank account for immigration purposes has been mentioned many times. Banks can/do consolidate transactions. Again mentioned many times. Finally anyone applying for extension with days left is asking for issues. The OP deals with CW and that office allows applications up to 45 days early. Poor planning by the OP on various fronts.
  24. Many years back (think it was my first extension) ...at CW the immigration officer wanted to see "activity " on day of application. Explained that this meant small deposit/withdrawal. When I obtain bank letter at bank CW, I hand over 200baht. The clerk knows 100 is for bank letter and 100 deposit into the account. I also ask her to make photocopy of this last page. Obviously the deposit is done prior to bank letter so they match.
  25. I deal with CW using money in bank. I don't touch the account for a year. ....Always only required photocopies of bb pages. All that really doesn't matter. CW allows extensions to be done 45 days prior to POS expiry. It's stated time and time again to obtain extension early.
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