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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. So what's the latest count of Thai consulates changing financial requirements for non O-A. Not really big deal.
  2. Years ago I would download music onto laptop then would transfer songs to a USB. Since then I have just been listening to music/video on cell phone using YouTube and Bluetooth speakers. All good. So now I would like to put some music onto USB for audio only. Of course moving to current time.. There are Spotify and many others. Also most folk have smart tvs and via WiFi can access the net (eg YouTube). I have zero idea of what's possible now. Any suggestions welcome.
  3. Visa exempt one extension of 30 days. Do you have Thai bank account. The first step is to obtain non O retirement at immigration. That requires 800k in Thai bank account in your name. The 800k only needs to be in bank on day of application. That gives you a stay of 90 days. In last 30 days, after money has been in bank for 2 months you can obtain 12 month extension. The crucial part time wise is to have the bank account available quickly. Edit....We understand we need to have THB 800,000 for 2 months (60 days) in a Thai bank account before we can apply for the visa.... "WE" are you both applying for non O retirement. That's done separately obviously 2 bank accounts 800k etc
  4. What did you do for proof of accommodation booking. Seems a point asked about often.
  5. Do you already have a non O based on marriage? "Asked me for exact reasons for not being able to travel, and after some debate with 4 junior officers I asked to speak to their boss"......... 4 io officers seems a lot. " But yes, Asking questions everywhere it seems"....... There is approx 77 immigration offices. Don't we can state being asked everywhere at this point. BTW your not going back for the decision. Its only under construction period. You will receive the final stamp when you return.
  6. Lets hope that more reports of hassle free experience obtaining covid extensions come through next week. Imagine immigration will be very busy next week with countdown to Nov 26.. I'm not sure if there were many reports. Certainly there was a very detailed report from one member outlining demand for outbound flight and people refused covid extension.
  7. You can understand the confusion. Reports in this thread of almost hysteria with people scrambling booking outbound flights. People sent away without covid extensions. Can only put it down to one mad hatter immigration officer. Next week will be interesting. Hopefully CW immigration officer over the hissy fit..
  8. Would love to know the breakdown of all these folk going through the Thailand Pass, test and go.....the whole 9 yards. Meaning what % back to connect with family.......some returning after visit to home country etc. Surely a very small % would be actual tourists visiting Thailand for a holiday.. You would need rocks in your head to holiday here with all this rubbish.
  9. Do folk recall this one from few years (?) ago.... Quote from webfact thread. "Pol Col Somchai explained that in order to complete their 90 day report at 7-Eleven, foreigners will need to hand their passport, 4 passport photos and the TM47 form to 7-Eleven staff who will then scan the relevant information into the new system" Excellent idea. Note only possible between 2pm and 5pm when alcohol sales are banned.
  10. I think this old saying is referring to Non O-A..... "Death by a thousand cuts" (psychology), the way a major negative change which happens slowly in many unnoticed increments is not perceived as objectionable. . ...
  11. Im currently Samet and had chat with stranger. Guy was from UK. Just arrived and naturally having gone through TP process. For him it was difficult. How much of his own doing who knows. Tourists are not all familiar with using computers for some of that process. I'm hoping a Thailand Pass MK 1V will be along in the future and even dummies like me can return to Thailand. Flying out no issue. Flying back scary.
  12. Don't wait till the end of your 60 day permit, you can obtain extension week or more early. Your extension will start at expiry date of current permit. Also no need to rush for the covid extension as they will make you obtain the 30 day "standard extension" first.
  13. Thats correct and good reason why it's not common. Requirements not popular? Would like to hear from someone with a non OX. Share their experience. Never even met anyone with a non OX.
  14. Will become clear soon. It seems that 30 day insurance cover will be sufficient for returning to Thailand with reentry permit that allows longer stay.
  15. How is that a scam. Jetstar is a low cost carrier similar to AirAsia etc. All those carriers are carry on only in price. Checked in luggage, seat selection, meals, flight entertainment etc are added extra. Prices clearly outlined. Fee for payment is not pleasant with Jetstar. No issue with some such as AirAsia who even allow counter payment at 7/11 etc.
  16. @ubonjoe is expert on evisa process in USA and can best assist.
  17. I just obtained my 12 month extension from non O retirement. Nothing has changed that I can think of. There was the big one some time back re banking requirements (money in bank method). However certainly not a deal breaker. If your referring to too many requirements to enter Thailand then yes the TP along with everything else is too much. If your talking about living here in Thailand I personally don't see any issues.
  18. It's not overly annoying, however.... So day back in my notifications I saw several maybe 8 notifications for this one dill. I noticed that they were all laugh emoji. I then noticed he had basically gone through the whole thread and laugh emoji at all the posts of everyone. Does that earn a slap or people let it slide due to the chaps mental state.
  19. If you have a visa the airline will not ask for onward ticket. Did happen to me once flying to Vietnam as my visa only had 5 days left. With your tourist visa you won't be asked for onward flight. To obtain the TV your application may require onward flight. That's up to consulate that your dealing with. If asked for they would/may accept 90 day from arrival date. You would need check with consulate.
  20. Thanks for report. I must admit I got a smile out of some of the terms..... I like this one... "individual managers can set their own rules." I don't know what an "individual manager" means. If that's a term for immigration officer slash clerk then it's strange that they can "set their own rules"
  21. That backs up reports at CW. Certainly one poster had been in Thailand since start of pandemic. That would amount to several covid extensions and had difficult time to obtain another and needed to show outbound flight.
  22. That's really interesting. I mean that clearly the io has previously been very helpful and at same time suggested that you will not be issued another. Reports such as yours are important. Which immigration office.
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