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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Have never read an account of bankbook records being required back to 2014. Of course what is required is pages (and in some cases statements) back to previous extension. Unusual.
  2. Too long to outline here. It's against a backdrop of Australians not even being allowed to cross state borders at various time to see dying relatives. Etc etc etc. The guy waltzing into Oz with incorrect declaration forms and recent history of flagrantly disregarding covid laws in other countries.. Attending functions knowing he had tested positive. The guy is a narcissist. On top of that would (if admitted) been the poster boy for anti-vax Mellon heads. What's good for one is good for all. He is selfish jerk. Now we can concentrate on the Australian Open..
  3. Everyone is different. Checked out the complex. Looks very nice. I'm sure many would love it. Just goes to show...opposite for me. Would not be a condo where I would like to live. Location very good but condo opposite to what I would choose. Just goes to show ...one size does not fit all.
  4. Slightly off topic but personally think Thailand has a very wide range of flexible options. They have the METV (currently not good option as requires exits. However can give up to 9 months in "normal" times. Thailand has visa exempt and some other countries do not. My personal go to joint is Vietnam and pretty much all I can get there is 3 month multiple entry. That would be a nice one if Thailand provided that. Personally think Thailand is very flexible. Now with exit-reentry unavailable the covid extensions have been a godsend for some.
  5. If he is 50+ he can obtain a non O retirement after visa exempt entry.
  6. Absolutely not. The TM30 is an invention designed to somehow record your address. Of course it does. It's a nonsense. Some folk in fact stay in a hotel for only one night in order to have a TM30 receipt to go to immigration and obtain an extension. Be aware that with some immigration offices they give an under consideration stamp. You have your extension but have to return for "final" stamp. Can be an issue travel plan wise.
  7. Good point. In any event the OP has already made his decision. Just looking for confirmation that he is doing the right thing. Next will be post in motor forum "should I buy a Honda"
  8. I think everyone would like to see him play. Perhaps this is a very poor comparison but being Oz was first that came to mind .... In Oz the national game is AFL. Certainly not at the level of international tennis. Anyway to the point. That code blueprinted a set of rules. Double vaccinated or no play. The guy I'm thinking of is a good player on small money by comparison, however walked away from the game as had objection to being vaccinated, which of course is his right. You know what Australians say to that......"goodbye"
  9. Apparently the 3 judges "reasons" will be made public over "next few days". Yes your correct he lied not only on application, however my guess is there will be bigger reasons outlined this coming week.
  10. You applying for extension? You can file Tm30 as owner.
  11. Was a slip up in my advice above. Since it's your first covid extension they will start that from the day you apply. Your next one (if there is a next one) will start from end of permit. Up to you but I still would go early due to crazy busy next week. Even if you lose few days
  12. In the scheme of things if I was needing covid extensions I would be very happy with 1900baht. Hopefully you won't get an under consideration period and have to return for final stamp.. Don't leave it till Jan25. Go asap. Good luck.
  13. Yes all extensions 1900baht. When does current permission of stay end. There won't be any confusion as you have had your 30 day extension already and you can only have one per entry.
  14. Yes all extension forms are done on TM7. You have done one already and the docs (photocopies pp) will be same. Also take along the affidavit. Here is link. https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=727659
  15. You will have to obtain the standard 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry prior to obtaining covid 60 day extension. They are due to end January 25 but most likely will continue. As for the TM30 it's hit and miss. Depends on the immigration office and even the immigration officer. Good chance that it's required. BTW your Airbnb should do a TM30 since it's the law.
  16. Not at all. He is a minimal risk to anyone. However by asking that question shows that you have no idea of the bigger picture.
  17. First up are you going to obtain a visa. For your flight to Thailand the airline does not need to see onward flight if you have a visa. As for TP, your visa or flying visa exempt has nothing to do with flights (as I understand it). If flying visa exempt to Thailand then yes you need onward flight and a ticket from one of those companies will work. As for topic of this thread again "rent a ticket" should work. The thing is why is Bangkok immigration asking for this, for covid extensions. Individual io creep or higher up io creep?
  18. From earlier in the thread..... "Both my jabs given at Bang Sue (SCG). First then followed by second 3 months later and currently coming up to 3 months ago was 2nd shot of AZ. My location Pra Ram 9, Bangkok, so most places easy to get to."
  19. Welcome to LOS. The land of the Smug. We clearly differ so leave it there.
  20. Very naive. In normal times people can move around S.E.A which of course is currently not possible. Some folk have options perhaps married or 50+. When borders (or some) are open, then there will be no need for covid extensions. For someone who just arrived you joined the ranks of "send em back home" pretty quickly.
  21. His name in the draw now means nothing.. He will be in detention. Guessing his team will be checking for first flight out right now..
  22. Bit off topic but thinking Mr Macron might set his own rules for French open. Rule #1. Must be fully vaccinated. Rule #2. If in doubt refer to rule #1.
  23. ?? It's a done deal. He is out. The judges to outline their reasons in next few days. Surprised if he is still in Australia Monday late.
  24. Where did you get that from. If you join the dots I think most players think that in this instance he has been a Jerk. Read the players statements. Basically saying nick off. BTW Nick can go with him.. Another jerk.
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