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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Glad I mentioned the bank account. Opening a bank account is no longer a simple straightforward deal. Years ago was far more easy. Fact is that you will have a visa exempt entry stamp. I have been suggesting to folk doing the exempt to non O and in need of bank account to use an agent. This can be organized in advance. There will be folk along to state that they opened a bank account and only had visa exempt or tourist visa entry. Fine. Ask WHEN and which bank and branch and what was required.
  2. @Balu R First up ....hope it all goes well. I find your plan almost scary but you must have done your research. I'm also Oz and hoping to visit early next year for slightly longer. Couple of weeks. I'm sure I'm not alone. It's a long way off but if you could post a report of your experience after it's all done then guessing that would be a good read and be of interest to many. Hopefully not too many negatives. Good luck. BTW are your flights Thailand to/from Oz direct. Which carrier..
  3. No. And not necessary. The visa exempt gives 30 day stamp. She can chill and go to immigration prior to that 30 day expiry. To obtain non O based on retirement it's all done same day. Then she has 90 day stamp and can apply for 12 month extension after couple of months. Again done same day. Which immigration office does she plan to use? Not essential but if someone has definite plans to live in certain province then good idea to obtain the non O and extension there.
  4. You can do it online from anywhere.. If doing it in person it must be at immigration office where you live. Only way to do it at another office while in another province is to file a TM30 for that province. If going on extended holiday outside your province then via mail is safest option, just in case online down or not working for you.
  5. There seems some confusion about all this. Recently in a thread (maybe even this one) ....someone posted a Facebook statement from Richard Barrow. Something along lines that people such as yourself... Meaning extension situation and living in Thailand would require 30 day insurance for reentry to Thailand. I haven't kept up with this. Something needs to be sorted out. IMO 30 day insurance cover makes sense for those on annual extensions.
  6. OP, your friend is married, however you mention extension based on retirement. He choose not to obtain extension based on marriage? Has he organized the financial requirements? Money in Bank.
  7. What on earth is your point. For some doing the 90 day report in person is very inconvenient. In my own case attending MTT would take best part of the day. Fortunately mail is an option.
  8. Which immigration office do you plan on using. Also assume that you already have a Thai bank account in your name only?
  9. That absolutely won't happen. If 60 day covid extensions continue you could obtain those. You must be under 50 as you would just obtain a non O. You could use an agent to obtain non O volunteering. That would provide 90 day stay. Note some agents stating currently unavailable.
  10. What's your guess at how much a retired person spends in Thailand per year. Of course that varies hugely. The OP mentioned future hopes of having family etc.
  11. Your situation isn't complicated. However you cannot obtain a STV. Are you 50. You could obtain a non O. immigration won't help you. Forget notion of chat with them.
  12. Since she has bank account and funds in place she can enter visa exempt. Obtain non O retirement. Only needs 800k in bank on day of application. That non O gives her a 90 day permit of stay. In last 30 days of that apply for extension. Easy. She will need 50k covid insurance coverage for 30 days. Covered in many threads. That's the only insurance required. She will also require an onward flight. Options around that also covered in threads.
  13. Year back I needed to put 500k AUD somewhere for a year. Westpac offered me 0.45% on a fixed term. So yes putting money in a bank is poor returns both in Thailand and other banks. On the other hand here is returns statement from my managed super funds (shares). "The figures over 10 years include the two years of negative returns from the Global Financial Crisis. The Growth (Cbus My Super) option has returned an annual average of 9.24* per cent since inception in 1984." what all that means is that the 800k baht I keep in Thai bank COSTS me. Does not save money.
  14. If your married you dont need an agent. The financials on extensions marriage are not difficult. That is easy option. As for extension volunteering a well known agent telling me currently not possible. KeyVisa said that they are. They use messenger and LINE. You can discuss your options. Personally as already mentioned if married obtain an extension based on that. Simple.
  15. You (on purpose) overlooked the opportunity cost of keeping funds in a Thai bank. Your not saving money at all. In any event as always with any thread where someone asks for advice re agents, there are those that can't help themselves by either stating it's illegal or is costly. Sad group.
  16. I am the person that suggested he could pm someone. He is new and perhaps not even aware of sending PM option. I also suggested that if he outlined his issue/question in the thread that he may obtain useful advice. What useful info have you posted..... rhetorical q.
  17. What's your current situation. Extension, what type. What has previous agent assisted you with? Age.
  18. not permitted to discuss members. However ubonjoe is a moderator and our #1 source of advice for all matters regarding visas etc etc. If your question/inquiry is not personal you could outline it and possibly obtain good advice. Perhaps someone has had same issue.
  19. Des, you could send a PM to ubonjoe. He knows more than most immigration officers. He may be busy but you could try.
  20. That's also something the OP should check out with his immigration office. I think some offices want to see some sort the "pension statements" or some evidence. Apparently the like the word pension. Like many I life off income that comes from investments. Don't have any pensions or similar source. Some offices are not happy with that type of income.
  21. The OP is already in Thailand. The suggestion of obtaining an appropriate visa currently difficult.
  22. Maybe a dumb question and realize that you had already paid for a nights accommodation...... Since you had results by 8pm would just leaving hotel (check out) be an option?
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