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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Note: think you will find that the 30 extension needs to be obtained prior to the 60 day extension to visit wife.
  2. Then how could he obtain a non O in Singapore. Doesn't need more time he can have 30 visa exempt entry + 30 extension+ 60 day extension as I outlined. He is now. I just advised him along with cost.
  3. Don't understand how you assume the OP not yet married. He even asked about obtaining non O marriage in Singapore. From a visa exempt entry he could obtain a 30 day extension. If he does not have a Thai bank account then he could use an agent to assist. Approx 5k He can even obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife after the 30 day extension. He can obtain a non O at local immigration office in Thailand from visa exempt entry and then subsequent 12 month extension. Some involvement in the thread from OP would be helpful.
  4. Seems OP, is in process of obtaining the 12 month bank statement for his extension. Thread closed
  5. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311886-visa-exempt-to-retirement-extension-process-and-cost/ If no longer married you will need to do non O retirement followed by 12 month extension. Explained in attached thread. Note: to obtain the non O you need the 800k in Thai bank on day of application.. That provided a 90 day stamp.
  6. I find it unbelievable that you are not aware of the fact immigration offices can change even what is stated on relevant "Lists" For example for 10 years using money in the bank method. Previously all that was required re proof of funds was my bank book with photocopies of all balances back to previous extension. Out of the blue last extension demanded bank statement 12 months. I use a dedicated bank account. I was well aware they can require bank statement if some transactions can be consolidated. My problem was one month had no activity. Again few weeks ago I went to CW and had my stamps transferred to new pp. CW has a form for this with list of required docs. IN ADDITION to list of required docs on the form they wanted my bank account books showing balances back to last extension and made me go to bank for update. Then you have a crack at posters. There are many more recent threads that mention more offices are not accepting the bank book only but requiring 12 month bank statement. Next extension check with any current threads of any changes.
  7. CW does not have a printed list similar to one you posted as far as I'm aware. Rather, I posted links to couple of threads that relate first hand experience of obtaining certificate from CW (office used by OP) . Most requirements on your "list" is not required at CW. The most important thing required at CW that is not required at other offices is most recent TM47. The list you posted is a red herring.
  8. I have posted link to thread CW specific and my own knowledge of COR from CW and one from MTT. Also posted link to form that CW uses. Yes CW specific because that's where OP is applying for COR. Some rubbish list made up by Trat immigration is for Trat. The other list you posted in another thread re requirements for extension is also office specific. Edit: actually have posted 2 links to threads CW specific and first hand reports.
  9. You have posted this in two threads. Which immigration office as some do not require all the items on this list..
  10. OP, no offense but you were unaware of the requirements. You need all the months back to previous extension. Bit harsh that they would not simply accept photocopies of bank book pages for 12 months. Bangkok bank does require time to provide bank statements. Most other banks can do it on the spot.
  11. OP, current thread running. Which immigration office? https://aseannow.com/topic/1328126-residence-certificate-requirements/
  12. He does not require a tourist visa. Granted it's an option. He can enter visa exempt. Clearly he would have everything in place to obtain the non O at Thai immigration. With visa route he could apply for non O based on marriage if visiting home country.
  13. Ha. That would account for the fact of MANY reports of confirmation of that from immigration offices. Of course there is always few rogue offices.
  14. Google the date you entered and add 89 days. Your new report date will show. eg if entered today google... "May 25 plus 89 days"
  15. No special requirements at Phuket. Re days in advance ...it depends on office. Some (eg Jomitien) can say come back later. Couple of weeks is common. You can use agent if timing important eg want to travel after obtaining the extension
  16. This thread has advice and scroll down to post from ubonjoe. He posted link to form CW used https://aseannow.com/topic/1204288-application-for-substitute-of-certificate-of-residence-in-cw-immigration/ The form (link posted earlier) has tick box for TDL . Just tick driving license
  17. CW use their own form. I will post link. The basic copies of passport pages required https://aseannow.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=439173
  18. https://aseannow.com/topic/1286381-certificate-of-residence-at-cw/ As mentioned in thread above. You apply for COR at CW. It cost 200b and is posted out. Usually takes ~5 days. The most important thing is to have a TM47 receipt. Tip: There is no appointment for COR. If your 90 day report window is open you can make an appointment for that and then the io will photocopy the 90 receipt and process your COR
  19. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315828-visa-exempt-to-90-day-non-o-spouse-visa-conversion-in-thailand/ You do not need to obtain the non O based on marriage in Singapore. The above thread explains the process and my post has links to other threads for more information. Which immigration office? Do you have a Thai bank account in your name only?
  20. This is boring. Which agent are you using. If stamps issued in Jomitien that is surprising. The agent is not doing 90 day extensions he is doing 90 day reports.. That may or may not be to Jomitien Seriously seems you have never been to Thailand previously
  21. Look at tax law and law enforcement in your own country. Unless Thailand connects tax to annual extensions I see it as impractical. In any event this is off topic. Current threads running with 200+ pages.
  22. I even googled keesters. Still no idea of your point.
  23. Agree. Constantly surprised that folk accept this as a given. Then scurry to thinking about another country for 190 days. Comical
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