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Posts posted by twix38

  1. The below is nonsense.


    "One of his buddies spoke to a recommended lawyer a couple of years ago asking 'what will happen to all of the property and cash in Thailand if he dies without a will?' Answer; 'it wil go through several legal processes and eventually become owned as Thaicommonwealth property and be sold, proceeds going into the Thai state revenue accounts (taxpayers funds)'."


    as I have said my dad died with no will. He only had funds in bank and I employed lawyer and went to Thai court. All funds released to me on court order and was not that onerous. It was reasonably easy in my case.

  2. My father died in Chiangmai with no will. The tasks related to the death - hospital, police, death cert, English official translation  etc were not easy and stressfull.


    Not having a Thai will was not a big deal. Sure had to get family members in UK to sign consent and have notorised. Employ a Thai lawyer and go to court. Its also not plain sailing with a will. As I see it do you want to do it an advance or leave it to others. Best to do a will but it's only slightly more inconvenient without a will if it's a plain situation as mine was I.e. only bank account, especially as you will probably need to return to home country anyway and if you have family whose consent is needed get it then. I had a great lawyer who cost 40k and as theres many tasks to do in UK wrt death I just scheduled the court case for 6 months later when returning to Thailand. Into court for 15 minutes and 30 days later funds transferred by lawyer. There was no property or car involved which could make a difference. For most a will is best but in my case it made little difference other than the task was mine rather than my dad's. Of course paperwork was more but it's not difficult to get birth certs marriage cert etc. From my experience it wasn't half as bad as the stories about not having a will. I went home to UK to deal with dad's death there and got the paperwork for thai court then returned to Thai court and done. It was easier than probate in UK! 

    • Like 1
  3. Thailand has good health care but it's often found wanting.


    I have numerous experiences of mis diagnosis or over pricing.


    I had barratts oesophagus diagnosed in UK after Bumrungrad hospital told me all was fine and gave me anxiety pills!


    I had a doctor prescribe antibiotics for prostatitis and 3 weeks later tell me psa test normal so I don't have it. Then I googled and found I should not take them anyway as I had tendon damage and contra indicated. Told doctor and he blamed me for not telling him I had tendon problem. Surely the doctor should check.


    Had leg infection after motor bike accident and given antibiotics. Total guesswork and told finally if these 2 high dose don't work I should go back my country. I took a total of 12 different courses!


    Had jaw problem and given tests and medicines including steroids. Turned out my problem was nothing to do with what was diagnosed.


    Rip off at hospital pharmacies.


    My experience of Thai hospitals has been universally poor with a rare exception of average/good.


    I always try to avoid Thai hospitals. Competency and accountability are hit and miss and in my experience more often differing levels of guess, try and re-try sometimes with very poor results or making things worse/more resistant.

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  4. Transam, or pethaps you haven't woken up yet.

    My views are from observation, experience and some horror stories I have personally known where the foreign guy praised Thai wife and found out different later. I see many happy relationships where my own observation and knowledge is the Thai lady has little respect for her husband and even less appreciation.

    Sure there are exceptions but I am often amazes for instance when a Thai lady is getting $$$ and asks for more or is given more and they often hardly seem to appreciate the extra and the foreigner ends up regretting the gesture because he feels it (he) isn't appreciated. The more you give the more is expected and the less is appreciated.



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  5. Western bloaters don't expect the sort of family gestures Thais do. 


    I must let my married mates know that their foreign wives would appreciate them sending gestures to their (spouses) parents. There's always terms and always different, but if you don't pay the relationship will end within a couple of years as a general rule.


    Sounds like you have a keeper in large part due to previous Thai husband. Let's face it most Thai ladies are in business for foreign mans income and imv they generally otherwise would prefer Thai men. Accept that does not apply to you in the circumstances. 


    • Like 1
  6. So no monthly income or buying house or car in her name. No supporting her parents or her kids from previous relationships. No clearing her debts or .....


    In summary you have relationship like is typical in the West. You don't pay her for anything or buy her anything for her use or sole  ownership at all that would be over and above that normally practised in relationships and neither do you give her an allowance if she works . I don't believe you. My point is even if you don't that is very unusual. 


    It started with a dowry and went on from there to pay for items for her family etc

    • Sad 2
  7. This is easy. If coming here for health/hospital, then stay and do it in your own country. I have had numerous thai hospital visits to numerous Thai hospitals including bumrungrad where ent doc gave me pills for anxiety and on return to UK found I had barratts oesophagus.


    Just one of many examples. I really don't rate Thai healthcare though it is hit and miss so sometimes good enough. It's a lottery with no accountability when it goes awry. Too often misdiagnosed with a try these and if not work come back and we try again attitude. 

  8. I was told a chinese lady died in Thailand from coronavirus a couple of days ago and in the Thai news somewhere. I really dont know if its correct or not but it is only a matter of time until the first death outside China. Please don't suspend common sense.


    Imv the coronavirus danger is in its contagion rather than it's morbidity. I hope it will kill a low percentage but problematically it looks like infecting a high percentage. So both nominal numbers could be large.

  9. Exactly SteveK 


    It's nothing more than looking at what's happened, the trend, the incubation period and applying common sense. IF we get on top of this it will peak worldwide between late March and May. Aimho

  10. It is correct in my view. I have read reports that Chinese authorities halted flights out from wohan, whereas also airlines have independently stopped as with BA in UK.

    Chinese or airlines doesn't negate the point I was making in that the Thai action has imv been late and is often insufficient as more interested in other economic aspects! Tourism, revenue.


    The number of infected is already ramping up. The infected are increasing in a strong upward trend. And furthermore, in a trend that's been going in the opposite direction in terms of transparency (the number of infected was stuck at 14 for days as updates not being reported, until it was updated yesterday/today to 19 only because the first human to human transmission could not be suppressed) With up to 14 days before symptoms show then it's not surprising that infected numbers are going to ramp up until they reach a maximum between late March and May due to the weak and late response here in Thailand. 


    on CGTN that’s a Chinese news network they said Thailand was not doing nearly enough to fight this. And that local Chinese people were doing more on their own


  11. Today it's reported


    "Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Chinese government has been taking the most comprehensive and rigorous prevention and control measures with a high sense of responsibility for people’s health. Many of these measures go well beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations."


    whereas the Thai government has been behind the curve and unwilling to be decisive in terms of public health versus lost tourist revenue.

    even now there is an unwillingness to act pre-emptively with arguments over stopping granting visa on arrival to Chinese tourists. The Chinese themselves have taken action to stop flights etc. The numbers of infected will be ramping up though largely hidden at the moment.

    • Like 1
  12. What a maze of a mess all the various visa rules and checks are.


    Love that you can get a visa exempt and extend for a further 30 days so long as you have a flight out before first 30 days! Stop blaming the airlines. If immigration made it 60 days the airlines would not be checking for flight out before 30 days would they!!

    • Sad 1
  13. There is just no need to ask for financial verification 90 days after renewing an extension.


    At next annual extension simply look at bank book transaction page to verify everything and stop with all the hassles.


    Clearly not required  as not a universal check at other immigration offices anyway.


    what happens when done annual retirement extension but leaving country before the 90 day financial verification for 6 months or could even be longer? Just have to assume it will not matter when return to do following annual extension a year later?

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