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Posts posted by twix38

  1. What I did. I am from UK.


    If return to UK annually get travel insurance - much better and cheaper. Direct-travel do not require previous 6 months stay in uk.


    In Thailand I got a health plan with a big excess that covered the major immediate items that stopped me flying and that would keep me needing care in Thailand, but would otherwise break the bank. The excess made the cost acceptable and for anything else - minor or where flying is possible I.e. cancer diagnosis and most things, I would return to UK where imv and plenty of experience its much better to not be in Thailand for hit/miss medical treatment. I would far rather have NHS and when non urgent the wait to qualify or even be seen is an acceptable balance of risks versus costs. Can add an inexpensive accident insurance whilst in Thailand for the motorbike and/or otherwise I think the only thing missing would be cover for minor stuff that I would self finance.


    Now I stay in UK far longer and do travel insurance option. Higher cover for less. These days I prefer UK in summer and Thailand in winter and to avoid Thai healthcare for my health. Not to mention air quality and pesticides on/in food in Thailand.


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  2. A few points from my experience. I have Barratts and take omeprazole for 12 years.


    The tissue in throat once changed to Barratts will stop feeling like heartburn so you will feel better. That can be a false reassurance if it has meant you now have Barratts type throat tissue.


    Omeprazole is not risk free. There is believed to be an increased risk of dementia, osteoporosis and other risks over time. Acid assists the absorption of vit c and others. Take the lowest dose that works I.e. 20mg/day and do not think omeprazole is a risk free no side effects option. I am now hoping to have nissen fundoplication and stop taking omeprazole, but fingers crossed nissen fundoplication stops my reflux as I want to stop taking omeprazole. 



  3. I miss English mars bars as the ones here are aweful. Weetabix here are lower quality I.e. UK are higher wheat content and have added vitamins and minerals. Not here.

    I miss kippers too . tried some here and yuk!

    Long list actually when think about it. Tea, blah blah

    Biggest issue though us food quality as there is a real scandal here wrt pesticides and food safety 

  4. I agree with YTP.


    First time need medical cert but not needed for renewals.

    I needed it first time, then renewed on Xmas day 2017 and i knew I did not need it and did not get one. Sure enough I did not need one.


    However, though this has been the case, it may now have changed as of 1st March and so now perhaps is required for renewals as well.

  5. All thai ladies are 200% genuinely looking to be financially supported and will tell you whatever suits their circumstances and goals. Lost count of the ladies who treat you special and lie and decieve until you find out . you are looking at odds of 1 in a 10,000 to find one who doesn't take you to the cleaners if your usefulness/financing is interrupted.


    They also tend to be on mobile phones and Facebook even more than UK women.


    The grass is not greener just different and the set up in Thailand is a good time for a good price.


    You are too young to throw your best working years away doing a scummy job (realistically) in Thailand in the hope of meeting the love of your life and the visa situation would be a real practical pain over so many years, but after a while probably the least of your troubles.


    Just reflect if some  desperation and grass greener  is tipping your decision making. 


    Good luck. 



  6. I agree with this action however, it leaves a sour taste.

    UK has been attracting in Russian money deliberately for years and the reason to now go after it all and investigate and sieze it is to get much needed money to help with the state of UK finances. 


    Frankly banks and government actions make me sick. It's so obvious that first it was tacitly encouraged with a blind eye so later it could be investigated and taken by the state . I agree this should be done, but it was known as it poured in without a word .





  7. Good for you 4MyEgo


    There is a lot of positives too to Thailand. It has been my home for last 6 years.

    We can all celebrate the differences and in part that alone is sometimes why people love it here. It's different.


    I set out my view in my original post (cycling was but one small, minor point).


    It doesn't rain every day for a year. lol If you cycle here early morning to miss the heat there are many days you can see a weather forecast and cycle for a few hours in the day in UK too. I truly think some posters really think that 20 days a year is a reasonable figure. It's simply not remotely realistic for a full year!!

    In June to September, you could probably do a minimum of 60 days right there.


    imv, when points made are just plain ridiculous (20 days a year) it only goes to demonstrate that in order to make a point the poster is willing to say whatever will support it, even if it defies common sense. Who really wants to tell me in UK, when I want to go out on the cycle I cannot do it because of the weather for 11 months and 10 days each year!! 

  8. How many days cycling is possible in UK?

    20 days a year!! lol


    Let's get real.


    Over Spring, Summer and Autumn (9 months) if looking to cycle each day i would guess it's possible on 20 days each month as an average, so 180 days and I will accept probably very few if any in Winter.


    Whereas in Thailand firstly you take your life in your hands on any road and in the summer months and hotter days (300+ days a year) you either accrue Melonoma exposure as a good friend of mine did and died this year back in USA or require sun block application every time or sweat like a pig in clothing. Whereas on many days in UK the weather is MUCH more comfortable cycling weather AND almost whereever you live in UK there will be cycling greenbelt or cycle paths etc in the vicinity.


    I am not a keen cyclist, but do enjoy the countryside rides as an occasional activity in UK. Never here in Thailand, even if I knew of one locally. It isn't even an activity that I would wish to do here and often it will involve cycling in traffic at some point, as I mentioned - accidents and diesel exhaust fumes on a far worse scale than UK and cycling provision laughable.


    The UK is far far better even if there are days it's too cold etc.

  9. I am a Brit and been living in Thailand last 6 years and visiting since 2002.


    I prefer UK!


    I am returning in March.


    Many of the usual reasons - face, lies, corruption, pollution etc


    Uk has some lovely countryside unspoilt and plenty of public parks, woods, bike tracks etc.

    Thailand builds on most of it and public amenities are few. 


    I need root canal and a crown and shocked at an average price of 15,000 baht about GBP 340. NHS GBP 244. Price of food here is expensive for western food. I eat thai food, but concerned at all the articles regarding pesticides and again corruption plays to this . long term heaven knows what health damage is accruing.


    Unfortunately the system and the law here is set up to disadvantage foreigners. Dual pricing, unable to own land your home sits on, are 2 examples not found abroad.


    I return to UK every year and this time i plan to stay for a long time, though I will return here for holidays.


    Apart from housing and labour, thailand isn't so cheap for a Brit anymore. Second hand cars are way cheaper in UK.


    I also have found medical competency and accountability in Thailand is poor in my numerous dealings 

  10. I never liked Aung San Suu Kyi.

    Always thought she was an oppinonated, obstanant women who would be unyielding to others suffering because of her steel and self determination that obscure and impede true compassion and focus.


    She isn't looking or listening! or is she blind and deaf?


    She is a hard <deleted> who views the Rohingya in a similar way to the Army, if truth is told.

  11. Set the cat amongst the pigeons lol


    There is certainly a chance that out there, there are the exceptions that prove the rule of my one is different.


    Fwiw, I have not had a bad personal experience at all. Quite the opposite.

    I have though witnessed most relationships falling into the plight I described and every time bar none, it was the same story. I can trust my one .

    Relationships have a shelf life and then you can trust the pay this, buy that, build house, new mobile, family need (more) money, etc will spur action on ANY opportunity to take it if it's not freely given and you have become dispensible. 


    Rule is don't become dispensable and in most long term relationship the man has ensured he is financially still needed and holds the control. Otherwise the trust turns into irrelevance and lack of respect .



  12. Of course you cannot trust them!


    They all lie and are great actresses .


    Guy I know told me been with his wife over 25 years and trusted her 100pct. Had joint accounts and bank cards etc. Turned out she spent everything including access to his home country finances. He found out when his pension was stopped to pay debts via a court order. 

    All ( particularly younger) Thai partners deep down have no respect for old ferang other than money. I hear and see it repeatedly but usually the old guy is oblivious or refuses to see it. 


    No matter how long you have been together, tomorrow is a new day full of surprises. One of which is how you were taken in by that women who played the loving partner so well.

    Give them everything and see where and when the relationship ends. It may take time to unravel, but it will.

  13. Sheryl wrote: "Your stories re not, in fact, about treatment given by hospitals. Hospitals are buildings and do not treat. They are stories about treatment given by specific doctors. These exact same hospitals have some excellent doctors, but one must do due diligence in seeking them out. All hospitals have mediocre and even some downright incompetent doctors. "


    Absolutely. Nobody is blaming the Bricks and Mortar (Hospital building). It is of course the Doctors. Though the general lack of accountability does in part stem from the system where Doctor's attend various hospitals and it becomes a more hands-off and independent (contractors) situation away from formal or adequate Hospital oversight and satisfactory accountability. So, I agree it's primarily the Doctors (not the Hospital) and great care must be taken. For me though there are just too many times that Doctors here fall short - even after researching and the ones recommended -  and fall into a pattern of over testing and over prescribing (for money) and will very often still fail at a correct diagnosis 1st time, possibly 2nd time and may get there 3rd attempt onwards. Followed by a complete lack of responsibility or accountability. 


    The worst aspect though are ramifications from poor/wrong diagnosis and treatments. imv this also happens too often generally if my experience is typical. They can do real damage whilst attempting various remedies or missing real problems/creating new ones, and they do! Prehaps we should discuss about these Doctors who are in the system, but who are not proficient. Who is going to deal wih this in Thailand when the system is set up as it is and there are these independent contracting Doctors without sufficient oversight left to mis-diagnose and worse for years!


    With all the many opportunities and various Doctors for various ailments over years, it is mind blowing just how poor virtually all of my experiences have been, but they all share some core themes - an apparent inability some 75% of the time to get it right first time, over prescribing and no accountability for mistakes.


    That's not including price gouging on many Private Hospital's own pharmacy drug costs!

  14. Best to get treatment wherever possible in your home country. Far too hit and miss here.


    My brief experiences.....  


    Bumrungrad. Endoscopy resulted in tablets for anxiety!!! In UK found I had Barratts oesaphagus LGD. A pre cancerous condition.


    Infection that would not clear and remedy was to guess and re-prescribe. I had 15 different combinations of antibiotics and was even blamed when one was contra-indicated for tendon damage I had when 3 weeks after taking, I found in Google. Told to stop taking then and I was blamed! A PSA test whilst being treated for prostititis that came back low and told oh well its not that then after taking pills for it for 3 weeks and on and on.


    Dental implant that caused swelling and ear pressure problems for 6 weeks and told ENT Dr who ignored this and after ear test prescribed 3 pills incl steroid and nasal spray which all did nothing as it was tmj


    Bunch of clowns and whilst some are good there is no accountability and it is, try this and then oh, lets try this and this.


    Had infection in wound from motor bike accident and again went through 12 different antibiotics and a drip where whole arm went numb and so was stopped. Finally told if this not work you go home your country. Fortunately the last double combo worked but my insides and stools were terrible after all these antibiotics!


    Imv Thai healthcare should come with a warning that they will try but many are just going to experiment with loads of pills and tests (and money) and the result is far far too often they get it wrong. That's the crux of it - Far too often they get it wrong and in one way or another the patient suffers. The Dr who missed my barratts is still at bumrungrad and I got nowhere when I complained. Terrible!!

  15. The  more treatment I have in Thailand the more I get the impression that competence is low and problems far higher than expected. 


    I now have 5 big seperate and varied encounters for health issues which vary from poor to unacceptable.


    I rate the expertise as generally weak but come back if that didn't work and well try again



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