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Posts posted by twix38

  1. the chronology below mises one important fact..

    "The son inadvertently knocked into a Thai guy because he was practically unable to remain vertical being so drunk.

    The Thai guy already annoyed by a previous guy, gave him a shove and because he was so drunk was easily toppled and fell over.

    The Mother, reacted to seeing her son hit the ground and I believe misread what was actually just a drunken fall.

    She went ballistic and humiliated the Thai guy by slapping his face first for something she "thought" he did.

    Then it just all got out f control, and we all know the outcome."

    In amongst that the Thai man moves deliberately 1 step over to block off the woman's view of her relatives and any escape route/route to safety without either walking right through the Thai man or turning around and walking away from her relatives and danger. This is a very provocative and deliberate gesture from the Thai man and one which people don't consciously comprehend as being why they react the way they do, but only sometimes on reflection is it given proper billing for actions that followed. i.e. the slap. The Thai guy deliberately moved over to cut off any escape route and isolate the woman. That is very escalatory, but subconscious in that you are fully aware what's happening and why, but too much else is going on and it then gets overlooked, but it's a very important signal that is well understood. Her options in the confrontational argument that followed had just been preset by an aggessive step to isolate her and feeling threatened she slapped him. Well desereved! ;Let alone the rest of the sickening beatings. No excuse and Thai guys should rot in jail as with such litle provocation and drink it will happen again and again.

  2. what does this news actually tell us?

    The biggest crime seen through Thai eyes is that the news became public!!

    says it all really.

    They are happy when they can cover up and protect the tourist trade. Whether it be murders, beatings, bad behaviour. The first concern is damage limitation for Thai interests. There's a part of me that thinks this stinking attitude, to cover-up and hide news or divert blame and default to excuses, that is on display from the start in every incident deserves to see Thailand suffer for it's collective cynacism and underlying motivation.

    Not until they deal with the scum on the streets and apply proper prosecution and sentencing as a deterent and punishment will I accept this pervasive and morally bankrupt status-quo. Many newspapers fear following up stories later if they are not high profile and often because the guilty party is allowed to party-on after paying.

    When Thai authorities ALWAYS bang-on about the effect to tourism, don't they have even a clue that it just makes them appear shallow, self-serving, uncaring and morally bankrupt? That's the politest I can say.

    You just beat up a grandmother and could well have killed her. You are hereby charged with bringing the countries tourist Dollars into jeapardy!!!!!!

    No other charges M'lord.

  3. the elderly lady and Thai drunk scum were talking/communicating before she slapped him. No doubt with the Thai man's drunken aggressive state he was not being polite (far from it I suspect) and I noted he moved a little sideways to block off her view or movement back to her husband/son which is very telling of his attitude. No wonder she slapped him as it was more than deserved and she probably felt threatened and isolated - wrong move, but in a civilised country it would have usually caused far greater shame to attack a women in public. What was never deserved is the Thai man's reaction and the severity of the attack. I would give them life sentences for tryng to kill the women. It was sickening! Nobody can excuse it and it's as Thai as Thainess can be. Loss of face, drunk, mob violence

  4. uptheos

    in our country we don't pretend to be the land of smiles that conceals the sucker-punch-death-kick. Thailand prides itself on a tourist image that is a lie!

    Also we follow up on things so the results and sentencing gets reported. Do you know how difficult it is in Thailand to find out what happened or to read about the court case/sentencing? It rarely if ever happens because so many Thai crooks are let off or buy themselves out.

    We have laws that are enforced and a much much less corrupt police force. The differences are many and varied, but in Thailand the scum are put back on the street, if they are even ever removed.

  5. at least a couple of those Thai men should have their heads stamped on until they are as flat as a pancake!

    Most sickening is that justice will not be done here, at best they will be out on bail and slowly forgotten never to be reported on again as is the normal siuation here. Thai justice usually means come back in 6 months and these scum will be found at home, living their normal lives!

  6. I'd like to find out what happens to assets, particularly funds in a bank account when an ex-pat dies without having a Thai Will?

    I assume there is a process to claim the funds in the deceased bank account for a family member - what proof is required? what is the procedure?


  7. Re Bumrungrad

    We have impressions from our own experiences.

    I could not swallow easily and wet there and had Endoscopy - rushed and diffculty administering.

    Result was prescription that I later googled to find out they were anxiety tablets. Told I was ok and no further checking was needed.

    Returned to UK a month later and Doctor sent me for Gastroscopy. I had Barratt's Oesophagus - pre-cancer condition.

    I would find a good doctor foremost and if he works at a cheaper Hospital go there. I can still remember the name of the doctor I saw I needless to say I will never return to Bumrungrad. Expensive and in my case useless!

  8. Let me add some further info - after I got the anti-biotics at Fascino (read my post Suradit69) I actually went back to the pharmacy in the BKK Pattaya Hospital with a cunning plan. First I showed the pharmacist my (Fascino) antibiotics and asked if they were the right ones and as prescribed, to check. She looked and said yes, they were exactly right. Then I said they cost me 1,200 at Fascino and that the BKK Pattaya Hospital charges far too much - a 300% increase. She actually went RED with embarrassment and agreed, so I left it at that.

    Did you read that! She had nothing to say to me other than going red and agreeing because she had nowhere else to turn.

    Now I have subsequently gone to Queen Sirikit Hospital as I was getting worse not better and I did have to wait a few hours and I was then diagnosed with Prostatitis and told to stop taking those anti-biotics, so even the 1,200 baht at Fascino plus the Hospital's doctor fee, medical fee and nursing fee was a waste of money, but it is only the pharmacy charges I feel are ridiculous in that general fiasco.

    That the cost at Queen Sirikit (public Hospital) is much lower at 706 Baht including doctor's fee, urine test and medication is to be expected, but nobody is going to convince me that BKK Pattaya do not rip off patients at their pharmacy and it is not the first time I have bought outside with a massive saving.

    To address one other point I have read. It may have been an oversight but on another visit I was prescribed 3 medications all of which were costly and I didn't at that time know or think to refuse and get outside. I checked the bill shocked at the cost and I was able to completely cancel one of the 3 because I already took it daily for another condition! I was not asked or checked before prescribing. I accept that could just have been poor by the individual doctor or an oversight, but what I absolutely refuse to accept is the degree of MASSIVE overcharging that seems to me to be seen as a gift-horse to abuse. It is frankly taking the pi55!!

    I can report I finally feel better.

  9. I was prescribed Mieact antibiotics at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, Pattaya after seeing the Doctor.

    Total bill was 4,360 Baht and asked to see the breakdown.

    It's a bit high for a week's worth (28) of anti-biotics and seeing the Doctor. Well, the antibiotic charge came in at 3,360 Baht!

    Knowing what a rip-off their pharmacy prices are and ow they like to pad the bill, I paid the Nursing fee, medical fee and Doctor's fee and said I would get the Anti-biotics outside.

    Right next to the Hospital (on Sukhumvit) is a branch of Fascino pharmacy and there the same drugs were 400 Baht for a strip of 10, so got 30 for 1,200 and they gave me a small discount, so I paid 1,140 Baht for 30.

    How do Bangkok Pattaya get away with charging 3 times the price that an outside pharmacy charges and let's not forget Fascino also make enough profit to sell at that price already, so it is just absolute daylight robbery by Bangkok Pattaya to their patients who in the main will often know no better and as a captive customer totally get ripped-off on a regular basis!!

  10. I sympathise too.

    I had the same problem and now live in a house. Now it's dog's barking! lol

    When in Condo I tried White Noise. I got a CD of White Noise and I still play it each evening on permanent repeat - now for the dogs.

    Set it to a volume that covers the intruding noise so that it becomes background noise. A regular spectrum sound that does not change in volume and is constant you can become used to it quite quickly and go to sleep. Then the outside noise needs to be pretty loud to wake you up over your White Noise. For me and I suggest most people, the stress comes from sudden and intermitent sounds that can be various in nature and a lot of my stress came from waiting for the next noise, so I could not relax to sleep anyway.

    An over-riding White Noise can often cover most of it and no ear plugs, just the hum of White Noise at your chosen volume. It can help but isn't going to cover very loud bangs

    anyway something to consider. I prefer the Pure White Noise, but plenty of options and maybe a local supplier somewhere, although I ordered from these...............



    It is a make-do solution and much much better to move/find a quiet place with quiet neighbours. I moved and had to sell, but that was 4 years ago and best thing too as it's really uhealthy to have bad sleep and stress

  11. Absolutely Harley Clarkey.

    It's the Thai way to play the long game when brought to justice. They just delay and postpone and push around hoping people will get bored and/or run out of money and the will to live - as well as often the threats and intimidation from the perpetrators.

    I would go a bit further. Why is is acceptable to give many Thai ladies the temptation of a lifetime by having the set up of not being able to own land as a foreigner in the way we do. There could be zones where a limited landsize is able to be owned by a Foreigner or a handful of specialised Tourist Lawyers (like the Tourist Police) to hear cases of property fraud.

    The system we have now is a state sponsored wealth transfer scheme when you put mind-numbing amounts of money in reach (or control) of comparitively poor Thais. What do you think the likely outcome will be in many instances and the fact that the state bodies, police, lawyers, officials, courts then all give the run-around only confirms the original intent as one which they are not displeased with!!

    I listen to the Thai official and it makes my blood boil. They all just give out a smoke screen or bluff it out. You know right then that it's on to the next person ad infinitum and trying to pin it down is a frustration beyond belief as they skirt around the issue or seek to side-track(that old ploy of making you dispair and eventually give up in frustration at the logic and provaracation) - LIKE at lawyers office: what day did the transfer take place? You come to Police station tomorrow. What day did the transfer take place? I look your copy passport........... and on and on. We think it's a language problem, but it's also deliberate and called the run-a-round.

    To have a law in place that puts such temptation of riches is asking for these outcomes to regularly occur and of course they do.

    Or accept we cannot own houses that we buy n the traditional accepted and expected sense because we cannot own the land they sit on. Therefore and in that case it's about time the Eurozone block took reciprical action on Thai owned property and commercial land holdings in Europe!

    We would only then get fair laws and treatment here.

  12. of course Thailand IS in trouble. Here's why..........

    bombings and trouble with terrorism could yield a potential slowdown in tourism

    A water drought effecting rice production. Some 40% of the Thai work force are in agricultural linked jobs and are cutting their consumption/spending.

    High consumer debt also slowing household spending

    Export growth and competitiveness has slowed.

    Political instability and military gov't economic incompetence

    wages have increased faster than productivity

    a rapidly decreasing current account surplus may encourage foreign capital to leave

    Thailand could slip into a deflationary morass

  13. slightly OT

    On subject of Thai Banks and the deposit guarantee - amount covered if bank goes bust or problems.

    The limit will be reduced to 1 million per bank in August 2016, so anyone wanting to remain fully covered needs a maximum of 1 Million Baht held per bank.

    I have looked at Government bank's as should be more secure and the Gov't Savings bank needs a work permit to open account, but not the Gov't Home bank. btw, is it true as mentioned here earlier that Gov't Savings bank do not pay interest to foreigners? (just curious)

    So, if anyone knows of any reason not to open a fixed deposit account with Gov't Home Bank, please tell me asap? TIA

  14. DD13

    YES, I was very impressed. They told me it covers up to 50,000. I assume it is just for Hospital bills as need seperate motor/accident insurance for the rest, but I got the cheque having the required paperwork as mentioned above in about 20 minutes. No quibble. No problem at all.

    She asked for my passport, which I forgot, but was willing to accept my Thai driving license only - otherwise just needed Hospital bills, police report, Green log book and their slip/receipt of valid Gov't insurance

  15. I have health and accident insurance with a 40,000 Baht excess and accept for smaller amounts (up to 40k) I will have to pay, so could not claim. Hence paid 12,000 myself and cannot claim via insurance.

    I went to Gov't insur company today and got a cheque refund for my Hospital fees. So thanks to all for the advice and particularly MTH for the location and map

    Took all the documents and worked well, so that helps negate the totla cost.



    I was riding down the outside of the lane past cars stopped at Red traffic light. Pick-up ahead decided to U-TURN, though claimed he was turning right into a driveway with locked gate - rubbish.

    I bibed and he didn't stop so crashed into him. I put the actual accident down to him suddenly pullng out wthout any due care and attention and as had he braked I could have simply driven round him, but the git didn't even try. He was originally stopped in a queue waiting for lights to change and without warning or indication

    starts to suddenly u-turn. However, I learned at Police station that because I should not have been driving down the ouside of the lane. I was deemed most at fault and hence all to blame.

    I can see it is illegal though many do it all the time and insurance stated repair cost was 24k and so I paid them half, so I suppose I am accepting of the outcome and

    much better now I got my Hospital bills refunded and only out of pocket for the 12,000

  16. I had a motorbike accident on 22/5/15.

    I hit a pick-up and had to pay 12,000 at police station to cover part costs of repairs to pick up.

    I then went to hospital the next day as my ankle had swollen up and thereafter followed 3 more visits as also got an infection of wound. Total Hospital treatment costs of 8,287 Baht

    Can I claim for any of this based on the mandatory Government insurance that we all have?

    What can I claim for? What do I need? Where do I go in Pattaya to start the process with this gov't based insurance cover for re-imbursement?

    I have only just been told that I may be able to claim, so hence the delay since accident.


  17. "Bumrungrad is a private hospital... and a damn good one!"

    I beg to differ.

    I went there with a throat problem and had an endoscopy. Told all fine and no need for further tests. Given tablets which I found were for anxiety when I got home and googled as doctor was very rushed.

    2 months later I am back in UK and see doctor who sent me for Gastroscopy and I have Barratt's which is a pre-cancerous condition of the throat!

    Now on PPI tablets daily for life and regular check-ups.

    a damn bad hospital in my books, rushed and looking for the next $$ and treating me as if it was in my imagination - in fact that was the definition of the diagnosis I got which meant I felt I had a prolem but it was perceived and not real!!

    That one experience unfortunately put me off ever going back and expecting a competent proffesional diagnosis.

  18. evadgib

    usually I would agree, but I think driving down the right hand side confers blame here in my situation and the OP's.

    It may be different if 2 lanes and the right hand lane is set for turning right. That was not the case for me or the OP.

    If the OP has to pay anything it will prove your point of ethnicity, but otherwise I believe it has nothing to do with it in my case as it is illegal to do what so many do daily by riding down the right hand side on a single lane. I fogot to mention I was also charged 1,000 Baht as a fine. They forgot to collect that though.

  19. I have the answer for you 100%

    it is not50/50. The motorbike is at 100% fault.

    I know this because I was in an identical situation less than 2 weeks ago.

    I was on a motorbike riding down the right side of the lane past cars waiting on a single carriageway, stopped at traffic lights.

    No cars were looking to turn or indicating. They were all stationary waiting for the lights to change. As I approached the traffic lights, a car about 3 or 4 cars ahead suddenly decided to pull out and go right to u-turn or just turn right into a shop driveway on the other side of the road!! I blasted my horn and rode further right onto the other side (traffic coming the other way, though there was none) to try to get around him assuming he would brake. He never braked! (my comment here is what a wan*er as he made a collision unavoidable) I hit him and knocked his driver's door mirror off and my head dented his door - I was wearing crash helmit and no problem. My ankle has been a swollen nightmare. We all went to the police station.

    imv he caused the accident. He just pulled out without looking or indicating to u-turn AND hearing my frantic bibbing, never stopped so I could get round him and completely avoid any crash at all.

    However, as I should not have been riding on the outside. I was 100% wrong and had to pay damages of 12,000 Baht.

    I can see the logic and highway code reasoning even though he CAUSED the accident. I was where I sould not have been.

    So, the bike was 100% wrong here too

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