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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Golgota,


    Fine with me if I am in the minority. 

    I don't think we should NOW scrap it as it's in place and more pressing concerns. 


    I simply say it was a bad and terrible deal.


    That Europe likes it is fine. Bunch of appeasing liberal politically correct fools content for peace now and deal again for the next administration. Companies like it for the commercial profit motive it opens up.


    Iran will persue nuclear weapons for the same reason as others under duress or who have ideological or fundamental differences and a lack of trust . Do you truly believe Iran will not seek to exploit options when they are no longer under inspection in a decade? That their word can be trusted or that they will not look to stop being bossed around by having the ultimate deterrent. They will do it under the radar without inspections and deny it as they always do.


    Those who think it's a good deal are those who think so because it's the best they could get and they did just enough to sell it as workable if you ignore the lack of stopping Iran but instead just slowing them down. Best chance we had was to strike a hard deal after sanctions but we bottled it and postponed it.


    Iran actually sees the deal as allowing them complete freedom once it expires . Their view is they are free to proceed unless of course they have such a great economy they choose not too. Lmao


    I do not have any doubt at all that Iran have in mind to get the bomb and be an equal player and on a level playing field. No longer having to respect others because of their ultimate power.They just played the long game and won.


  2. Iran, a sponsor of terrorists with hardliners appeased for now by a deal that allows them to build the bomb in a decade and you think for their own security and world view anything is going to stop these people! They would never have accepted a deal that did more than delay them and they did not need to. In a decade they have a green light to resume and in very short order and sanctions then will be too little, too late. Cloud cuckoo land!


    I think we should leave it in place now it's done and other more pressing concerns N. Korea, but when this deal was struck it is exactly as DT calls it. Sanctions took ages to ramp up and work and we just settle for a delay and call it bailed if their economy is good in a decade. Lol


    Btw they launched a rocket that was I thought prohibited under agreement .


    Irrespective of that and their economy in a decade they will want to join the nuclear club unless this Leopard changes its spots . Perhaps by then they will have a democratic left wing populist government lol

  3. Golgotha,


    Agree, Iran is not building an atomic weapon (now) and yes they broadly respect the deal. 


    That is clearly not my point!!!


    I said the deal is crazy. Not surprised Iran keeps to it and I agree that now it's probably not a good idea to trash it, as I stated.


    What this deal allows for, is for Iran to be in a position to ramp it up in a decade quite quickly and legally with nothing done to address that. All it did was to push the can down the road and meanwhile under cover they slowly progress and get ready to make a bomb with the infrastructure and materials planning and ready to scale up. It is not a solution but delayed for future administration. Iran are indeed slowly rather than speedily progressing to have a nuclear bomb in the future (decade). I call this deal one of the worst fudges in living memory when sanctions brought Iran to the table as the weaker party.


    This deal was selling ourselves short for a decade of delay rather than actually dealing with Iran's goal it just slows it down. I.e. let's them progress slowly behind the scenes while complying with a terrible deal that we fudged and squandered to get it signed off.


  4. Trashing the Iran deal now is probably not a good idea, but equally letting them progress slowly to a nuclear bomb as the deal guarantees is ridiculous. It should never have been agreed as it is, in the first place. A crazy deal that all negotiating partners should be ashamed of letting Iran have. On top of which most benefits including shed loads of money   were given up front. Donald is however correct in that this must be one of the world's worst ever agreements. Negotiated to appear as if we had a very weak hand in negotiations when infact after years of crippling sanctions we had the best hand we could have hoped for.


  5. Na, let's have 8 more years of Obama's weak dismal fudging and empty theats whilst the world's worst make unimpeded progress on annexing parts of sovereign countries, progress on N. Korean nuclear capabilities and ISIS strengthening whilst not even able to express the words Muslim Fundamentalist!


    Obama's weakness has seen amultitude of bad outcomes from Syria's Red Line through the Arab uprising, Libya and Russia, China and N. Korea's deaming the USA of little significance.


    At least things moving in a better direction now.


  6. huh


    as I see it thebike stopped and saw bus in mirror and probably either moved forward or was hit by bus into the motorbike in front. Separately the pillion passenger lost balance and stumbled off. Look at bike after bus has travelled through/past. The bike and another bike in front are both on the floor - caused either by bus hitting them or geting out of the way of the bus.


    Lock the bus driver up for a typical dangerous move to undercut traffic on left hand side meanwhile nearly killing someone who either lost balance or was perhaps jerked off if rider saw bus in mirror before the bike was hit or forced to move out of the way and ram the bike in front and both fall to the floor. 

  7. yet another one let out of jail to commit crime and murder!!


    This countries law and order is shown to stink time and again!


    The elite never face justice. Those with money pay to avoid justice. Those who are on bail and obvious flight risk abscond. Those who are jailed or fined sometimes get pathetic sentances. Those who present a continued risk are let out early/pardoned and far too many others are ignored or fined as insignificant punishment, to walk the streets and place us all in danger for crime and murder!

  8. "it is good they are trying to keep creatures like this off the street "


    This is one of the BIG problems. Too often the opposite happens - whether given bail to flee or as in this case a Royal Pardon.

    Most of the time, criminals either buy their freedom or are let out early when things die down and far too often the penalty is insufficient anyway.


    The streets have many more criminals than the jails becuase it's a revolving door!

  9. Obama has been a Foreign policy disaster!


    Leaving America weaker and less respected  and any area in the world you look at either no better or much worse.


    Weakness and indecision has characterised his decision making process.


    Good ridence!!

  10. Looks like victim was momentarily distracted by someone off camera as he looks over briefly and attacker takes opportunity to strike at that moment.


    The REAL issue is that there is no real rule of law here in Thailand. Murders who have a compelling flight risk are put out on bail, no case follow up is usually reported unless it's very high profile or internationally followed, convicted criminals are back on the streets with no/small jail terms or early release when things die down, money can get you off and otherwise too many bad people are out on the streets through corruption, clemancy - I confess and pay, pardons, early release, not even convicted, etc.


    Secrecy where possible, money when often able and no real law and order leaves a lot of scum walking free!!

  11. I had a terrible experience here.


    Saw Doctor for inability to swallow down food - endoscopy.

    all okayand take these tablets - no need for anything further.

    all rushed.

    Home and google. Tablets for anxiety. Threw them away.

    Next month returned to UK. Doc there recommended Gastroscopy asap.

    Diagnosed with Barratts (pre cancer condition). on medication for life and annual biopsy required.

    Bumrungrad did a pathetic sham investigation with no responsibilty taken.Their Doc just assumed endoscopy ok and that I was anxious- called bolas when I asked. TERRIBLE!!

    I will not name doctor, but I have not forgotten!!


  12. lol


    just do a fixed deposit account, <deleted>. Easy and a higher interest rate!!

    Can be arranged to mature when funds next needed and to be in fixed account at time of Immigration letter and reporting, and for 2 or 3 months prior as required, with any funds either withdrawn  at maturity dates throughout year and/or topped up. Then this whole question of timing of bank letter AND having to pay-in is irrelevant.  Seems some don't want to earn extra interest and have peace of mind!! additionally reduces fraud possibilities as cannot be withdrawn by 3rd parties or at ATM as bank will have trouble explaining how it was possible  on a FIXED account. All that's needed is pre-planning in order to budget at maturity dates chosen so as to have spending funds and top up prior to 2 months before annual retirement visa date. I find it extremely easy and hassle free these last 6 years and earnt much more interest than having it in savings account.  Good luck   

  13. get a fixed deposit account. Can do various periods (3mth, 6th month 1 year and often special deals 4mth, 7mth and 10month) so ok if need to spend some meantime before refixing and toping up 2months before renewal and have fixed date run through and over visa renewal month. Problem solved and  more interest earnt - and can get bank letter up to a week before.

  14. just skimmed his thread,but put funds into FIXED DEPOSIT bank account (I am assuming you have not) then you get better interest and also I pressume not asked to pay -in on the day as it's a fixed account until maturity, so the bank letter balance should not be questioned as issued a week ago or less and the maturity date can be seen, so funds all still in account until maturity date. I do it for the better interest rate anyway, but it would also seem to make this problem go away. Unless Thai logic reasons differently. I have never been asked to pay-in on the day in addition to bank letter  

  15. here is what's wrong with Thai food. Much/most of it is fried and if you look the fat in the pan can't be seperated from the meal and so it is servered up in the liquid/sauce of many meals. It's like pouring out a small cup full of cooking oil and drinking it for many types of Thai meals! Many/most other meals are cooked via frying so these particular choices are not a healthy regular option in addition to which many Thai's do not change their cooking oil often enough -  for those meals where the (old) oil is not already servered up in the meal to eat!  

  16. afaik a requirement for purchasing longer term (1 year certainly) UK travel insurance is usually that you were resident in UK for the 6 months preceeding travels.


    I used to get travel insurance as the cover amounts are far higher than I could afford to buy in Thailand and I wanted it mainly for accident coverage etc rather than health cover. I now have a Thai health and accident cover with a sizeable excess to keep the price down, but would rather have UK travel insurance. Not prepared to have it ruled invalid though because I was not in UK for 6 months before flying out.

  17. and Putin simply can't be trusted.

    Best course of action is deterent and that requires strength and showing it too, in a non threatening and defence posture, but put in place and advertised. A great pity it wasn't the case in Crimea.

    What happened to the guy Britain accuses of the Palonium Litvinenko murder in London? He's been promoted to a politician in Russia and is rewarded.

    Putin is a thug and they only respect and excersise power.

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