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Posts posted by twix38

  1. hold on a minute

    "said that at 3 a.m., she heard the sound of a woman crying out in soi Samrit 1, near the crime scene, but she did not come out to check."

    "Because her head was covered by a fertilizer bag, and her hands tied, with her feet bound to a bicycle, it appeared she got killed at another place, before being brought here to dump."

    Anyone else confused about this presumed corpse crying out!

  2. Ahh the Thai Information Officer.

    Simply needs to be transfered off to an inactive post! Totally unsuitable to a customer facing position.

    In other words a complete ****! Unhelpful, dis-interested, mildly rude at times, unfriendly, mean and miffed, etc, etc

    What are they thinking putting this man out as the meet-and-greet first contact point. It's a suicidal appointment in terms of PR!!

    Of course nobody wants to upset him as we try to extend our stay etc, so he can make the most of his position as he sits there combing his hair etc and ignoring people. Though I find his surly and unhelpful attitude worst of all, once his attention is offered. In a position where offering help is his basic job requirement he doesn't even merit a grade - at all!

    Regarding having to run off and get extra photocopies. I asked one of the helpful girls what was needed for re-entry permit and told copy passport and one photo. My ticket number is called and then told I need copy of 2 additional pages. I suspect 70% of us need to dash out and get at least one additional passport page copy and that it's a well worn policy to make us feel like we are back at school being sent out of class having got something wrong - Seems unavoidable unless you photocopy the lot and forget about what's stated as required or told in advance.

    • Like 1
  3. Now we have it. Not a car accident in sight - incorrect reporting, but good to have more detail - I wonder what happened to the pick-up driver?

    both 34, were riding their bikes near the capital Bangkok when they were run over by a pick-up truck.

  4. dcutman,

    You may or may not be correct ;-)

    I think your proof is possibly just general talk of being on a holiday cycling the world and doing what they loved, as opposed to signifying they were specifically on the bikes and cycling at the time of the accident, whereas my comment comes from article below where it says "A Guernseyman killed in Thailand has been named as Peter Root. The 34 year old died in a car accident."

    On balance I'll stick to my view, though with so little information it is anyone's guess as of right now. Perhaps we will find out for sure soon


  5. strikes me you guys should read my links as some are still assuming they were on their bikes when accident happened. I mentioned the fact and one of the supplied links stated they were in a car. The other link that they were hit by a lorry. If correct news then they were in a CAR that was hit by a Lorry. My heart goes out to them and all who knew them. RIP

    • Like 1
  6. Not read above so sorry if mentioned.

    I had similar problems. I switched my computer off via electric in-line socket on/off switch where all plugs pluged into. However, I left them plugged in and and assumed as power switch was off it wasn't a problem. Electricity was still getting through and giving me static shocks from the build up, so replace socket and/or actually unplug all devices after turned off. Good luck

  7. Even if arrests are made they will pay a bribe or else absconded whilst on bail to re-offend another day for the lot of them. Either Pattaya has 10 times the criminal element for the size of the City or far too many of them are put right back on the street time and time again.

    A new slogan for the BIB: Make crime pay. Charge and return.

    All as usual here - another show of action. Follow it up 6 months later and see the statistics - if you ever can!

  8. wans,

    well that news further makes my point. I didn't realise it's illegal to report on sentencing. Can there be a valid reason for that? What is offered to explain this by Thai authorities?

    So much general crime, let alone the high profile big cases, is caused by the volume of offenders simply put back on the streets by whatever method or not even taken off the streets in the first place.

  9. It is easy to realise why so much crime goes on.

    Anyone caught doesn't serve long enough, or at all, or escapes whilst on bail or gets released early/too soon after all the fuss dies down or bribes to stay out/reduced incarceration. Then they rob, murder, pimp and do drugs - whatever their speciality is - all over again. Anyone noticed how many offenders have a previous criminal history, but are once again free, recently released from jail, on bail, paid a fine/bribe only. Hear it all the time as most criminals serve their sentence, or far too much of it, outside jail rather than inside.

    Simply, if someone were to look at conviction rates, followed by absconding on bail rates, followed by time served compared to sentence given. All of these would go a long way to explaining what goes wrong after the initial crime and headline news.

    Most offenders are quietly put back on the streets far too soon, if they ever even left them!

    Would make for an excellent article if a journalist dug out a handfull of old crimes and convictions and did a little "where are they now" piece coupled with data on those out on bail (often convicted of big crimes) who unsurprisingly abscond. This is imho a laugh a minute justice system.

  10. there's some rubbish written.

    Clearly if you read any newspaper. Take the Bangkok Post etc then it is apparent in story and editorial that the Thais in the know are worried about what is done here and banned in other countries. Pesticides are used here that are proven cancer causing and banned largely elsewhere. It takes many years for the toxic levels to build up and can be the underlying reason for unexplained deaths from Cancers and other untraceable problems. Those who never smoked, don't drink alcohol and live a healthy life, getting Liver cancer (friend's Thai wife in late 40's may be an example/may not).

    There are 4 products banned that are used here and vested interests want to maintain this.

    Foreign countries have warned about the danger to Thai public of contaminated fruit and veg fed to the local population that would never be allowed in their own country. Banned for export It is then given to the locals. Make no mistake using proven carcinogenic chemicals has a long term effect on one's health!

    P.S. Western supermarkets have many dangerous products, but by and large you can choose to avoid them. Not knowing if basic food stuffs like fruit and Veg has cancer causing pesticides on/in it, is a crime of incomparable comparison. Washing means scrubbing individually to remove or buying cleaning agents and what about restaurant meals/salads/deserts - you will be eating pesticides for sure!!!

    This issue needs to be addressed at the source and these particular 4 pesticides banned, just as they are in countries that take food security a bit more seriously for their populations and NOT like China or Thailand!! We are in the wrong division and there is no excuse. If the health consequencies of these pesticides showed up in weeks/months instead of many years and/or could be directly associated there would be an outcry so loud it would devastate those in charge of food security, but because it takes many years and cannot be directly attributed and proven that a cancer was caused by a toxic slow build up of pesticides it is allowed to continue and probably contributes to many early deaths.

    • Like 2
  11. Looking for someone to play a round of golf with at the Asia Hotel (Pratumnak area) on an occasional basis.

    Bought myself some 2nd hand clubs, play occasionally and looking for anyone interested for a social game. Asia Hotel's course is 9 hole par 3 and takes about 60+ to 90 minutes at a relaxed pace. I am about a par 5 usually, so an amateur, but not totally terrible ;-)

    Just looking for an occasional relaxed game. Cost is around 450 Baht approx. if incl club hire.

  12. Ok, my two penny worth ;-)

    Send GBP and do not convert to THB. Therefore you don't need an FX company, so HIFX etc are irrelevant. Foreign currency is sent (GBP) to Thailand where conversion is done to get the best rate.

    Use Halifax (need an account) and send GBP to your bank in Thailand. Costs the grand total of GBP 9.95, I believe. Certainly has been and was last time. The Thai bank will charge the mentioned comm up to max. of 500 Baht. Amount sent is otherwise immaterial as far as uk cost and with a comm rate in Thailand, but a maximum of 500 Baht.

    That's how I think is easiest and most cost effective in getting the best rate.

    What's all this about using a UK FX company, when as far as I know the last thing you want to do is convert the GBP to THB in the UK before sending to Thai bank.

    Any comments?

  13. That is correct - no X-RAY and he didn't check what medication I was already taking and prescribed my only existing medication (Omeprazole - guess it's somehow relevant here too?) yet again and didn't answer me when I asked what he was prescribing.

    As mentioned I was going to have an X-RAY and I asked how much (1,200) that was fine I said.

    Then I asked a few other questions and he said to have an MRI. I actually said what about the x-ray?

    He replied no, MRI better. As mentioned I was not willing there and then to have/pay for MRI and so he said go down medication route and return for follow-up.

    Bumrungrad - That was where (you may remember) the specialist failed to diagnose my Barratt's Epithelium as I had an endoscopy and given anxiety tablets with no follow up recommended, whereas on return to UK a Gastroscopy was advised and condition of Barratts LGD found.

    Frankly I despair with Thai doctors. Some appear not to have patients best interests at heart or are various degrees of incompetant and reach for either what's easiest, most likely correct guess or costly and the medicine rack, always with at least 2 different products prescribed. 3 seems typical. Anyway, I shouldn't tar all with the same brush, but it's my experience so far.

    Anyway, I will try the Queen Sirikit and should I go for X-RAY or MRI? - if they have one

    Cartilage cannot be seen on x-ray, but reduced gap can, I gather. Is x-ray sufficient for diagnosis of Patellofemeral Arthritis or whatever it's likely to be, going on my symptoms?

    Should I be taking the Celebrex meanwhile or at all?


    thanks for reply. I note it is an alternative treatment. My usual thinking is I avoid these and that may be to my cost, but I haven't found one that works for me. I know they are all different, but I tend to restrict myself to tried and tested main stream. If you can recommend a Pattaya proponent (locally) I may try it out, but I'm not likely to travel to try. Thanks

  14. I have had knee pain for about 2 months now mainly in left knee. It started one morning when I awoke with it and it was worst then. Now it is variable. My knee internally clicks in full extension and back 90 degrees and the inner bone is often tender to feel. I know of no reason it started.

    Brief history so far regarding treatment. 1st Hospital Doctor at Memorial suspected Gout and I took some tablets for 24 hours that I didn't like the sound of researching on internet (forgotten name for now). Only 5 tablets given and taken and no change. Subsequent Uric Acid result was normal and as I had expected this was a wrong guess and blood test result supported that, I did not continue.

    2nd Hospital Doctor today at BKK/Pattaya. Checked knee and diagnosed Patellofemoral Arthritis.

    Mentioned having an X-RAY and then later an MRI, but cost made me wait and so went down medication route only. Although I asked 3 times what medicine he was prescribing, I got no answer. I finally found out at the Hospital pharmacy. It was 20mg/day Omeprazole - I refused this as I already take it daily. Idarac 200mg x 1 tablet only. and Celebrex 400mg/day for 15 days and a return follow-up appointment.

    These were both Orthopedic specialists.

    I have rested my knee, cold compress, but the pain/discomfort refuses to go away completely for some 2 months now. I did doubt the Gout diagnosis from the start, but can accept that osteoarthritis or the Patellofemoral arthritis may well be right, but how does anyone yet know to be giving me tablets and what must I get done and what (like the Gout) is wrong/unnecessary?

    My other questions are:

    Is there any Hospital recommended in/around Pattaya or specific Orthopedic Doctor and I assume I should get an MRI? - where? I balked at the cost at BKK/Pattaya as told by nurse around 19,000 Baht plus all the add ons - doctors fee/nursing fee etc.

    I am not sure I should be taking this Celebrex as first port of call and strength etc?

    What is the way to deal with Patellofemoral Arthritis and am I going to get back to a normal pain free knee again - if so, How???

    I am taking from my own research - Glucosamine Sulphate x 1500mg/day, Omega 3 x 2,000mg/day and plan to get some Chrondroitin Sulphate or mixed in with Glucosamine. Knee strengthening excersise.

    I was expecting this problem to eventually disappear of its own accord and it does improve and then come back, but never as bad as the night it started. What tests/checks/remidies/medication or plain advice has anyone got please?

  15. Agree with sabaiBKK - Drummond's reports are often poorly constructed and full of spelling, grammer and factual errors. It is sometimes like reading a poorly written Sunday Sport article with spelling errors - As well as the few mistakes already pointed out, the video clip states " Thorpe Bay in Kent" it is in Essex!!

    The problem is that time and time again we find we cannot rely on Drummond's story as being completely correct and the numerous issues relating to presentation, language and grammar is really quite a key indicator of the general standard employed. I appreciate the effort of publishing the news and bringing it to our attention, but do we have a reporter out there who can write clear, well constructed, spell-checked and factually correct news stories.

    finally I read this comment from a poster"...not wearing a helmet is both against the law and stupid - so even if he doesn't pull through (and I really hope he does) the police will quite probably consider his death as a self inflicted accident."

    The police may charge him for not wearing his helmet, but to describe being attacked and clubbed as self inflicted!! well, <deleted>. LMAO

  16. I wonder if provocation was taken into account in the sentance?

    The threats made and previous experience of hell he mentions is likely true and whilst nothing can condone his flipping out and manslaughter there are some girls only interested in money and status. We will never know.

    I just get the idea that he'd had the bitch treatment and been to hell and back. The pairing was ill matched and explosive. Married too soon to know each other and whilst he certainly deserves prison time, I really doubt she was blameless in her demise.

    I can only go on the info supplied and pic, but it's likely she was no angel. We just don't know.

  17. Downloaded - the screen box presented has the top headings and an empty demo box on right side - click on the Demo and it's the only thing I can get to work or that has any content.

    There are no other programme details or content from the Options button or anywhere. Just a blank black screen below the menu and play/stop etc options - when I choose the show programme info option, it's all blank??

    Will all the above be solved once I finally get a password and user name to enter?

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