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Posts posted by twix38

  1. "According to TAT, 17 countries have issued travel advisories on southern Thailand after a bomb blast on September 16 in Narathiwat killed four tourists, with more than 50 people injured.

    Eight countries - Austria, South Korea, Portugal, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and New Zealand - have warned their citizens to avoid visiting the three southernmost provinces. Nine countries - Australia, Canada, France, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland - strongly advised their people not to go to those provinces.

    To revitalise tourism in the region, TAT and operators in Ipoh, Malaysia, will launch a joint promotion in the final quarter to bring tourists into Hat Yai, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Trang, Phuket and Krabi."

    Only a quick viewing, but do I gather right.......

    Many Govt's advising their subjects not to go to southern most provinces basically, as dangerous and TAT organising to promote the area to get more tourists!

    Once again the priority is not safety, concern or even care when foreign advisories are sensibly in issue for areas around Hat Yai, Nakhon Si Thammarat & Trang, where dangers are clear.

    It's nothing but tourism and money as usual.

    This Thai trait is getting a bit much in the Land Of Scams!!

  2. What a load of rubbish this is!

    No medical or scientific background or supportive reason and if anything it's just a swelling up of tissue after being attacked and no more. Most people who get hit hard have swelling and then it dies down unless hit again.

    The cost quoted are as ridiculous as the claims.

    It's completely laughable and if anything may have detrimental effects if undertaken frequently!

    Absolute crap!!!!

  3. "course , the really interesting thing here is how they (evidently) so easily got out of that jam in pattaya"

    That is indeed the real question. So many times people don't serve time or get the sentance required. They can also pay a bribe to get free.

    I've lost count of the number of cases that never receive any follow up until they are arrested again for another crime or go missing(flee) whilst out on bail.

    Corruption allows arrest to be a mere inconvenience soooo many times in Thailand and never a truer word spoken

  4. I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

    This is where you don't get it.

    It cannot be racist because "Asian" does not denote a single race, merely a geographic location, and obviously neither does "foreigner".

    You can disagree with their policy for dishing out prize money and dual pricing, but don't call it something it's not.

    Let's look at a map of Asia:


    Who could possibly call people from this vast region one race?

    IMO it was just a case of clumsy wording by people not well versed in the English language.

    In the simplest terms, race is used to describe genetic heritage (including one's skin color, and associated traits)

    For me race in its broadest term differentiates between people who all have common traits against another set of people who are all different, but identical themselves in those traits. Europeans, Asians, Africans are all distinguishingly different enough in a broad sweeping sense and we all understand this.

    However it's really the nature and basis of the offending discrimination that's the real issue. Perhaps it's not exactly racism, perhaps it matters less what we call it though it feels like it is to me! Whatever label you want to apply, it's an example of that then and it exhibits fundamental similarities to racism in a broad sense.

    btw, stop being so PC and pedantic. I don't care what you want to call it. To me it's good enough to call racist and arguing about the terminology is as I have said, secondary to the point being made of unacceptable exclusion based on being a non-Asian.

    What is your term for being a non Asian then, that would be appropriate? Just swap in that term for racist and carry on, <deleted>. I will stick to racist in a broad general sphere of application as per my first paragraph and applying it to Asians and Non-Asians, as is 100% relevant here.

  5. we may all favour our own, but it's by degree of civilised and acceptable behaviour and norms, surely.

    I happen to think it's not right to ban prizes to winners unless they are Asian. I also happen to think it's too far and racist!

    My living here also confirms the racist/nationalistic tendencies are extremely widespread and strong and so don't contradict that conclusion whatsoever.

    I do agree with the facts and the spirit that it would be rightly unacceptable in our home countries and is not done.

    I don't think it is just PC. I think it's fair play and just. I have no problem banning professional runners from prize money in a public amateur race.

    The John Smith winner in my above post, is you must admit a farce of a situation (laughable) and only possible in Thailand. TIT

  6. You have the Facts,from myself and other TV Members,on this thread,unfortunately your thought processes will only allow you to deny facts,and come up with lame arguments to support your ridiculous claims,which are Pathetic,try reading the Posts of others, and learn and understand another point of view. instead of pulling your untrue regimented nonsense, ideas out of thin air,and try and make them fit your purpose,or try and gag them,

    debate is not about winning the argument,by using Personal untrue remarks, but winning is quite obviously your goal.

    LOL! You told us that you're married to a Thai, therefore it follows you're not racist towards them. That's about the size of your logic.

    Apart from being a terrible whiner after you've been exposed, you're quite naive.

    You believe the race organizers are racist based solely on double pricing. Of course you would jump to this conclusion because you're of the opinion that most Thais are racist.

    I disagree.

    That's about the size of it.

    Now let's move on....

    Nobody is saying this..."You believe the race organizers are racist based solely on double pricing."

    Although it does not help.

    I am basing my post on racism primarily on this quoted statement....

    "Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to Thai and Asian nationality only"

    When nationalism spills over into actions, rules, behaviour that diasadvantages or separates out one group of people that are a distinct grouping as often occurs, based on racial characteristics then it qualifies and I care little if the term or underlying motivation is racism or nationalism frankly. It is the degree and depth to which the views are held and acted on that matters.

    We can discuss/argue about the exact term in individual situations but both of them when taken to extremes usually amount to similar viewpoints held and exhibited behaviour. In broad terms and for this topic it's almost like discussing if it is often or frequently seen in Thailand. Broadly it's a lot and broadly it's the same type of thoughts/actions/behaviour that result!

    I could care less about the nuances and finite terminology. I know it when I see it and the statement I refer to qualifies. There were other options in every sphere of apology for that statement. i.e. had they wanted to stop Kenyans who train for these events wining prizes rather than the full marathon prizes only, they could have stated "Professional runners will not be eligible for prize money". That's broad enough to have targetted these Kenyans coming over to win the top prizes or anyone else deemed to be a professional circuit runner. It's perfectly acceptable too, just like the Olympics is for amateurs and not professionals. Indeed there are a myriad of ways not to have needed a statement that is racist in tone and intent and meaning. Also as stated it's nothing to do with being more wealthy, as such, because Japanese etc are just as wealthy, but qualify to win prize money as Asian. It's racist because it does not address any issue but to exclude all but Asians! aimho

    I note the winners of the full marathon were Kenyan and all others were Thai I believe. lol

    Had to laugh at the Pattaya People TV announcement. The prize for half marathon went to the winner who was (a Thai Man). Perhaps it should/could have said in certain circumstances....the winner's prize money went to (Thai man's name) and the race was actually won by John Smith from UK, who came in first and was otherwise forgotten, ignored and banned from the winner's rostrum, but was permitted to hang around and cheer the winners who finished the race behind him. LMAO

  7. What we're dealing with here are perceived notions about how wealthy tourists are. Stop trying to make it more than it actually is.

    What we are dealing with is a valid question about racism that I answered. Please stop trying to divert attention away from the subject and let people talk.

    Nobody is stopping you from talking. That would be impossible.

    I'm opposing your view that this is racism. That is not diverting attention away from the subject - that is the subject.

    You just have to ask yourself if the question was reversed, is it acceptable? Is it racist? Are you a racist apologist?

    "Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to British and European nationality only"

    Is that not Black and White - the fact that they are excluded. lol

    It's only insult to injury that we non Asians are paying double to provide some of the prize money!!

  8. i'd not go back too and infact will not even go at all if the owner is happy to let customer get ripped off in his establishment as a matter of policy

    I would feel a civic duty to inform someone that they had just been blatantly ripped off like that and in that way. Certainly if I was talking with them already I would do the same.

    Shame on the owner. Wonder what he does if someone doesn't pay their bill to the tune of 4,000 baht!! If a family or other type of dispute, then nobody's business, but robbery is different!!

  9. Just to put the record straight.

    My interpretation of the prize money to Asians only was specifically stated.

    "Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to Thai and Asian nationality only"

    I believe foreigners probably do benefit from prize money for the full marathon.

    The exclusion in rule no. 1 is specific to age group reward. Whatever that category means exactly. I stand to be corrected.

    However, this doesn't change one iota that I believe rule no.1 to be a racist statement or that those who have any general understanding of Thai attitudes/education would doubt racism is a prevalent issue exhibited frequently by authorities, and in rules and official dealings.

    One thing I will admit is that in Thailand it's brought home when one is the victim of racist targeting rather than being solely a point of principle and when it is frequently apparent.

    Again, let's ask the Mayor to explain why a Pattaya City endorsed event includes choosing one group to benefit and one to be excluded based on race - being Asian or not. Perhaps when he is there firing the starting pistol or giving out prizes someone could ******stick one of the leaflets in his face and ask him to explain about rule number 1 and if he's heard of a term known the world over as RACISM?*****

    Look, the test is to ask if this were reversed would it be acceptable in any of our home countries? I think we all know it would not be, yet we just say here....if you don't like it leave. No, I do like it here, but I don't like being subject to racism in so many ways.

    To repeat, I think our home countries should finally start to address this rather obvious and increasing trend and say it is unacceptable to be a widespread and endemic issue. If these racist tendencies are not at least diluted from all walks of everyday life then individual countries will act to serve their subjects who live and work here or Europe as a whole will address it before it escalates further.

    The statement in rule no.1 is just PLAIN racist imho.

    How else can it be read? why isn't it?

  10. lol.

    Sorry, it wasn't a serious question. :D

    oh ;-)

    Could have been though, right. lol

    Some further thoughts anyway.

  11. 75%+ of Thais are racist, bourne out of nationalism and poor education.

    You don't get a reply because they don't like to tell you what they really think and what they know you will not like to hear. Most have absolutely no problem with it and in the majority of cases fully subscribe. The other 25% would go even further. Shhhhh

    :o Jezuuuuz. Why do us Westerners live here at all?

    The girls (boys for some)

    The weather

    It's cheaper

    I do think as power and money moves from west to east and living here becomes more expensive with benefits less obvious that in time Thailand will not be the magnet for the variety of expat life that currently resides here and we will no longer come here - pun intended - to retire ;-)

    I think I have told it as it is. We like it here for other reasons of which I have perhaps given the top 3.

    NOT for the unlevel playing field we operate in, the double pricing, the nationlistic/racist society attitudes or the teenage gun crime and crime in general.

  12. Surely for our home countries to treat asians/thais accordingly they would have to let them in first???

    I just suggest some form of addressing the situation has surely arrived, finally?

    I also suspect as stated - which was just an off the cuff suggestion - that non sponsored Student and Tourist visa applications might be one area to send a message. It would hit the wealthier Thais who have the power in Thailand and have the ability to send kids on student visas etc. Just the type who need to be targetted, though small in number.

    Otherwise, I am certain there are many areas where an appropriate response could be mustered and perhaps on an EU wide basis, as it's all foreigners.

    "Last year I voiced my feelings about this whilst signing up for it. I didn't even get a response"

    Well, that's because 75%+ of Thais are racist, bourne out of nationalism and poor education.

    You don't get a reply because they don't like to tell you what they really think and what they know you will not like to hear. Most have absolutely no problem with it and in the majority of cases fully subscribe. The other 25% would go even further. Shhhhh

  13. Most people seem to see it for what it is - racism out in plain sight and proud of it! - prize only for the Asian competitors. lol

    It's clearly not just the double pricing issue, as I stated. That's just a core foundation of a widespread and practiced ethos which can occasionally be argued has some basis or isn't a racist issue. It just rubs it in that we paid double AND don't qualify for the prize if we win. We qualify to greatly assist to provide for this particular Asian prize money only!!

    My question is really two fold

    what do you think of racist behaviour here (in general) and what could/should be done?

    Personally, I think it's past the time our home countries should make a stand and treat Thais likewise - an eye for an eye so to speak.

    This is because it is widespread, frequent, obvious, consistent and when an injustice is endemic it's not a good idea to ignore it. It just increases and gets worse, as evidenced over the years and by common sense.

    A bit like China will stop doing wrong things in trade, often ONLY when they are taken to the WTO and forced to.

    So should we name, shame and force by implementing measures ourselves to stop this type of racist behaviour being so FREELY exhibited and left unchallenged.

    We should see it for what it is, acknowledge the pervasiveness of the issue here in Thailand that's increasing and flag it to our local MP's in our home countries to seek to start to redress an inequality of rights for foreign citizens here which we afford Asians(Thais) who come to our country.

    This evident on many instances throughout Thai society and not just Marathons, of course. lol

    Perhaps we should all ask the Pattaya Mayor if he understands what a racist is and then why it's official policy? This Marathon must be authorised by Pattaya City and i'm sure he will be there to fire the starting gun and/or hand out the prizes.

  14. There are a few long running examples of Thai racism to foreigners in law and in personal experience.

    I'd like to know what people think about it?

    My view is we should adopt workable policies in our own home countries to address and target outright racism which is endemic here and when applied to us consistently abroad.

    Let me give just one current example.

    You can pick up a King's Cup Asian Pattaya Marathon leaflet (at Central) for this coming weekend's Marathon on Sunday 17th July. There is a full Marathon, Half Marathon and Quarter Marathon.

    Two points

    1. the prices to enter are over 100% more expensive for foreigners.

    Full Marathon - Foreigner 1,080: Asian 500

    Half Marathon - Foreigner 900: Asian 400

    Quarter Marathon - Foreigner 720: Asian 300

    This is normal for Thailand and known as dual pricing.

    For countries who apply this I think we should reciprocate in some manner. Just treat us fairly and we will do the same.

    2. more importantly though, it's compounded by condition number 1 on the leaflet which states...

    "Cash reward in overall age group rewards presented to Thai and Asian nationality only"

    So in this instance we can pay more than double to enter and be excluded from the overall age group rewards if a Foreigner were to win.

    To me it's abhorrent that this type of racism should exist without addressing it. This is Thailand, so they can do what they like here and we have to accept it or leave, but our home countries could start to charge/penalise Thai's in a similar manner or perhaps find a workable response to this sort of victimisation and racism.

    Where there's a will there's a way. Possibly addressing Thai student and tourist visa fees when not supported by a home country national - clearly if sponsored then it's the foreigner who gets penalised and who pays anyway, but if not sponsored then stuff them, as just loosing Thai nationals wouldn't have a significant effect and would send a message that the on-going and escalating xenophobia here is becoming totally unacceptable!!!

    I'm sure there's a more appropriate response to this issue, but some response is warranted imho and rather overdue.

    Do we just accept it and watch it grow because that's what it seems to be doing year on year and we do nothing in our home countries to show the Thais that it's unacceptable or what it feels like when a group is identified, singled out and taken advantage of in this way. This Marathon leaflet would not be seen in my country because it would be deemed offensive, racist and illegal and doesn't every foreigner object to paying more than double to enter whilst being excluded from at least a proportion of the potential prize money which is reserved for an Asian winner even if he/she didn't win!!!!

  15. sounds like you have [r.s.i ] repetative strain injury they try not to use that term any more as there have been many injury claims made against companys,its most popular with secrateries that do a lot of typing,i have [v.w.f.]which was caused by useing hydrolic hand machines down the mines,this also is referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome,if you find a wrist band helps use a crepe bandage,i find useing a neotica balm helps,you should be able to get it in most pharmacys,it is produced by thai nakorn patana co,ltd.

    Fascino does have some wrist braces - They are a Pharamcy, certainly in Pattaya and I assume elswhere in Thailand.

    I have 2 wrist braces from them - different makes and with a metal or very strong centre brace running down the wrist area to keep it immobile. Certainly make sure you have a wrist support item (sold in computer shops etc) placed in front of your mouse, that your wrist rests on when operating your mouse

  16. Thanks Tokay,

    Very informative, but it's true I don't know enough to feel comfortable doing it myself when it needs to be a professional job - it's for a Thai. Not my business and no involvement in it.

    It's for an estate agent - another one ;-)

    Though my input and involvement in the business is nil, but I am trying to help with some info.

    Yes, posted on IT thread for the IT experts generally and here for more Pattaya based info, such as company recommendations etc from the locals.

    So, as owner will employ someone here in Pattaya to do website - any recommendations? Any MUST/MUST NOT do's?


  17. Thanks guys,

    It's an estate agents - yup yet another one ;-)

    I am not involved in any way other than wishing to offer any advice I can.

    It will be a professional (I hope) company who get paid to do it.

    Hoping for someone who has general experience of needing a website done for them and who, what, potential problems, what to look out for, what to check/ensure etc.


  18. Planning to get a website up and running for business in Pattaya.

    Want a good quality one, but no website experience, knowledge or contacts.

    So, any help with the following would be much appreciated....

    tech specifications


    useful ideas/things to check

    Website Company recommendations (Pattaya)

    do's/do nots

    anything to avoid


    Many thanks in advance to anyone able to offer advice/help/ideas

  19. Thinking of getting a website up and running for business in Pattaya.

    Want a good quality one, but no website experience, knowledge or contacts and wish to know what to check for.

    So, any help with the following would be much appreciated....

    tech specifications


    useful ideas

    Website Company recommendations (Pattaya)

    do's/Do nots


    Many thanks in advance to anyone able to offer help/ideas

  20. I turned 50 and got a retirement visa and my re-entry permit in March, before heading off to UK.

    Now in UK and I am ready to return to Thailand. In the past I have only ever bought a return ticket to BKK, but I assume that I can buy a single ticket to BKK as I have already converted my non immigrant "O" visa to a retirement visa and got my re-entry permit - So, I shouldn't get any problems at all arriving at BKK immigration without a return ticket?


    Common sense (I know) says it should be fine, but my common sense also told me that I had a full 90 days from obtaining my retirement visa before signing in again and that was wrong as it goes from my last date of leaving country. Nearly messed that up and don't want to make any more incorrect assumptions.


  21. some 60%+ have most likely paid problems (police) off once or more before, or fled whilst on bail.

    The criminal justice system does not work in Thailand. The courts may be flawed with bias or corruption, but it often never gets that far anyway and lower down certainly is flawed/corrupt.

    How many times do news stories get followed up adequately and proper justice is seen to be done!

    In Pattaya i'd love to know wat happened to the Russian estate agent Victor who was brutally murdered.In the media at the time when they caught the russian perpetrators and were offered a bribe, which the POLICE made a song and dance about trying to bribe the royal thai police - whilst they never the less kept the 500k, but too high profile not to state trying to bribe and kept it anyway - and then nothing. Are these people in jail now. A penny to a pound NOT!!

    How many crimes are committed by people out on bail or absconded from bail and we read that the crime was commited by such and such who was on the run or often out on bail or miraculously has escaped any or reasonable period of jail time for previous offences. i.e. bribe/pay off/contributing to police funds.

    I am surprised it's only 112 killers on the loose unless that's just in Chonburi

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