Dont wreck my day mentioning WB's (western b's) it was bad enough and now I see all over utube both male and female made it a huge topic, well it is... amazing how WB's are so delusional and self entightled... what do they bring to the table? just a life of nagging and misery.. and expenses and if it not for cheap TV's these days, hogging the remote? list goes on.... yeah if you want to get worked up scan Utube for women cant get dates and stuff like that... but it doesn't help that Gunther lives in moms basement @ 40y and writes romantic chats to the world wanna be girls.... in the hope of rubbing one out.. its good to see the local girls waking up to the fact he won't be taking them out on a date anytime soon... (sorry Gunther) ok, greetings and great day to all us enterprising lads here in LOS , I will trying calling my girls.. on my call list, I just dont know why they wont call me back.... shucks, I just bought new pillow covers too.... what the hell do they want from me? no, dont answer that, the servers here will go down.... cheers all :
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