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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. Not talking about their achievements, they are saying how Southgate has tuned it arond
  2. They have had my bank details for a number of years
  3. Mine hasn't differed greatly, the weather is the one thing which makes my choices easier to plan
  4. Probably the same with a few differences, ie in the UK if the wife does not reach the tax threshold the husband and claim so much
  5. Has needed one at Don Muang, pain travelling into Bangkok to catch a bus
  6. I have been filling in a similar form for years (not exactly)
  7. To win seven matches in a row (90 minutes) in competitive matches is quite a feat, just saying
  8. Saka was the most offensive and defensive player of the entire two teams
  9. That's why I live in a sleepy city in NE Thailand, most beach destinations are within 8 hours or less, door to door
  10. I wish I was has clever as you. Forming an opinion of a person you have never met, I am not a greenhorn, do not live in Pattaya or Phuket (dread the thought) and have been coming/living in Thailand for 34 years. All my friends which are many, come to the same conclusion that I am a very lucky guy
  11. Another sad expat who has been screwed by the wrong Thai lady
  12. I can only comment on my relationship of 18 months (age difference 33 years) we are never on our phones in each others company, she never talks about/asks for money, scolds me if I book into a 4* hotel. Just the other day she told me that I was the best thing that ever happened in her life
  13. I posted one just recently and it took one week. Just normal (not registered or EMS)
  14. Not all oil massages are the same!!
  15. I personally would get a second opinion
  16. At a proper massage a towel is normal, some actually ask you to wear throw away knickers
  17. Fractured my skull 4-5 years ago, since then I dream every night
  18. I was issued with a tax id no. the first time I claimed back tax on my interest from the bank
  19. Wouldn't bother, they will be on the plane home shortly
  20. Croatia always punch above their weight. Most people will be jumping on Germany after last night. Teams who grow into the competition ie poor in group stage, often go all the way
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