If the marriage is properly registered then she would receive a one off bereavement payment. Not sure what it is, maybe £2000-£3000, you can check on the Department of Work and Pension website
Could you not go out of the country for a couple of weeks before the 180 days each time? Although I live in Thailand I am domiciled in the UK, having still got property there
Obviously the first thing is ATM. I have asked this question many times in 35 years. I do think they are attracted to some men more than others. I could tell you my reasons but people on here would just slag me off
They could just tax at source, ie all money coming into a personal bank account. Then down to the individual to fill a Tax Return in to claim the money back, a bit like claiming back tax on interest at the moment
I hold doors open for people, I would never let a door slam back into anyone's face (man or lady) Some years ago I got a mouthful for holding a door open for a lady
I will just fill in the same details for my wife's and I's self assessment income in the UK. If they want to ?? that, then it is them who have the problem, not me
I suggest you open a wise account, transfer the money you want sent into that account, wait for confirmation, then send money using this.
I sent mine last Friday, arrived in minutes
If anyone thinks there is a difference between Conservative and (New) Labour you are living in cuckoo land. The UK people have actually got a choice now