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Everything posted by Expat68

  1. No from rented property
  2. Don't think about, after the Election nothing will change
  3. I will just use my/my wives UK tax return to fill the form in, simple
  4. No never. There voices would send me crazy
  5. Understand but a bit different between a newspaper and the Tessabarn
  6. I believe you can set up a direct debit with them. When they sent my bill, they also sent a form for direct debit payments
  7. Personally speaking, if the forms are in English I can't see them too difficult to fill in. I fill a UK tax form in every year
  8. Doesn't frighten me. I have filled a UK tax return in for the last 20 years
  9. Doesn't frighten me. I have filled a UK tax return in for the last 20 years
  10. Country boy always have been, always will be
  11. I learnt yoga in chiang mai, I fully recommend everyone to give it a go. No romantic experience with yoga experience but a great place to meet ladies, probably ten ladies to one male
  12. It was some years ago but I was Power of Attorney for an elderly gentleman. He had to make two wills (one for each country he had assets) this was instructed by an English lawer
  13. This week the rains have arrived in NE Thailand!! At this moment it is absolutely pissing down
  14. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion but I have lived within the Thai family for three decades
  15. Food is massively important to Thai people, if you notice, within a few sentences of meeting up, they ask if you have eaten.
  16. Yes it is the hottest I can remember up here in NE Issaan, I have live here permanently since 2010
  17. People in Pattaya have to be friendly, that is their job!!
  18. Personally I would put Vietnam number one
  19. First time I came to Thailand was 1990. Loved permanently 14 years
  20. Expat strangers are down right rude, thank god for their wives and girlfriends.
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