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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Labour have not ‘removed the winter fuel allowance’ they have ‘means tested it. The train drivers are happy, and commuters can reliably commute.
  2. Well you seem to have found a date and post. So how about providing a quote so we can both read it in its full context.
  3. That simply doesn’t make sense. It departs from reality with the opening sentence and doesn’t get better.
  4. Or it’s just because this is a thread discussing an inflammatory proposal on Gaza and the Palestinians.
  5. Let me see if you can grasp this: You said it yourself: “I think this was a lie” Oh look, it’s your opinion again. Now please do return to the topic of discussion, refer top of the thread.
  6. They also delivered huge increases in wealth to the already rich, which is their party objective. Don’t underestimate the Tories, they’ll be back Whether before or after the booze and fags get Farage is yet to be seen.
  7. My goodness where to start. I think you’ll find if I’ve called you Islamophobic, I don’t recall having done so, then I will have made specific reference to ‘Islamophobic’ remarks. By all means challenge me when/if I have done so within the thread in which the statements are made and with actual quotes so we can both refer to the full context. Now please can you get back to the topic of discussion.
  8. Maybe. Or maybe he wants to see the transgender makes back in the men’s room? Who knows? It’s strange tenant nobody cares while obviously caring.
  9. Don’t ever count the Tories out, they are a real political party and they have one driving ethos, gain power and deliver for the rich. Reform UK have no party structure and is in truth a Private ltd company with full control of policy in the hands of the owners. They make easy promises but get slippery and slimy when challenged.
  10. Well you obviously care. The question is why?!
  11. The rightwing at each other’s throats and not much talk of Badenoch being a fantastic choice for Tory leader (remember that?!) Labour can let the dust settle then go after Farage on the thing that really winds him up but is also a key voter concern. Farage’s plans to replace the NHS with a US styled individual insurance model.
  12. Feel free to call out any lies you believe I post, but do it by demonstrating with facts. (Not differences of opinion). And not by simply screaming ‘lie’. Now please do return back to the topic of discussion.
  13. Back to using your baseless ‘antisemite’ slur again. ’Raging’ even.
  14. Are you pretending not to understand Palestinians right to self determination within their own State?
  15. Meanwhile in Washington, Trump’s Gaza real estate dreams aren’t winning much support: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/5129173-trump-gaza-proposal-reaction/amp/
  16. Maybe because it’s the subject of the thread. Just a thought.
  17. It doesn’t beg any questions. This is a thread discussing a single topic. Your attempt at whataboutary is noted.
  18. Oh the 5000 (?) other problems to hide behind to avoid dealing with the one being discussed.
  19. It’s a conspiracy theory but I know some folk are attracted to such thinking. Even if true, and I doubt it is, it kind of scuppers Trump’s plan to ‘clean out’ Gaza don’t you think,
  20. I hope we are not going to start ‘getting rid of people’ from the region who didn’t originate there or who have names that didn’t originate there. You so freely give away other people’s right to live in their homeland.
  21. You present me with an opinion piece alongside the comment; I respond with the FACTS that the majority of the worlds nations recognize Palestine (the consensus) and you call the data of what constitutes the consensus ‘worthless’. I say again. Righty-o.
  22. And yet Palestinians exist, in their own land. Getting rid of them isn’t an option. Or maybe am I reading the news wrongly?
  23. Righty-o: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-that-recognize-palestine
  24. How does that give Israel the right to deny Palestinians their inalienable right to self determination in their own state and moreover for Israel and the United States to evict Palestinians from their homeland?
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