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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No. 1. I don’t speak for all ‘liberals’ 2. I’m sorry for reminding you of the promise Trump himself made. I have absolutely no expecting that Trump will ever stop lying, or that his supporters will ever consider Trump’s constant lies a problem.
  2. There’s no need of excuses, your baseless claims are nonsense.
  3. His ‘plan’ which got you all so excited and had Netanyahu telling the Army to make plans is a dud, dead I the water. The big mouth failed to deliver anything than chaos and undermining America’s allies within Muslim nations in the region. Trump is a gift to America’s adversaries.
  4. They were not Biden’s wars. And didn’t Trump say he’d fix one of these wars in 24hrs? Is there a problem holding Trump to his word?
  5. I’m in the right thread. Trump has caved, and yes I know he’s framed it the best possible way to hide the fact his brain fart idea is dead. But he has said the quiet bit out loud and there’s no such thing as a reverse gear on anyone’s mouth. Pishing away US credibility in world in which America’s competitors are gaining ground. The man is a gift to America’s adversaries.
  6. Retracted, no such subclause exists. Now let’s see you produce evidence of your claimed Labour Government despising white working class males.
  7. I doubt most folk in the UK give much thought to DEI, unless they’re reading rightwing media ‘obsessing’ over it.
  8. Or they can indeed detect cocaine with the x-ray machine. https://matrixcope.com/how-do-drugs-show-up-on-airport-scanners/
  9. It’s the logical conclusion of your your sullen grievance: Clearly the policies enacted which will directly improve the lives of working class people also improve the lives of the white working class men. Those in need of sullen race based grievances might disagree.
  10. He’s caved. Right after weakening a bunch of US Allies in the region. Do you not understand that?
  11. I’d way until after the State of Trump, sorry the State of the Union speech before guessing how much longer he has. Actually, that’s due about now. Will he be allowed out to make the speech?
  12. So the increase in the minimum wage, spending on education and health, all has a sub clause ‘don’t give any of this to white working class men’.
  13. You still have demonstrated the link. https://theconversation.com/most-crime-has-fallen-by-90-in-30-years-so-why-does-the-public-think-its-increased-228797
  14. I’m concerned that white you put on your flakes isn’t sugar. Be careful.
  15. Just one more US Corporation moving into the UK.
  16. It wasn’t much use to supporting your statement regarding ‘indigenous Thais’, I’ll give you that.
  17. Trump’s said the quiet bit out loud. He’s not going to be able to walk it back.
  18. The President of the United States is whining on about a pop star. Just let that sink in.
  19. We’ll never know will we. Trump ‘pulled the plug’. Looking after BigOil, and car manufacturers whose best offering is a gas guzzler.
  20. Clacton-on-Sea would be a good site, it would help solve the area’s high unemployment problem. The place needs all the help it can get,
  21. The program has been halted. Halted is not failed.
  22. No it’s you confusing correlation as causation.
  23. It was you who used the term ‘non-indigenous’ Thais. Millions of people in Bangkok are ‘Chinese-Thai’ they are by definition, non-indigenous. I did provide a link.
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