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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Incorrect: https://www.wral.com/story/fact-check-did-biden-administration-spend-7b-on-8-electric-vehicle-charging-stations/21756662/
  2. The Taliban, magnanimous in victory and perhaps thankful to Trump for having ordered the release of all their captured fighters.
  3. Many were working in other businesses that were definitely not foreign companies. Paying taxes and boosting the economy.
  4. Since you mention it, I believe Bangkok is around 60% non indigenous Thais. https://factsanddetails.com/asian/cat66/sub418/entry-4306.html
  5. On matters of investigating and prosecuting crimes I am, I invite forum members, yourself included, to quote me (with link) if they feel they have samples where I have not been.
  6. Ordinarily nations themselves have to pump up the offensive value of their own military assets. Iran has Newsweek doing it for them.
  7. You might of course speak eloquently on your own personal motivation but beyond a need to remove any doubts your claims regarding the motivations of others are naturally based on your own personal views, which you have again repeated.
  8. No, my position has been consistent on all allegations of criminality, regardless of who is the accused or what their politics.
  9. Congratulations, you get the thread Godwin Gong. “When it comes to a racist hate crime like this from a vile sneering far-lefty, who should be charged and jailed like the opposite political offenders swiftly are and would be, then there is an sinister and deafeningly stunning silence.” How about this: Investigate his remarks, if there are grounds for prosecution, prosecute and let the court deal with him. In the meantime remove the whip and expel him from the Labour Party. If voters in his constituency wish him removed, let them raise a recall petition.
  10. The two women at which this bigoted racist vomited his venom are Diane Abbot and Angela Raynor. Sound familiar Jonny?
  11. Sit back and watch how unfettered rightwing government performs in the US, then we’ll discuss these ideas of yours again. UK nationals have always emigrated, this forum is full of them, it’s nothing new. Oh and the UK was doing extremely well at importing already educated and skilled young workers from Europe. What happened to that I wonder?!
  12. Announce your ignorance to the internet by quoting General Curtis May’s solution to the Vietnam war as a resolution to the conflict with Iran. You are aware how that went? Or is even that too much of a grasp on history?!
  13. You did ask: But evidently don’t want your world view to be disturbed by anything that you guess might have received USAID funding. Its a smart play, you can make the same guess about anything you don’t want to hear.
  14. Agree. In terms of winning elections the Tories are head and shoulders the most successful political party in any democracy world wide. In no small part due to their complete lack of principles beyond that of gaining power to take care of the rich. They’ll be back as soon as they get over their self harming.
  15. I spat my coffee over that.
  16. Informed criticism is not hard to find: https://neu.org.uk/advice/your-rights-work/academisation/neu-case-against-academisation#:~:text=Pupils in academies are more,hire more teachers without QTS.
  17. This Phineas Float?: https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/13216809.police-hunting-man-after-assault-victim-left-with-lifelong-scarring-to-his-face/
  18. The result of over 14 years of underspending on public services. Let’s also remind ourselves, these are all working people, they deserve decent pay and conditions.
  19. You’ve not been keeping up on news from the MAGAsphere. It’s beginning to dawn on the rubes that their vote to get rid of ‘globalists’ has been rewarded by Trump filling his administration with globalists. Musk in particular is on the receiving end of the growing MAGA wrath. Its going to get ugly.
  20. A bit thin on facts and thick on assumptions.
  21. Such assumptions have always worked out so well in the past, don’t you agree?!
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