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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’ve just had a reminder of Brexit failure this morning. I went shopping at Tesco, only to find a drastically reduced stock range and some of the items I want not available. I need now to go to an alternative supermarket to hopefully complete my shopping. A reminder millions of shoppers (sometimes known as voters) get to experience every week.
  2. Oddly no refuting any of the statements I made in the post you kind of responded to.
  3. Want to? Still applicable within the EU?
  4. Since you asked: https://www.politico.eu/article/15-things-uk-vote-leave-promised-on-brexit-and-what-it-got/amp/
  5. You forgot. Brexiteers can have their cake and eat it.
  6. Nobody, the Tories lost control of the borders. Brexit removed the UK from the Dublin agreement and from cross border immigration controls with EU nations.
  7. I’ve just checked the three supermarkets in the town I’m in, Tesco, Morison, Aldi. None have vacancies. The nearest hospital is 27 miles away, there is no public transport between here and walking distance of the hospital that would get anyone to work or home for night and evening shifts. The nearest Amazon warehouse is 55 miles away. There are however hundreds of seasonal jobs in farming, but employment among the young fit people in this area who can do these jobs is near 100%, perhaps you could commute.
  8. Looks like you are trying to avoid points of discussion you can’t deal with.
  9. The current gap between worker incomes and the cost of living has been growing since the Tories took office, exponentially so since Brexit.
  10. But the worker shortage that is driving up food inflation is on farms and in food processing factories, not located in rural areas. Nobody is arguing there aren’t job’s available, the issue is there are job vacancies but nobody to fill those job vacancies, either through a lack of skills, not living in the areas where the jobs are or not fit and able to do the jobs.
  11. The rates of pay were very acceptable to EU workers from eastern EU nations. Until they were no longer welcome to come and do this vital work.
  12. Oddly there wasn’t a plan. Nobody on the Leave side of the argument ever presented any plan. All arguments against Brexit were filed under ‘Project Fear’. And yet here it is, ‘Brexit has failed’.
  13. To quote a lady, ‘we’ll he would say that wouldn’t he’. Tacopina is playing to and audience of one. Well, perhaps two.
  14. It’s not simply ‘fruit’ it’s the far more impactful vegetables and food processing.
  15. There are tapes, I suggest you take time to give them a watch.
  16. And O Lordy, there are tapes, video tapes and millions of witnesses.
  17. You are correct, they are chosen. They don’t appoint themselves. PM May gave Farage the cold shoulder, his experience running his mouth on BBC Question Time wasn’t a qualification for the job. Let’s live with and deal with the reality we have, and avoid yet more Brexit pipe dreams of what might have been.
  18. I’m sure you would. But sabotaged by a Tory Government in possession of an unassailable majority? There’s a gap between what was promised and and what was delivered. Perhaps, and you should consider this, what was promised was a pack of lies. There are no unicorns grazing on sunlit upland pastures. The foundations of Brexit were a lie. Brexit has failed, as I and many others said it would. I do so hate saying ‘I told you so’.
  19. Getting you back to topic. Brexit has failed, Even Farage is now admitting this truth.
  20. Clearly I did. I addressed EU workers earning good wages in the UK who are very little impacted by post Brexit bureaucracy and added seasonal EU workers who are very much impacted by the post EU bureaucracy. I’m sorry if I my response was too complex for you to grasp.
  21. I have a different experience than you, and I’m in a part of the UK that is directly impacted by the lack of seasonal workers from the EU.
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