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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Rees Mogg has an eye in repealing thousands of laws by simply striking them down with no regard for what laws are or what is their purpose and certainly no regard for the sovereignty of Parliament or the representation of the people through Parliament. Brexit has failed, and not because the executive have not yet stripped Parliament of it’s sovereignty.
  2. Let’s pretend the Pandemic didn’t hide and hasn’t been used to hide the negative impacts of Brexit.
  3. Of course ‘the FBI must be reformed’ However else are they to be prevented from doing their duty and investigating the crimes of Trump and his coconspirators
  4. Well an attempt by extremists wishing the Republicans to turn the FBI into their own ‘Stasi’.
  5. A long post missing why I asked the question of Bild766. Here’s a clue, it was Bild766 who mentioned getting rid of EU laws and regulations.
  6. I personally advise never ever introducing your wife, children, family or anyone you care about into any discussion on this forum.
  7. I’ve been asking Brexit supporters which particular so called ‘EU’ laws and regulations they want to see removed and why. Perhaps you can give some examples, no other Brexiteer ever does.
  8. Again more triggered ‘left wing’ with zero evidence. Erm, let’s have some facts: https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-labour-to-push-to-declare-chinas-treatment-of-uyghurs-genocide-xinjiang-beijing-rahima-mahmut/
  9. In admitting Brexit is a failure, Farage is stating the bleeding obvious. But then he adds one of his characteristic lies, implying there could ever be such thing as a ‘successful Brexit’. There was never a successful Brexit for three very good reasons. 1. There was never an agreed definition of what Brexit was, ‘Brexit is Brexit’ became the response as the extremists Brexiteers ignored options of ‘Norway deals’, ‘Switzerland deals’. ’Hard Brexit and we’ll live with the consequences’ was the battle cry. 2. There never a plan, probably because nobody knew what Brexit was. By example: To this day the UK still hasn’t put in place the border checks that are a requirement that is a direct consequence of Brexit. (Remember’Control of our borders’?) The UK’s ports are essentially a free entry point for smugglers, there is little if any control over what is entering the country and vast sums of duty are undoubtedly going uncollected. 3. Ripping the UK out of the world’s largest developed free trade market was always going to damage the UK economy. You’ll recall the Leave argument ‘They need us more than we need them’. Well how’s that going?! No there is no alternative good Brexit in which the UK prospers more outside the EU than in. The UK’s Brexit experience will improve as Brexit is reversed, and that is already underway. The UK moves on the ‘Windsor Framework’ were the inflection point at which the UK Government ceased its antagonism for the sake of antagonism, signed a workable agreement with the EU and the ERG were powerless to do anything about it. The UK is already moving back towards the EU. In the short term the UK could improve matters by not listening to the likes of Farage, he’s done enough damage as it is.
  10. You do know which nation took a dive to the bottom of the G7 don’t you?
  11. ‘Leftist apologists for the brutal communist regime’. What on earth triggered that. Truss is addressing her comments to Sunak. Sunak is a Tory.
  12. There never was any idea or any plan. It was simply vandalism.
  13. The increase in bureaucracy was predicted by Remain and filed under ‘Project Fear’ by Leave.
  14. Not only is Brexit a failure, but the damage Brexit is doing to the UK continues and is cumulative. Brexit will continue to damage the UK until it is reversed.
  15. The people vigorously defending Brexit yesterday are a no show in this thread.
  16. Is this the bit where Farage keeps his promise to go live overseas if Brexit fails. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/nigel-farage-leave-uk-brexit-failed-111255330.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvLnRoLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANdIyrisTeJWAxZBKdi6CqRFHxLvfRYKC0xdzRZmknIp2J_Aljcv9MEdDq9kekA6_Omchsn4r6t1PjlGXjWMyp5leMziiee1IDsAiO1ZYv9EgilpWCQuzv9qjbkCmfXiZsVHlTLKamR_5NJdEjTuSm_LW1ZZqKpZ_llhH2ycxULG#
  17. You clearly have not been paying attention: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49198565
  18. Great news. Good for the environment and creating well paid local jobs in rural communities. Biden getting it done.
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