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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. So these video clips people have posted. I wonder, will they follow the killer into jail?
  2. More baseless accusations. Please provide evidence to back up your assertion ‘lynched by a racist because he was impersonating MJ“
  3. It’s not just your business. Washington are a signatory guarantor to the Good Friday agreement.
  4. That Brexit was the result of a vote in no way diminishes its impact, in this case on NI. The other, and far more likely cause, is ‘The British screwing around’. Biden has offered $6Billion of investment carrots for the DUP to return to power sharing. No 10 needs to step up and put an end to the DUP tail wagging the Tory dog.
  5. I invest in businesses that produce things. The return on investment is based on the businesses producing stuff and selling it at a profit. I’m not a fan of usury.
  6. Surely a question to put to Brexiteers who were warned about the implications of their self harm project on NI. Biden came with a carrot and a stick: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/12/joe-biden-us-investment-northern-ireland-power-sharing#:~:text=Joe Biden has dangled a,if power sharing is restored.
  7. You called the trial wrong, don’t press it with your guess on the appeal.
  8. Something doesn’t add up. We are frequently told that the root cause of the inflation the UK economy is suffering is due to supply side restrictions; oil and energy, food imports, manufacturing restrictions. Increasing interest rates is not a cure for supply side restrictions. It does however reduce business investment and increase unemployment. Perhaps someone believes labour shortages are giving workers too much economic leverage.
  9. Oh the drama! Have never heard the term. ’On or around’? As in, ‘on or around [insert date] the accused did [insert accusation]. Indictments, and convictions are frequently based on accusations that have no precise date or time.
  10. Well it’s the wise and correct decision, but the extreme Brexiteers and disaster capitalists won’t like it.
  11. I’ve said all along, Washington will dictate NI policy to Downing Street. Having put itself in desperate need if trading partners the UK will do as it is told.
  12. Congress May indeed make a recommendation to the DOJ for a formal criminal investigation. However, in doing so they need to provide some evidence of crimes.
  13. The question yet to be answered is: Did Trump do for CNN or did CNN do for Trump?
  14. Von Der Leyen isn’t promulgating these regulations. AI regulation is not about what people are ‘allowed to see’. If it were, the regulations would focus on social media algorithms choosing what people get to see.
  15. From the report linked in the OP: “Documenting the information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information verified by the FBI,” the spokesperson said in a statement, cautioning that providing such information could harm investigations and judicial proceedings and “unfairly violate privacy or reputations.”
  16. They’re getting crushed by a report that has zero evidence of any criminality on their part. Too funny.
  17. While something of a fixation for you, rather off topic too, don’t you think?
  18. Space force is a funded defense organization, and being ‘space’ related is reliant on high cost hardware and systems. The WH initiative on AI will consist of legislative review and formulation of regulations. The budgets of each reflect their differing objectives and means.
  19. As has been explained numerous times, a financial record linking a payment is not in and of itself evidence of crime. Comey looked, and he could find any evidence of crimes.
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