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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. The first bit of intelligence the Chinese (and anyone else bothered to observe) have gathered is the fact that floating a ballon across America can propagate division and political arguments. ‘Divide and rule’.
  2. I personally think it’s time for businesses to step up and ban guns being carried on their premises.
  3. I’d much prefer we return to the practice of law without interference from the political executive.
  4. Says he who has already told us he deliberately missed the speech.
  5. The first Bible wasn’t written in English, and in any case what became the first written texts were previously oral stories and poems. The New International Version is way down the line of translations and versions. The transmission, recording, translation, editing and re-editing of the Bible has almost certainly undertaken by men. So I wouldn’t put too much faith on your ‘his own image’ revelation.
  6. Why wouldn’t they be, ‘the woke world’ is itself a righting fabrication.
  7. More rightwing hot air out of the forth balloon. Meanwhile, it’s the economy stu…..
  8. It’s been two years and a failed insurrection. Get over it already.
  9. Reading Trump’s accusations as confessions is usually the shortest path to the truth.
  10. But it was all fine and dandy when the targets of his venomous mouth were the wives or children of his political opponents, people giving testimony against him or mocking disability?! This isn’t just Trump, it’s what Trump voters wanted from him and still want from him.
  11. The party of law and order fires 20,000 serving officers ten starts recruiting crooks and others unfit to serve in the police force.
  12. That’s spiffing, because it’s the only ‘thriving’ BREXIT is producing.
  13. The UK has not yet joined the CPTPP, and already has a trade agreement with Chili. But let’s not get too excited over a predicted 0.08% of growth: “ a summary of the Government’s own modelling of the economic impact of accession. It said that the estimated increase in UK GDP in the long run was 0.08%.” And as with so many things this Government are doing: “On the substance of the negotiations, the committee said its main concern was that the UK would require a number of “carve-outs” from the existing terms of CPTPP “ Refer link below and pay attention to which particular ‘cave outs’ are of concern: https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/uk-membership-of-the-trans-pacific-trade-agreement/
  14. As often is the case, The Independent is providing a far more detailed report than The Daily Mail. ”How did the Biden administration discover Chinese balloons from the Trump era? White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the Biden administration was able to retroactively identify the presence of Chinese balloons in US airspace during Trump’s term after the US enhanced its “surveillance of our territorial airspace,” he said in remarks at an event hosted by the US Global Leadership Coalition, according to the Associated Press.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/chinese-spy-balloon-recovered-trump-latest-b2276371.html?amp
  15. I’ absolutely sure Pompeo ifinds the accusation ‘deeply dangerous’, given he s currently considering running for the Republican nomination for President.
  16. Yeas poverty is a serious matter. “Meanwhile I was holidaying 3 times a year and travelling business class.” You’ve convinced me, though perhaps not of that which you intended.
  17. I was pointing out broader issues around your post. If you don’t make a post, nobody can comment on it. That’s how discussion works.
  18. I hear George has water tight alibi , he was flying a fighter and shooting down a Chinese balloon at the time of the alleged harassment.
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