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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Passports are not accepted as payment for food, let alone the gas bill, rent or council tax. Which is a shame, given they are valid for ten years and personal circumstances can change dramatically over such a period.
  2. No, I didn’t miss it, I do understand statistics. I mentioned income disparity above and pointed out the problem it poses for ‘anecdotal observation’.
  3. Given your aversion to official UK Government data published by the National Office of Statistics, you might want to go door to door and check for yourself. There is no need to poll millions of houses, many of the facts of food poverty are available from verifiable data, by example records of the number of children receiving free school meals, records of the numbers of people relying on food banks etc. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9209/
  4. The fact that some people have money to spend on holidays while millions of others are struggling to feed themselves is not an argument against the presence of mass poverty in the UK, it’s simply an indication of income disparity. Like data on poverty the Office of National Statistics has the verifiable data on income disparity. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/personalandhouseholdfinances/incomeandwealth/bulletins/householdincomeinequalityfinancial/financialyearending2021
  5. Boris Johnson seems to agree, he’s given his opinion, at the Atlantic Council, that Ukraine should join the EU.
  6. The lunacy continues. All on board for deregulating workers rights, consumer rights, environmental protections. It might distract, for a while, from the other stuff the Government are failing to fix.
  7. ‘They’ are going to hide ‘the truth’ from you, ‘they’ are going to put it with all that ‘other truth’ that ‘they’ are keeping from you. Agent Moulder was right all along.
  8. Anyone who has ever looked into a cesspit will know that the scum floats on top of the stinking corruption beneath.
  9. What has migration across the southern border got to do with this topic?
  10. This is what happens when money is spent on doing things and building stuff for everyone rather than tax breaks for the hyper wealthy.
  11. Spending money on infrastructure and creating across the whole of America.
  12. I’ll agree abusive people will look for an excuse to justify their actions. But it’s precisely the same behavior ‘you/they made me do it’. The reason Tate has abused women is rooted in his own psychology. Anyone admiring/defending Tate and his behavior need look inside their own heads to find the reason.
  13. More positive results from Biden’s management of the economy.
  14. Let’s cut the nonsense and get to the truth of it. Tate is a viscous woman hater, some men find that attractive, follow him on social media, defend him and excuse him and his followers on social media. Nothing to do with anything other than their own head problems.
  15. More reporting on this from The Times: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bb48124e-a22d-11ed-be83-0b182bac2124?shareToken=f98cba3d7471e1c8c30226586405dd38
  16. A couple of years back I had a conversation with a lawyer friend on the prospect of AI taking over jobs. His response was [paraphrased] ‘it won’t happen for legal work, there are too many complex issues to be considered in legal arguments’. My response was something along the lines of ‘give it time’ I had in mind a decade or two, and yet here we are already.
  17. I see, so it’s this ‘Woke agenda’ is what’s behind Tate trafficking abusing and raping women?! Violent abusers and rapers of women have existed throughout history, they are not the product of the inventions of the rightwing’s culture war. Tate is simply a current example of violent abusive masculinity. Get over your self inflicted grievance stroking, men are not the victim here, this is not about politics, it’s not about race, it’s not about invented culture wars, it’s about heinous crimes against women committed by Tate. Decent people regardless of race, gender or political persuasion can see that.
  18. You should give ChatGPT a try, it’s stunning. I asked it question regarding devising a engineering procedure, it’s answer was bang on. For fun I asked the same procedure presented in the style of the King James Version of the Bible. I came back with a KJV English rendition. It’s shockingly good.
  19. Trafficking women, imprisoning them and raping them being the hallmarks of these ‘real men’ who’s future you seem so concerned about. There very many positive examples of masculinity, the abuse and rape of women are not amongst them.
  20. Amongst the many problems of US health care is the fractured nature of provision. Health and welfare services are not integrated, preventative medicine practice is reliant upon individuals choosing to engage and that’s dependent upon them individually having the finances/insurance to do so. By contrast, a patient on the UK’s NHS being treated for life threatening health conditions will be provided with a full suite of health and welfare services, including home welfare assessments before discharge and home health visits during recovery. The patient is given the care they need not the care they can afford. Better health outcomes are the result.
  21. No more so than those who swallow and regurgitate Russian propaganda.
  22. Yes, let’s have Putin’s propaganda in full. German made tanks are not ‘German Tanks’. Russia can avoid being on the receiving end of munitions from German made tanks in Ukraine, by calling off their illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Ukraine and returning to behind their own borders.
  23. The right to NHS treatment is not based on tax/NI payment history, it is based on ‘Permanent Residence in the UK or Permanent Residence in the UK being established at the time treatment is being sought’.
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