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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Erm, I read the widely published news reports. Holding a meeting ‘in secret’ and keeping the ‘facts of that meeting secret’ are two entirely different things.
  2. There were many reasons why people voted for Brexit, I don’t believe racism was a significant factor, I rather think xenophobia, not racism, was more significant. That’s not to say Leave Campaigners did not play to racist themes nor to deny racism had some part to play amongst some voters. Either way, it is not relevant to the topic. Though I’m sure Brexiteers would rather argue that point than address the fact the Government are clearly signaling a reversal from hard Brexit.
  3. I know what the title says, I wrote the OP. The fist step to fixing a problem is to admit the problem exists. The Government have now admitted the problems Brexit has caused and is causing for the UK. Hence my observation that this is an inflection point. The campaign to rejoin started on the morning of the referendum result. Regurgitated Brexit arguments in the face of Brexit damaging the UK is obviously not what the conference or indeed the Government are discussing.
  4. The facts of the conference are staring you in the face. It’s not about your myopic focus on reports of corruption being dealt with in the EU (while buried or ignored in the UK). It’s about admitting the damage Brexit is doing to the UK. Look at who was included in this conference and then ask what is that telling you?!
  5. Right, so the Government convene a conference together with prominent supporters of Remain and you ignore what that’s telling you and go off on a ‘withdraw from the ECHR’ thing. Firstly, the ECHR is absolutely nothing to do with the EU or Brexit, secondly this conference is nothing to do with what’s happening in the Eurozone, it’s about admitting the damage Brexit is doing to the UK, reversing the policy of antagonism towards the EU and examining better cooperation with the EU. My punt is first off, ditch Rees Mogg’s lunatic idea to repeal the so called ‘residual EU laws and regulations’. I also suggest give up on the hopes you’ve been fed on ditching the ECHR. It ain’t going to happen. Hard Brexit is dead.
  6. Have the rightwing pro Brexit press reported this conference yet? If not, why not? Where’s their usual pro Brexit outrage?
  7. Let’s stick with some realities shall we. After years of denying the evidence of the damage Brexit is doing to the UK the Government have held a cross party conference to discuss the problems of Brexit. The significant issues are firstly admitting the problems and secondly precisely who it is that have been included in this conference. This is, as I suggest in OP to this thread, a point of inflection
  8. Wake up and smell the coffee Johnny. Hard Brexit is over, the whole point of the meeting is to reverse the direction of Government policy. The Tories aren’t leading here they are following the direction of public opinion.
  9. Not all the people of the UK voted for Brexit, only a narrow majority swallowed the Brexit lies. Take up your grievances listed in your post with the people who promised you they’d take back control. Either they have not taken back control or they aren’t using the control they have to do what they promised.
  10. The benefits of those concessions were explained to Brexiteers before the referendum. They chose to ignore facts and went with emotions.
  11. From the moment of the BREXIT victory throughout to last week the UK Government have had an open policy of seeking a path forward for the UK without any involvement of or cooperation with the EU. Then all of a sudden this happened. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2023/feb/11/revealed-secret-cross-party-summit-held-to-confront-failings-of-brexit
  12. Here’s the really clever bit. Billionaires enlisting people at or near the bottom of the wealth ladder defending the very practices that have stripped wealth out of blue collar workers and the middle class to line the pockets of the hyper wealthy. It’s a stroke of genius.
  13. Because you don’t understand tax paid proportional to income.
  14. Agree, and it certainly makes zero sense to put lives at risk recovering remains buried amongst still live munitions.
  15. This has brought about an eerie silence on the normally Laptop obsessed side of the room.
  16. No assumption on my part about your wealth in your cross thread posting. Perhaps getting back to the topic in under discussion (I’m not it) will help you avoid getting into spacious semantics and save you wasting time trawling through past threads in an attempt to score ‘points’ with snatched comments out of context of the thread they were made in.
  17. The benefits of buying politicians to create ‘loop holes’ in your favor.
  18. The OP provides an example of a ‘law’ that the very wealthy have access to while the poor do not, shooting down your claim that everyone has access to the same laws.
  19. The economy creates jobs, not billionaires. Neoliberalism, tax laws and regulations manipulated through the purchase of politicians creates billionaires while at the same time hollowing out the financial security of the rest of the population. The wealth of the nation is built by the hard work of the blue collar and middle classes. Time for them to once again get a fair share of that wealth.
  20. The rightwing obsession with other people’s gender is deserving of examination.
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