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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Why should I do that, rightwing semantics is not the topic of discussion.
  2. Undocumented immigrants have along history of contributing to the economy of California and it is California that will pay for this. There are no new meanings to the term ‘immigrant’.
  3. I have three Degrees, Engineering, Control Engineering and Applied Mathematics. But like your own personal claims, this is the internet we claim anything, it can’t be proven/disproven. Let’s therefore assess the ‘statements’ we have both made. I’ve made statements wrt to calibration to primary standards and the fixing of primary standards. I’ve suggested you read up on these topics. You’ve resorted problems buying thirty year old instruments and outlandish conspiracy theories. I’ll leave others to decide which of us knows what we are talking about.
  4. Well it won’t be the fossil fuel industry with its political lobbying, misinformation campaigns and addiction to tax subsidies.
  5. And few more in the European space agency. And tens of thousands more in the scientific community. But here’s the kicker. All It would take is one whistle blower. None of the scientists funded by fossil fuel companies has ever produced any evidence of your conspiracy that the instruments and data processing is rigged - None. You’ve got nothing but crack-pot conspiracy and scientific ignorance.
  6. So you’ve gone straight to the conspiracy nonsense. Of course you have.
  7. The standards against which instruments are calibrated haven’t changed for decades, most for well over a hundred years. 1DegC has always been 1DegC.
  8. I suggest you read up on ‘Calibration to Primary Standards’, then let SatEng explain to you how it is applied to remote sensing. In the 1970s UK weather was hot, and on June 1 1975 the cricket was snowed off in Derby. The temperature yesterday was the highest ever recorded. This coming after a long period of drought, crop yields in the part of the UK are down 20% and harvesting of grains in weeks earlier than normal.
  9. So when mass migrations of people from unlivable hot areas to more temperate areas occurs, you’ll be perfectly fine with it?!
  10. I think you’re confusing your childhood memories, it wasn’t’Global Government’ it was ‘International Rescue’.
  11. She’s done it again. Arguably the fastest ever u-turn. Kemi Badenoch is now saying she’s again against ‘Net Zero’. Who was it singing her praises?
  12. I wonder if he’ll be allowed to wear two orange prison shirts at the same time?
  13. There is more coming. Bannon petitioned the court to force the DoJ to reveal the details other investigations he is subject to, that was kicked out too.
  14. We don’t need photos or conclusions drawn from photos, we have data: https://www.nuffieldtrust.org.uk/resource/ambulance-response-times#background
  15. Foreigners traveling to the US for health services are all wealthy and choosing to use their wealth to access very specific health care providers, specific doctors, clinics or hospitals that have a very well earned recommendation for excellence. That is not an endorsement of all US health services but it does however provide an example of those with money to pay getting excellent service. Thereon lies the problem of US health insurance, tens of millions of people not insured very many more under insured. People who can’t afford insurance aren’t going to be able to pay out of pocket for their care or for preventative medicine, annual health checks, addressing health problems early etc. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr169.pdf
  16. Kemi Badenoch has data me an about turn on ‘Net Zero’. Well obviously her previously expressed views were deeply held. Of course they weren’t, she just tells people what she thinks they want to hear.
  17. 36C where I am, forecast over 40 tomorrow.
  18. How about this. Business owners start looking after their customers and start banning fire arms on their premises.
  19. You need to be a bit more specific, there were two of them.
  20. It seems Truss and Sunak have realized the obvious. The televised debates are not doing the Tories any favours.
  21. Which brings us back to the clearly displayed splits within the Tory Party.
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