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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. You are obviously not paying attention. Trump has stated that the documents found were his property, he’s stated he declassified them. His lawyers stated, in contradiction to fact, that all documents had been returned. Follow the pack of ever changing lies coming out of Trump since this lawfully authorized, lawfully executed search took place. Each fact that is revealed paints and even worse picture than the facts we already have in front of us, and many of those facts are provided by Trump himself. He’s on indictment watch.
  2. He’s already delivering jobs, cheaper prescriptions, fixing infrastructure, rebuilding America. And his DOJ is cornering a traitor.
  3. Truss has stated it’s fair to help high earners more with tax cuts. At a time when millions are skipping meals and choosing between eating and heating,
  4. Or do it was claimed. Kids have a low Borden threshold, I doubt very much they make a habit of badgering old ladies, if it even happened.
  5. It ended his political career. Then he took up writing books, that few bought and fewer bothered reading.
  6. That wasn’t a non sequitur. Take your mistake as a learning opportunity.
  7. Not the first educated man to twist his education in to the service of promoting hatred. Nor sadly the last.
  8. Does that somehow cancel out his use of racism in an attempt to further his own political ambitions. As I said early on in this thread, Powell parked his intellect, his education and his military experience when he took to racism to further his own political ambitions. His racism is all the worse coming from a man who had the intellectual gifts and experience to know exactly what fire he was playing with.
  9. He was a racist. If the majority agreed with him, how come his racist remarks ended his career?
  10. He is the subject of the criminal investigation that this tread is discussing. Or did you miss that?
  11. I’m a member here too, so I too can comment. It is a thing though isn’t it, Powell’s fan boys attacking other members on the basis of their nationality.
  12. Irrelevant. He’s a member of this forum and therefore entitled to comment. Are you running out of arguments?
  13. Correct me if I’m wrong Transam, but isn’t it the case that all topics are open to all members regardless of any other consideration other than that they are members? If that is the case then any member’s residence in the UK, let alone their nationality is completely irrelevant and, you’ll like this, off topic.
  14. What’s this, Asian shop keepers committing crimes. I’d like to know where they get the time for it, they are open all hours, working all hours.
  15. It was the legal basis by which people Powell was making his racist remarks about had the right to come to the UK. Odd that he gave it a swerve.
  16. It’s Trump who is trying to delay Justice with his nonsense request to appoint a ‘Special Master’ So yes, in a sense you are correct , there is an attempt to prevent Justice..
  17. I see the customary attempts to disrupt the discussion are once again in full flow.
  18. I watched the speech, it was on the nail. MAGA is a threat to US democracy, the right to vote and the rights enshrined in the constitution. It is well past time to avoid facing the threat of fascism MAGA has in store for the US. As for the MAGA objections to his speech. President Biden wasn’t talking to you, he was talking about you.
  19. Nevermind the cultural acceptance of racism, Powell was speaking in the immediate aftermath of atrocities committed by the British in Kenya. As a politician he was aware of this. As a politician and a WW2 veteran he was absolutely aware of the part racism had in played in the most vile atrocity committed against a race of people in recorded history. And yet still he climbed aboard the racism bus. It is an immense credit to the British public that they rejected him and his hatred. Or at least to those that did then and still do now. Sadly, he like all purveyors of racism has and still has his admirers and defenders.
  20. I think immigration should be discussed without resorting to the use of racism towards immigrants and the scapegoating of immigrants. I’m sure you would agree.
  21. As I remarked earlier, he had his admirers defenders then as now.
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