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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. And you will be right behind them, dribbling as usual!
  2. you will miss the horror show of your demise, Hah.. I, ll be there selling the entry ticket, only one available tho. I reckon my old boyfriend' Danabout' will be the top bidder!
  3. Sooner the better, but we need a bit of notice, it takes time to order in the tucker, booze and the monks! So long gboy. Wooosh!
  4. 'atrocious' ness... lol gorge boy!!! 😭... work not me pal, I was a hospital bedpan bitch!!!
  5. Sounds like ol Jeffrey,s sitting in the Dunrooten Corner at the local colonels!
  6. Wrong father , father andnun!
  7. Bendover, bobdown, downboy, there there!... thats ok got it?
  8. No gravy is the killer for most Brits!
  9. So how much salad, soup, chicken, mango, and all thatjazz did you stuff onto your initial selfhelp serving, bitmore than a subway sanga?
  10. 3 yrs ago, who cares wtf, ure a tripper for sure! lol
  11. eeek, your phumping habits are legendary here, but mycondo gym does me fine, besides I play that game for fitness.
  12. Negative post, negative (fake) poster, yep got it! 😭
  13. Fark, your getting more doddery by the day, tag team with george! lol
  14. I asked u over that time ure in pattaya, but, sadly I.musthave been dreeeemin, u.failed.to materialize. .... Pooof!
  15. Dimentia George has made more bumblers than Joe bidet, hes dun for,...... ahh bugger! lol
  16. G... sounds to me your rooted, mind gone soggy, body useless for shagging with those sawdust nuts, thro in that smelly towel. Ure pitiful poster record is finally done n.dusted. Idea... just hand the baton to Suzylee.... Sorry gorge!
  17. Ask all the former pub managers/owners on here, seems everyone is the "xspert" on bars n booze n howtoprofit n barwomen! Im one, drank heavy for 40 yrs, still kicking some goals n pretty ass! 80soon.lol
  18. Big bird $hit is the OAP monthly pension deposit georgie is drooling over whilst longing for that 'soi pothole' shoe box home address. Meantime its more frozen cake crepe crap from"susan lea"!
  19. Exactly so why even dither, try getting a non Swifttransfer stuff up fixed, expensive nitemare!!
  20. SarahLea are georgies go to frozen cakes, so a susanlea reminder actually sprang at him one lonely nite on bedpan patrol. Regardless of your name you do a crappy job susy! Dans glad to be rid of you!! .... lol
  21. Think he,s not old enough, and no way is he as corrupt!
  22. Give it a dry run, maybe a hotdog stand would be the go!
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