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Everything posted by Olmate

  1. Great, thanks for that, did you shop about for that quote or know of them prior.?
  2. Deflection, no connection, irrelevant, flogging his own deadhorse is what he is on about. You know that tho!
  3. Yes agree, yet to find one tho, cheers.
  4. So thats obviously the clear justification for Swiss Dick to belt the pi$$ out of the elderly thai woman whilstdoing the shopping. Now I see your argument makes sense. Also tells me a lot about his defenders on here!
  5. Should think so hey, maybe just print me off a copy,
  6. Full set, well $4kau,thats BS for sure.thanx
  7. I was a cop and later owned pubs! Got the bases all covered! 🤪
  8. Yes, sure seems the case. Quotes were from tourist located sites, hoping someone knows a local thai based dentistry.Thanx
  9. Any one replaced their old style dentures lately. I received a few prices of +30k, seems high? Thoughts please
  10. Dare say it happened similar to this. Better look on the bright side!
  11. Could it be that your arse is smart?
  12. Plenty of bumguns on Soi Pothole if your desparate!
  13. Agree+. Try a lawyer on for similar agreement a kaaching!!
  14. Riveting thread from one so familiar with niceties of life, following on from your recent shagging around with the GF, s permission. Dont ask Dan for a payrise😂
  15. Appears some cant go out to have a drink without 'glassing' someone. Old habits etc...
  16. Not a lot happening for you today then!
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